The Heat🔥The Last Battle For Supremacy⚔️Russian Attacks Never Stop⚔️ Military Summary For 2024.07.15

The Heat🔥The Last Battle For Supremacy⚔️Russian Attacks Never Stop⚔️ Military Summary For 2024.07.15

hello my dear friends you’re in the military sumary channel and today we will discuss the situation in Ukraine on the 15th of July of 20124 today we have a lots of very interesting updates so let’s start and telling the truth according to my understanding of the situation I believe that today we received one of the most important updates of 2024 so before we start discussion of this important update according to my opinion I would like to compare the 2023 year with 2024 we’re not going to discuss details number of losses I would like just to understand how would you call the 2023 and how would you call the 2024 obviously we can call a year of 2023 as a year of Ukrainian counter offensive operation that took place in zapari area where the ukrainians were defeated and obviously everybody will remember this year as Ukrainian greatest counter offensive reading quotes of course but for 2024 we probably can use two titles for this year the first title is f6s because every single month we are talking just about these f-16s the number of f16s which countries are going to provide Ukraine f-16s Netherlands Denmark the United States of America Germany Romania who is going to send them and of course we can call a year of 2024 as a patriot year so the title might be F16 or Patriot because the Russians managed to destroy a significant number of this type of air defense system and the ukrainians were promised to receive significant number in the future which will probably allow the ukrainians to secure the sky above Ukraine and this is the titles of 2024 from Ukrainian side so what is is the most important update that we received today while talking about Ukraine while talking about these f-16s we completely forgot about the most important thing what the Russians are going to do with all these f-16s and Patriot systems and probably to got today we got the answer to this question let’s take a look at this post today we receive a pie of news that the Russian airspace forces received this year’s first batch of MiG 31 Fighters that have undergone major repairs and modernization after a series of ground and flight tests that confirm the specified requirements the aircraft was sent to their permanent bases so and according to information we have the Russians received 10 Machines of this type and obviously the Russians received this type of aircraft right before right before the dates or the time when the Western contest promised to redeploy first f-16s on the territory of Ukraine and today we continue receiving reports from Romania where the you NATO countries and Western countries have already accumulated significant number of aircraft reconnaissance craft support crafts lots of machines of NAT Types Global hog drones Reapers everything they have they have collected in this area with one purpose to support NATO’s f-16s that are about to be redeployed or deployed on the territory of Ukraine the Russians are prepared as you can furthermore according to information we have the Russians are planning to use M31 equipped with r37 missile at least this is the most modern most powerful missile we know about maybe the Russians manage to improve this missile the thing is that this missile is able to attack airto a targets within a distance of 300 kilometers obviously the Russians have prepared a surprise for Nat countries we know a lot about m 31 there is a lot of there are lots of information in in the open source in Wikipedia But as I understand the Russians prepared something unique something special as they wrote To Us in the in the post it was these machines have under gun major repairs and modernization and currently nobody knows for sure what kind of modernization this type of aircraft was undergone with so let’s discuss let’s take a look but obviously we can make a conclusion that within the next few days the main battle for air superiority is going to beun the ukrainians and NATO countries are going to use f-16s for these purposes and the Russians are planning to use completely upgraded and modern modernized a mc31 and if the ukrainians are able to bring down Russian Mig 31 then they will be able to establish Complete Air superiority above the territory of Ukraine which will OB viously change the game obviously not very fast not today not within a week but in months maybe in years this will change the situation furthermore if Ukraine is able to destroy and to establish complete control over the sky then Wern countries will realize that they found a solution and they will send more and more of f-16s of this model uh to improve and reinforce Ukrainian power in the sky but if the Russians are able to defeat the ukrainians with this is Mig 31 then obviously the it’s going to become a time for negotiations which obviously will be developed in complete Russian favor and most likely the ukrainians would be forced to follow every single Russian demand and requirement that was stated by Wladimir Putin the president of Russian Federation so let’s see July is going to be decisive period of time where we’re going to see the battle between Ukrainian f-16s and Russian mc31 one as once have already called The Killers f-16s Killers so let’s discuss in details the situation on the ground and first let’s talk about the Brans area and sumu region as you can see during the previous 24 hours during the previous few days we received significant number of videos from the Ukrainian site of how they were fpv droning the Russian positions along the border but as you can see according to video the ukrainians mainly were attacking the Russian warehouses and facilities communication equipment Raiders and different equipment that the Russians were using for supporting and communication between the groups brigades and forces along the border and uh in this video we can see another Russian energy facility that was damaged and destroyed by the Ukrainian fpv drone in this video in this episode Another energy facility in this one another one then we have we see fire anomalies so basically we can make a conclusion that mainly the ukrainians during the previous week were focused just on communication energy facilities Supply and support uh infrastructure which confirms that either the Russians have concentrated significant forces and the Russians are about to launch a fullscale Suma offensive operation or the ukrainians are planning to and the ukrainians are planning to let’s say uh ruin the Russian plans or the ukrainians are planning to start some sabotage operations along the border with the purpose ch to show some media Victory anyway the situation is very interesting now let’s move to Har direction we haven’t received anything important or interesting from gooka there are still very heavy clashes the ukrainians control the Farms the Russians control the village itself so both sides suffer losses now let’s move to volchansk we have very interesting details and very interesting video the Russian sources more precisely the group of forces North published the video of