Russia-Ukraine war LIVE: Belarus and China hold counter-terrorist drills near Poland’s border | WION

now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with SH Ed windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire and Russia’s Rost off region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belr region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listening the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly there pushing their endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the nestan leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the new nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member un General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where the discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation now the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin War could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of wordss Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of youan and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering and domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international a and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the mared couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in Brisbane furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted the joint c224 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jang City an courage defense joint reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory and honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad m Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donet region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the kaas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent a Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile in oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many young sters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards Victory if so we are just moments away from World War II and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Woody it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan Chana welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back in several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 19 50s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States that takes a very fine sense of iy and walking a narrow line Dr drro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr moodi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of t uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India that this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they’ decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic on Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is this present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well with the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr drro seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way the way India has defied the two Nations have a broken us emony it takes more than two Nations to break that emany and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking hemony but I think this something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s arap with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinsky of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington with we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War II so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain that balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to our not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr gilber drro thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr gilber drro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of denes the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the DK region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military industry Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confront station moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enjoyed 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukraine Ian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belrad region joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains the most sign significant and direct threat to the Allies security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times about isue now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre beluso spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasize the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of wordss Australian prime minister and albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international aor and they to be regarded with contempt which is what I have for me the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in brisban furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense joined reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory in honor of those who been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad maet Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a, staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching foreign spee spee Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces are down or four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in the belrad region joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are drying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards Victory if so we are just moments away from World War II and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shan Chana welcome to the special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr rro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that to Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and in at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 19 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for military supplies and other another critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States this takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr drro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Modi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh the what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TAC uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that a yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is is now the leading uh supplier of of enrich uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is this present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who denounced various policies and preferences of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have broken us emony it takes more than two Nations to break that emany and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking Hemy but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s prma with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring poent uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinski of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War I so this situation is difficult the situation is is fra with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to are not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr gber Dr thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert rro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of denk the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed to civilians and injured three another attack on the town of lean further north injured 7even people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donet region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurk which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the Allies security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he’s not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strike stes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times to now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls aaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation now the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of words Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering and domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international Aur and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s National Security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in brisban furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense joined reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets PL plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory and honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad maet Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a thousand staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching for Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka Northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory if so we are just moments away from World War II and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time there very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Woody it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian prime minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan Chana welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro and international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr mod and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the lead leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States this takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr drro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Woody insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TAC uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating the that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and is a liberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the vean in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched in uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr Dr the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have broken us ay it takes more than two Nations to break that Emy and I think India is a where not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking Hemy but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinsky of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk uh medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War III so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to our not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr gilber drro thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr gilber drro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of denque the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina North west of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region joining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons in including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enjoed 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian armed forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area’s hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two two in rosov and one in belgrad region joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls of aresia nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre beluso spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation now the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to de long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of wordss Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international aor and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in Brisbane furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted the joint c224 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense joined reconnaissance and early warning search and and rescue a few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory and honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad matit Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with c ious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching spee Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injo 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bwood resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukraine drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battle Fields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory if so we are just moments away from World War III and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr moodi it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan cha welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington lead West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States that’s takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr Dr in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Modi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TAC uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that is I said putting lipstick on Pig it is not going to change the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of leage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the ven in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic on Atomic power and atomic energy and said when he heard the history of how the United states in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who denounced various policies and preferences of of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well with the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can me they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have broken us aony it takes more than two Nations to break that to gmany and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking hemony but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinski of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War II so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibility to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to are not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr gber Dr thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert rro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of the nesk the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had down four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield okay on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of nestan leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapar I was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be add addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant The 100 93 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initi ated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of birds Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international Aur and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in brisban furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti Russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted the joint c224 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Yang City Anchorage defense join reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played reim in memory in honor of those who been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile on the okad Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching that wish Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of tet’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bwood resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that all the past last week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army near Lee 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military person and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards Victory if so we are just moments away from World War II and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Woody it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan CH now welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington LED West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for military supplies and other and other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States this takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr rro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Modi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TAC uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India that this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on atomic Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enrich uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh Deed by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied the two Nations have a broken us emony it takes more than two Nations to break that emony and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking hemony but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s AAP with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinski of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its Tomahawk uh medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War I so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to our not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr gber Dr thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert rro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of denes the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprise R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russ Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones to en rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battle fields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reppell