China lunar probe returns from moon carrying first ever soil samples from it’s far side

China lunar probe returns from moon carrying first ever soil samples from it’s far side

On Tuesday, China’s Chang’e-6 lunar mission achieved a milestone as its reentry capsule successfully landed in Inner Mongolia, retrieving the first samples from the moon’s far side.
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The capsule made its touchdown at 2:06 pm Beijing time, bringing back lunar soil that the probe had gathered earlier this month. The soil was collected from the South Pole-Aitken Basin, an impact crater that is 8 miles deep

China’s Chang’e-6 lunar probe returns world’s first samples from far side of the moon ►

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#China #Moon #DarkSideOfTheMoon #Space

  1. 1493:
    There is over capacity of European invaders coming to the Americas. Please stop.
    Europe: Sure we will stop just like you say and let your 200 million native inhabitants live peacefully with your resourceful land.

  2. Having read the comments here I can only assume that the majority of people are either Chinese, or bots. Has anyone bought Chinese made products recently? Shocking doesn’t come close, poor quality materials, poorly designed, poorly made, whatever the product, it doesn’t matter, they all have zero credibility once unpacked. So they can’t make a tin opener that works properly but we’re supposed to believe this?

  3. (25 June pm 01:22)
    NASA:hey,china,the days you could easily explore the dark side of the moon are over.give me the lunar soil.
    china:if you want it,then you'll have to take it
    .but you already knew that.
    NASA:i hadn't the feeling you'd say that.
    china:how many times have we interacted.
    NASA:hard to's just the Wolf Amendment stops scientific communication

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