how they were boming and attacking the bridge that ukrainians were using for redeployment their forces from one side of this water Reser or river or lake to another and this video most likely we need to adjust the map in Ukrainian favor and as you can see based on this video based on this ducation most likely the ukrainians were planning to attack or were trying to concentrate forces to attack the Russians from St from behind of starita trying to maybe even encircle the Russians in this area also we have another very interesting video from the forest that located to the east of borov vatka and to the west of vchan in this video for example we can see how the Russians were conducting reconnaissance operation and when they discovered the positions of Armed Force of Ukraine along the forest they start bombing and attacking this territory with artillery and deviation this is just a regular V video just a regular military routine I published this video and shown this video to you just for one reason if you remember the group of forces North stated a lot of times in the past during the previous days about some Phantom foothold on the Ukrainian side of s River and we have added this bridge had soft L between pipka and Bug ratka because it fit One requirement that the food cult was established to the east of the village but based on this video uh based on this video we can make a conclusion that maybe this is the territory that the Russians captured as a result of river Crossing operation and maybe this area is under complete Russian control for now we’re not going to adjust the map or to change anything but once again summarizing details in the video we can make a conclusion that maybe the Russians created a foothold here because this is this is not like east of batka it’s more Northeast of batka or the south of aova but who knows uh why how the Russians describing the situation on the ground and which direction they prefer to use to describe this or that area now let’s move to wans itself we have a lot of very interesting updates from the eastern part during the previous 24 hours the Russians published significant number of videos of how they were bombing the ukrainians among the Eastern buildings in the easn streets of V Chans itself in this video we can see a series of artillery strikes and Aviation strikes on Ukrainian positions which confirms either the ukrainians the Russians are planning to begin a fullscale offensive operation in the east part with the purpose to collap to defeat the ukrainians completely and to force them to fall back or the ukrainians concentrated significant number of forces in this Direction with the purpose to attack the Russians in a small Bridge had that located between easn vachan and the village of TI itself so we don’t know for sure what exactly is happening but obviously during the next 24 hours we’re going to receive additional updates and everything is going to become clear to us as for the southern part of the northern of CH as we discussed in the previous updates according to different mappers and according to G locations we received from this territory we have adjusted the map and we have added additional territory under complete Ukraine control so let’s wait for a few more days what is going to be next but this situation is very interesting now let’s move further and let’s talk about cop’s Direction during the previous 24 hours we haven’t received anything from this area the Russians just published the video how they managed to discover not the multiple launch rocket system and destroy it as a result of counter artillery duel but comparing the number of updates numbers of updates that we received in during the previous days and today we can make a conclusion that currently there is operational pause or silence before storm most likely this is something like a silence before a storm and most likely the Russians are about to begin new full scale offensive operation in direction of the river by the name of a skull as we discussed in the previous updates according to to some Russian sources and pro neutral mappers the Russians captured the makfa village that located on the Russian side of zet River during the day we haven’t received any G locations or any updates that can confirm this piece of news now let’s move further in direction of lman cers during the previous 24 hours the Russians continue bombing and attacking the positions in this area and the main reason of such a big activity there are few reasons first of all the Russians are trying to move in direction of cers and this is the first reason so that’s why they try to destroy the Ukraine reinforcements and reserves on the other hand the Russians are trying to break Ukrainian plans to develop their offensive in Kia Forest because as for creia the crans continue advancing and continue attacking the Russian position positions trying to force the Russians to fall back towards Kina or towards pril or shilova so let’s wait for more updates but obviously we’re going to continue receiving updates from this food h as well as for chavar clich New York we got additional updates as for chavar itself this territory has no value for about when talking about gations or any changes the Russians are in deep operational pass in deep regrouping in deep uh accumulating and concentrating of forces before possible offensive in in the next during the next months even or weeks because now the Russians are not able to do anything in in this direction the ukrainians digging deeper in the Central and the western part the Russians are bombing Ukraine positions trying to find a key how to move further but for now they are not ready while the main Russian forces in Canal in the eastern part of Yara try to find the solution how to move further some Russian groups are trying to clear the bridge hat on the Russian side of SE dbas Canal during the previous 24 hours we got a lot of videos of how the Russians were bombing Ukrainian positions trying to destroy Ukrainian reinforcements Ukrainian positions Ukrainian reserves while the uh rest of Russian groups were trying to clear the hill 225 that is located in the southwestern part of kleva there are very heavy clashes and most likely during the next few days the Russians will clear this territory completely and after that the the Russians will see everything in front of them as for TAS New York glomeration we got additional gains of Armed Force of Russian Federation along the railways the Ukrainian sources public the video how they were FP with ring the Russians in this area the video was published by 32nd mechanized Brigade we will not watch the video because there are casualties and violence about that’s with Russian soldiers so that’s why we will just adjust the map but we have confirmations of additional Russian progress as for the Citadel in the central part of Tas glomeration about this territory we have adjusted the map as you can see and we have colored this territory as a area covered with the uh Fogo War the thing is that during the previous day we got one report from the Russian sources where they were describing the situation in this area and the Russians were saying that ukrainians because they