many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of Cold War style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically stationed long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire and Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belr region joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapara region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times SH now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other authorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy longrange missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of birs Australia prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti- Russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in demestic Affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international and I should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for me the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in Brisbane furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jang City Anchorage defense joined reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and air space take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory in honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad maet Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching for Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in deaths of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are drying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the River show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards Victory if so we are just moments away from World War II and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr moodi it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan Chana welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro and international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh ations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west W of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for uh military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States this takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr drro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Wy insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of attch by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they’ decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the vianka in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is this present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have a broken us Emy it takes more than two Nations to break that emany and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking gemany but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and their advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring po uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him zilinsky of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War III so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to our not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr Gilbert drro thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert drro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline gesk region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of thees the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus Which shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack back the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kur which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks from the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation mosco’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two and rostov and one in belr region joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating envirment for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of theum nestan leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopping in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key fact factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur Ria nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls aaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to defense do have now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of words Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic off Affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic affs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international a and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and G corv in Brisbane furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense joined reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue a few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and air space take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory in honor of those who been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad maet Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching spe Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman first further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belrad region joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory if so we are just moments away from World War II and uh their delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us fail to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr woodi it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shan CH now welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro and international affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan have pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well that if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for uh military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States this takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr R in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we Eng engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Mii same voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TAC by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States and in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have broken us eony it takes more than two Nations to break that to Germany and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking hemony but I think there’s something additional to mention here that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s arap with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinsky of course of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinski and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War I so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to are not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr GB Dr thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert rro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you russan attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russ held city of denk the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Lan further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the haas’s missile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in kurus which is further up north now in the pH of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft in aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian milit exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was is once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the nestan leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls of Aria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre beluso spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of wordss Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday theet Ian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international Aur and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said that there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in Brisbane furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoa at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense joined reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory and honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the oad Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack with leave you with these images thanks for watching Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donet region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civil Ians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian Army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed or four Ukrainian draw two in rosov and one in the belr region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the River while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory if so we are just moments away from World War I and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Mii it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shan cha welcome to this special episode of of game plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in the 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States that takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr drro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think with within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr moodi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned the the day after change of TAC uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India that this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the vean in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic Atomic power atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enrich uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh Deed by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have broken us eany it takes more than two Nations to break that Emy and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking gemany but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s AAP with Iran is particularly useful to India um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring po uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know where well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinsky of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk U medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War II so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American gmany is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to are not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr GB Dr thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right her on game plan that was Dr Gilbert rro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of thek the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou kill K two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missil systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes at against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enjoed 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region ad joining Ukraine and another one in Kur which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant require special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times to now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls aaria Nuclear Power Plant left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the pent said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned good spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of words Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian parano this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with SP paj while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering and domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international a and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to hos Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in brisban furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense joined reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleet planned to conduct in the sea and air space take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory and honor of those who been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad maet Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 600 70 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching for Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donet region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the kar’s missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent a Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed or four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in the belgrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new wall stre Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory if so we are just moments away from World War I and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Woody it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan chna welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back in several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case they the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States this takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr drro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose goes to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr moodi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TAC uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic on Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr Dr seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have broken us Emy it takes more than two Nations to break that Germany and I think India is is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking hegemony but I think there’s something additional to mention here that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and their advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring po uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinski of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War I so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to our not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr gilber drro thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr gilber drro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of denes the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina Northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of lean further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military EX Ed all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory then on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually rled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station longrange weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 now Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enjoed 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area’s hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belr region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the Allies security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and it capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of cond conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a UK Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation now the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy longrange missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of birds Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and imoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international a and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship would arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corev in Brisbane furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense join reconnaissance and early warnings search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory and honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad matet Children’s Hospital the center treated the children children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching foree Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a Bust Stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donet region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged Bild building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bwo resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energ facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had down or four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their large not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are drying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war interests enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory if so we are just moments away from World War II and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is n has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr moodi it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia Nat to war putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan Chana welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro and international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done on the the world stage the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well that if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indian always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States that takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr drro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Mii insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TCH uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating the that there are