How much is India’s mega wedding going to cost? #Ambani #Mumbai #BBCNews

they spent how much on a wedding you might have heard that Rihanna and Justin Bieber performed at Indian wedding celebrations but did you realize it’s all for the same Mega wedding if you don’t know what we’re talking about an anani who’s the son of Asia’s richest man is marrying Rika Merchants the daughter of farmer tycoons Vin and Shaya Merchants but forget the big day because they’ve had four months of events leading up to their wedding date which is taking place this weekend the ambanis have not revealed how much the wedding is costing them but the owner of an events management company estimated that they’ve already spent anywhere between 11 billion and 13 billion rupees which is between 132 to $156 million it was rumored that Rihanna had been paid $7 million for her performance and it suggested that Justin Bieber cost $10 million and let’s not forget the luxury Crews that the couple and their guests took for the pre party but many have criticized them for showing off their wealth with India being a country where tens of millions of people live below the poverty line one commentator said that the wedding can be seen as a kind of mockery a sort of blindness to the reality of the country but what do you think how much is too much

  1. Enough of the jealousy of the WEST. Your commentary is disgusting, when your capitalism and colonialism itself has a very ugly history.

  2. their money, they have full right to use the money…this spending has created jobs for lakhs of people…their spending will be income for such lakhs of people and support their families…stop hating rich, work hard and be rich

  3. I donโ€™t understand why a person needs validation to spend their own damn money. Ambaniโ€™s do a lot of philanthropic work and apart from that they are one of the reason behind digital India. People questioning them spending on wedding then thatโ€™s just how Indians are people literally give up their property to spend on weddings and the money spend is not even 5% of his net worth. Moreover the clout that India got will help in developing more business relations as well as soft power all in all win win situation.

  4. It's actually their money. Their hard earned and well deserved money and it's their will to spend however they would like to. I don't understand what BBC's problem is. They have done a lot of charity work as well where they have fed the financially underprivileged for over a month. Talking about which, you have financially underprivileged people everywhere in the globe. Don't forget about skid row in USA. Solving the financial crisis in a country is the government's job.

    Also, I'd like to add that India is one of the fastest growing economic superpower of the world. Most people in important positions in the world are from India. we are capable of achieving monumentous wins that is good for the country and the world. The Ambanis have represented us in a grand scale to the world. I'm sorry if the western world feels intimidated by it. Our intention is only to progress and work peacefully with the world. I'm proud of India, please BBC, stop with the hatred, you are better than this โค

  5. Wtf ????? He earned money by selling products his dad dhiru bhai ambani started his business with road side shop …..i have respect for their wedding donot talk like looser …. If u r poor work hard and climb the ladder ….. Y they r responsible for poverty government is responsible for that….

  6. There are a lot of poor and homeless people in the UK but the uk royal family wastes tax payers money on royal weddings and the King and Queen silly function does the so called royal family afford this kind of function
    They are enjoying looted Money from India

  7. How is it a mockery? Indians live very well.. this whole pverty line bullishit mainly coming from colonialist minded quarters. India is claiming is place as the greatest civilization now after centuries of being pillaged by the west.

  8. Theyโ€™re going to spend enough to break records, and then no one will remember anything about some couples wedding in the Middle Eastโ€ฆ.

  9. What is your problem.. earn and spend. Your tiny country is anyways insignificant in front of India.๐Ÿ˜‚ Jealous stupid woman and jealous BBC.

  10. Shut up to everyone criticizing them for no reason , they are rich and they are doing what they like , don't get jealous xD …. they donate and are way more concerned about their own country than u foreigners who are just judging India (thinking that the whole population lives Below poverty line ) get ur facts checked bruhhhhh! And chill a lil …its their big day anyway who the fuck are u !???

  11. They give free food every day in front of their house but BBC don't show this to world because BBC is manupator ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ

  12. Instead all the money UK spends on their royal welfare recipients, they should sponsor all the quickly growing food banks in their country. Children are now shorter than their parents due to undernutrition.

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