were forced to fall back from the Citadel now try to bomb this territory also with rockets missiles and bombs and everything they have with the purpose to ruin these buildings to ruins and not to allow the Russians to dig in deeper in this area so once again summarizing everything according to some Ukrainian sources in Russian sources in this video we can see how the ukrainians were bombing already Russian positions all these buildings were delocated here but of course it’s not enough of evidence to adjust the map maybe the author made a mistake so that’s why we are going to keep this area as a area covered with the Fogo War until we get more clarifications on the other hand we we start receiving updates of how the Russians were bombing the main Citadel of tatk itself the high-rise building area the same high-rise building area as we used to see as we saw as we can see in vchan or used to see in korovka and this is very important the main problem of the Russians is that as soon as they reach another Citadel they need to spend sometimes months until they’re able to capture another stronghold another Citadel so now as we can see the Russians decided to do a little bit to use another Doctrine another tactics while the Russian forces are moving towards the Citadel which obviously can take months or even more the the Russian Aerospace forces have already begun bombing this territory and the thing is that by the time the Russians reach the Citadel most likely the Citadel would be already reduced to ruins or the the the number of buildings that can that ukrainians would be able to use would be less than maybe 50 or 40% so this is the situation with this probably the most important the last Citadel of tetk now let’s move in New York we have some changes on the map we have adjustment in in the central part and we have some adjustments in the south in the base of New York offensive where the Russians change their Direction and currently Russian forces are trying to attack towards the village of Alexandra and panovka so this is very important the paration the Russians could attack these Villages from the South but the southern part is well fortified so if the Russians attacked this way most likely the Russians would be defeated and destroyed but now the Russians have possibilities to attack this stronghold from the East and this is exactly what they’re doing this will allow the Russians for probably to force ukrainians to fall back from this direction without showing any resistance or the ukrainians would be encircled now let’s move further to the Western a direction we have some changes on map the Russians continue movements along the railways between atin and progress according to information we have which was provided by Pro Ukrainian mappers the current distance between Russian positions and the first buildings of progress is less and is around um 500 M which obviously confirms means that the clashes already started very interesting video we received from the main street of yva let’s take a look at this video in this video we can see the Russian Son of Anarchy that was moving along the main road of yva but we will not watch the video till the end the most important is geolocation the direction of movement the Russian soldier the Russian Son of Anarchy was under attack of fpv drone and this attack took place here and according to this video the Russian uh Son of Anarchy was moving in this part of yenka which confirms most likely that the entire yenka was already captured by the Russians because the Russian soldier was moving without any without being afraid of anything uh he stopped just when he saw fpv drone that was let’s say flying above his head now let’s move further in the southern direction we got additional changes on the ground in the vicinity of noas of Capa according to neutral mappers the Russians did capture this this school and according two pro-ukrainian mappers the Russians captured another tree line so the pincers around noas of Capa is getting stronger and stronger and most likely the ukrainians will be forced to use intensify the use of uh storm battallion of former prisoners for unblocking operation if you remember just yesterday ukrainians conducted the first attempt of unblocking operation with the former prisoners of 47 smack andiz Brigade that were attached to uh 47’s mechanized Brigade currently we don’t know for sure whether that operation was successful or not but during the next days we’re going to see more and more videos more and more let’s say updates with the use of these former prisoners that ukrainians will use all over the entire line of combat contact now let’s move further we got additional updates in korovka the Russ are about to finish the battle for this stronghold the distance from current Edge positions that were delocated and let’s say this and the river lazova itself is less than 700 MERS so it’s already nothing for the Russians the ukrainians are doomed in the days of their presence there are numbered we have reports about possible Ukraine Counterattack in the southwestern Direction with the purpose to force some Russian reinforcements to sand to the South but let’s wait for dis updates because I think that ukrainians would Retreat from this territory as soon as the Russians organized another counter offensive as for ugar South Dan direction we haven’t received anything most likely there is operational pause or the silence before the storm as for staya and orina the Russians improved their positions between the villages captured additional fortifications and the strongholds very interesting video we received from zapari Direction probably for the first time for a very long period of uh months for example in this video we can see a very big fire that was that covered Russian positions I don’t know how exactly the ukrainians managed to do this maybe with the use of significant number of artillery SE or they destroyed some warehouses but very big Russian positions were covered with the fire and maybe the ukrainians also do have some plans regarding this direction and that was like artillery preparation now they will try to do something as for hereone direction we haven’t received anything special just the regular activity the Russians were bombing the ukrainians with the lur missiles the Russians were bombing the ukrainians with Fabs the ukrainians suffer losses and show almost no resistance to the Russian forces so this is the situation and uh uh and to finish the video one important update from the border uh 27 uh young men were captured by the Ukrainian Border Services during their attempts to escape Ukraine during their attempt to escape mobilization and of course uh py if you understand what I’m trying to say they were captured most likely they would be mobilized in the very near future and most likely they would be sent to the line of combat contact within a month of and a half this is exact the period of time for any military exercises of recently mobilized Ukrainian soldiers and that’s it for today military summary Channel reminds to condemn any violence in the world thank you for watching subscribe to my channel put your likees join my Patron and have a good day bye-bye