people in Washington to understand that cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic on Atomic power and atomic energy and said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh dealt by by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last 2 years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have broken it takes more than two Nations to break that emany and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking hemony but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that Within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinski of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that is already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intent of stationing its Tomahawk medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War II so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to are not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr GB Dr thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert rro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian Health city of denk the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sides showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past last week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remain tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 now Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a bad damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depo was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are set to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the nestan leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls aaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 20124 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation now the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of birds Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international Aur and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canar said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in Brisbane furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted the joint c224 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense join reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory and honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad matit Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching back wish Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people further more Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed or four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards Victory if so we are just moments away from World War III and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr moodi it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan chna welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington L West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States that takes a a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr rro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Modi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TAC uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India that this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the vean in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on atomic on Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally as an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr Dr seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have broken us Agony it takes more than two Nations to break that Germany and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking Germany but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s arap with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring po uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinsky of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further and a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk uh medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War II so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraud with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain at balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to our not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr gber Dr thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert rro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of thees the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones to en rostov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war ends enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a feat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the Donk region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire and Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had down four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the Allies security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing their endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he’s not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the Z Zia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the KE regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation now the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering and domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for International aor and I should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in brisban furthermore the Embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at presid the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted the joint c22 24 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense joined reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and air space take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory and honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad mait’s Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a thousand staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching fore Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donats the missile resulted in deaths of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bwu resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that it forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards Victory if so we are just moments away from World War I and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Woody it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan Chana welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro and international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States this takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr drro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr moodi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of tech uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they’ decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the V in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enrich uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is this present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally as an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have a broken us emony it takes more than two Nations to break that emany and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking to gmany but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s arapo with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring po uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinsky of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US election and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinski and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War I so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to our not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr Gilbert Dr thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert drro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of thees the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denet region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces report reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukraine drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 now Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two and ROV and one in belr region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions for Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all Opera environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he’s is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without it out I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls of aresia nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seese its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre beluso spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to defense t g now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long-range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation t itions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of wordss Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering into domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of burain and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic Affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international Aur and they should be regarded with content which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canar said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in Brisbane furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense joined reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue a few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory and honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad matet Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching said Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enjoyed 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrator building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bwood resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the front line situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be f Ives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory if so we are just moments away from World War II and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Woody it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan chna welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro and inter National Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this while do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian relations it goes back to the with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for uh military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States that takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr do in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr moodi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy Within feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TAC uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that as I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic on Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of en richon uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is this present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was s sanctioned by the United States who denounced various policies and preferences of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh Deed by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have broken us eony it takes more than two Nations to break that to Germany and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices the this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking hemony but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and an advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring po uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now I of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War III so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to are not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr Gilbert drro thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert drro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of denes the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the the town of lean further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kur which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military drug aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks from the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 20126 now Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the front line situation remains very tense the ukra Ian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region ad joining Ukraine and another one in PKS which is further up north in the facei of the fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russ Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the nesan leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and un fortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls aesia nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 1993 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart with on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of wordss Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international aor and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in brisban furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense joint reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and air space take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory and honor of those who been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad matit Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a, staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donet region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bwo resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed or four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belr region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory if so we are just moments away from World War I and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Modi it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi Shar getting a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shan CH now welcome to the special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illust ative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live they’re immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia and what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington lead West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to the this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States that takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr drro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Modi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TAC uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so there decided to put a pre face on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic Atomic power atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who denounced various policies and preferences of of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have broken us agemy it takes more than two Nations to break that Germany and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking Hemy but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s a RMA with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring po uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I did know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinski of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely JY over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk uh medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these two Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War I so this situation is difficult the situation is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to are not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr gber Dr thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert rro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian Miss landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of thek the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denet region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the haar’s mile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted Str strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones to en rostov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battle fields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the UK ukan military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the Donk region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region ad joining Ukraine and another in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from military drug that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing their endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the nesan leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he’s not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times about now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing War against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of wordss Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of burain and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international Europe and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in brisban furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense join reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played