La Pologne et la Chine inaugurent leur première liaison ferroviaire commerciale | euronews 🇫🇷

La Pologne et la Chine inaugurent leur première liaison ferroviaire commerciale | euronews 🇫🇷

[Music] fam for [Music] we watched the Euro 2024 and a lot of companies uh who are actually the sponsor of this event are the companies from China so it shows us some something I think it shows us something very interesting that the Chinese companies are planning to develop in the European market and certainly for will not be the center of this process I think there will be other countries uh which will try to attract the investors from China especially Hungary uh but I think also Italy Spain Poland is just a part of this process and if we are between uh Germany and and China I think that’s the good opportunity to make a business despite the controversy that surrounds relations with China which maintains relations with Russia trade exchanges are tightening however Poland’s tensions with balus could prove to be a problem the Polish government does not rule out a complete closure of borders with its eastern neighbor if the migration crisis continues to grow Magdalen for Euro News for more so

Pékin et Varsovie ont lancé une liaison ferroviaire régulière, remettant au goût du jour l’ancienne route de la soie, afin de renforcer le commerce entre la Chine et l’UE.


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  1. Même la Pologne a compris certaines choses "nous sommes entre l'Allemagne et la Chine et je pense qu'il y a du business à se faire" et bien faisons du business les amis.

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