This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 15th of July 2024
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  1. Der schnellste Weg zu dauerhaftem Frieden wäre das Verbot der Nato und deren Auflösung. Erst dann gäbe es eine Gleichstellung eines jeden Staates in der UN.
    Wie sonst sollen Angriffskriege geahndet werden, denn, wenn Amerika einen Staat mit militärischen Waffen angreift, dann könnten in der Tat alle anderen Staaten zusammenhalten und Sanktionen verhängen. Dasselbe gilt dann für jeden Staat, es ist schlichtweg schizophren von Frieden zu reden, wenn sich Staaten zu einer rein militärischen Zusammenarbeit zusammen schließen. Das gilt dann logisch auch für Israel, sobald militärische Waffen den eigenen Luftraum verlassen oder die Türkei, England, Frankreich und England alles dreckige Staaten

  2. Please refrain from bombastics claims and speculations. It erases any credibility. "Ukraine gaining complete air superiority" because of F16s? Really?

  3. All my comments that YouTube does delete are in my notes..
    I might bind them into a book format , publish under free SPEACH.. it’s my own thoughts on media’s war on truth.

  4. Nope, die deutsche Luftwaffe hat gar keine F-16 in ihrem Bestand. Wir haben noch ein paar Tornados, aber die schaffen den Weg in die Ukraine wohl nicht mehr.

  5. There will be no air battles like in Hollywood movies, again you prove how shallow your understanding of military matters is, stick to battlefield updates.

  6. But SU30 and SU35 both can use the R37, and the reconnaissance drones were all threatened already.
    Btw, what happened with the son of anarchy?

  7. Dima, you are telling false hoods. First of all the Ukrainians will not be flying these jets. It will be NATO pilots. Secondly, the Russians would be aloud to hit the bases of which the jets are coming from. Romania for one. I'm not sure why you are spreading western propaganda. Explain?

  8. [Who the REAL President still is, Obama, disciple of the devil, destroyer of everything good in the world! "Obama made Biden, Obama breaks Biden" – The Duran nailed it big time!]

    US President Joe Biden urged Americans to refrain from violence in an address from the Oval Office on Sunday, speaking 24 hours after his election rival Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt.

    The president said Americans need to “get out of silos” where people only hear views which they agree with, stressing that "disagreement is inevitable" in a democratic country, and urging everyone to “lower the temperature in our politics.”

    “There is no place in America for this kind of violence. Any violence. Period. No exceptions. We cannot allow this violence to be normalized,” Biden said. – RT

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