reim in memory in honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad maet Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching pleas Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the kar missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent a Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belr region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield and new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory if so we are just moments away from World War I and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr woodi it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan Chana welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this way do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that that Russian Indian ties go back several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States that takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr drro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again prime minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr moodi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of attch uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the wars ued India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia’s is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh Deed by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have a broken us Emy it takes more than two Nations to break that emany and I think in is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counter Force to the United States and thereby thereby breaking gemany but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s rap with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring po uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinsky of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zalinski and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the going uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War I so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to our not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr gilber drro thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr gilber drro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 30 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of denes the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus Which shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina Northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military industrial enter prices energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station Long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enjoed 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the G St of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukraine drones two in rosov and one in belgrad region joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield then then on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the Allies security this is what she said listen in second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused ukra of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian official a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls of Aria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington plans to deploy longrange missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of wordss Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international aor and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizens ship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corev in Brisbane furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense joined reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and air space take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory in honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad maet Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over 1,000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching for Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had down or four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces if the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory if so we are just moments away from World War II and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of his history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr moodi it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russ NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan chna welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro and international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr rro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel need I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with United States this takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr drro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Woody insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TAC uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so theyve decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the ven in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well with the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can me they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have a broken us emany it takes more than two Nations to break that emany and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking Hemy but I think there’s something additional to mention here that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries are bringing and will bring po uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinski of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for Zen and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War II so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as it with within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to are not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr gber Dr thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert rro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of denk the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kur which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the house announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 now Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had Engage The Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area’s hundreds of K from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense fting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the Allies sec security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the nestan leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the mosco installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see that things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls aaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of birds Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international eor and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have woman the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in Brisbane furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation day is after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted the joint c224 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense joint reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory and honor of those who’ve been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad matet Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we leave you with these images thanks for watching spee Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in deaths of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards Victory if so we are just moments away from World War I and uh they’re delusional they diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr woodi it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan chna welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of uh the the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States this takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr R in his first visit overes after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Modi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TCH uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they’ decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of Advantage from the United States by um saying that a yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on a Atomic power and atomic energy and said when he heard the history of how the United States in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enrich uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally as an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh Deed by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have broken us Agony it takes more than two Nations to break that to Germany and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking Germany but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s arap with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinski of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in the their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk uh medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War I so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to are not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr G Dr thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert rro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from of Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of thees the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denet region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army near nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the War enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region ad joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield field according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit decaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not prepar preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of now Wan leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the KE regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre bof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy longrange missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin wared could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of birds Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in ESPN here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering and domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international aor and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in Brisbane furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint seat 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense joint reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and air space take a look and or of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory and honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad mtit Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donit region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rosov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street joural report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards Victory if so we are are just moments away from World War II and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Wy it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan Chana welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back in several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of uh the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and and then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States this takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr drro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr moodi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TCH uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that I yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr Dr seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have a broken us emony it takes more than two Nations to break that emany and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking gmany but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring poent uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinsky of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further and a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War I so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with Danger all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to our not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr gber Dr thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on [ __ ] plan that was Dr Gilbert rro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of thek the missile killed four people and injured third 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the IES in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the Allies security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafo ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the KE regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times about is now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre beluso spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy longrange missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of words Australian prime minister Anthony alanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering and domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international aor and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in Brisbane furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war in blur the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense joined reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory and honor of those who been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad maet Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an ad Administrative Building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in deaths of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bwood resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and and the front line situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had down or four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are drying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory if so we are just moments away from World War III and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr bu Mr Putin and Mr woodi it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immed mediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan cha welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro and an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called nonaligned block and India at that time very uh very capably Pur ued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States this takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr drro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Mii insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TAC uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriching uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of of Mr Modi so it this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have broken us Agony it takes more than two Nations to break that agemy and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking Hemy but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s arap with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and an advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring po uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him zilinski of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that is already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the batt Battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War III so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to are not slipping into a fatal War right Dr gilber drro thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert drro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of denk the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in ksk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that it’s forces have launched attacks in the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 now Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the Frontline and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face face of the intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the no Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his milit to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in Zaria was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counter Bart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation now the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of wordss Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international Aur and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canar said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in Brisbane furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted the joint c224 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jang City Anchorage defense joined reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory and honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad maet Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the back we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enjoyed 30 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bwood results in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the kar missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed or4 Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory if so we are just moments away from World War II and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Mii it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan CH now Welcome to the this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that uh the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well that if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia and what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Leed West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for military supplies and other another critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States that takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr drro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quot un with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Modi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand and uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TAC uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they’ decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of Advantage from the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that is been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh Deed by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last 2 years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have broken us eony it takes more than two Nations to break that agemy and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it had from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking Germany but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s arap prma with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring po uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinski of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into to a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk uh medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these two Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War II so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to are not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr gber Dr thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insites with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert rro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a r Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of the nesk the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denet region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the high M’s missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conduct conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones to en rostov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kur which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighbor countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks from the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2020 six now Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enjoed 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belrad region ad joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing their endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the nesan leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls uper region nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy longrange missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of wordss Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international a and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material relation to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corev in Brisbane furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couples sitation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense joined reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played reim in memory and honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad maet Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease at the hospital had about 670 child patients and over 1,000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching spe Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in deaths of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donet region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an un named Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed or four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belr region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory if so we are just moments away from World War II and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and in at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr moodi it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faed sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan CH now welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is a very poor profession Prof quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of Eastern west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagon in either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States that takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr drro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Modi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TAC uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way Wars conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited a pavilion on uh on Atomic Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last 2 years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have a broken us Emy it takes more than two Nations to break that Germany and I I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking Hemy but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s a RMA with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring poent uh considerable e economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinski of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk uh media range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War I so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to our not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr gilber drro thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr gilber drro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and inured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of denes the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus Which shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan Inka Northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military IND indal Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukraine military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically state long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and inured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed 4 Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belr region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of the intense fting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the Allies security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times commiss now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls aaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre beluso spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to defend star G now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy longrange missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of wordss Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic fairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international aor and they should be regarded with contemp which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australia citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corev in brisban furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense join reconnaissance and and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory and honor of those who been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad maet Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching foree Russian TS have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donet region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military industrial Enterprise es energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s roster of region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had down or four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory if so we are just moments away from World War I and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Woody it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia fac pH sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan chna welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro and international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all the way do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for uh military supplies and other and other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States that takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow Dr drro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr P Mr Putin and Mr Woody insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TCH uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India that this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they’ decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that as I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the vean in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic Atomic power atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of Enron uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well with the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nation Nations have a broken us Emy it takes more than two Nations to break that emany and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking hemony but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s arap with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and an advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinski of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk uh medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War II so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to our not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr gibber Dr thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert rro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline thees region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of denk the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situ ation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning is come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact s showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the areas hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in Bel region joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the Ally security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the KE regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls of aresia nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of wordss Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international e and they should be regarded with contempt with is what I have told me the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in Brisbane furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jang City Anchorage defense joined reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue of few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory in honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad matit Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching spee Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian person and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces is the war ENT it enters into its third summer without a clear path towards Victory if so we are just moments away from World War III and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr moodi it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan Chana welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh um understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that that Russian U Indian ties go back in several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States this takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr rro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Modi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TAC uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate the Russia and and India that this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic on Atomic power and atomic energy and said when he heard the history of how the United States in 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Rian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who uh denounced various policies and preferences of of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russia oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have broken us eony it takes more than two Nations to break that to Germany and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking gmany but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s arap with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring po uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinski of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinsky and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War II so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to m maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to are not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr gber Dr thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert rro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of thees the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sides showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile in oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the nesan leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he’s not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow install governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently would draw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the to held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy longrange missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin wared could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia the latest war of birds Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering and domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international aor and I should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in brisban first furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian Authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted the joint Point C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City ancorage defense joint reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and air space take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory and honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad matit Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching of Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian head the city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donit region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people further furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exer all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path toward its Victory if so we are just moments away from World War I and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Woody it is not going to change uh the way the wars conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shan Chana welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real World outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is a very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia in what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States that takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr rro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Modi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the after change of tech by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India that this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that I uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic on Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who denounced various policies and preferences of of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh Deed by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course def us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have a broken us emony it takes more than two Nations to break that emony and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking Hemy but I think there something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s arap with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring po uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinski of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming us elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinski and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further and a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk uh medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War I so this situation is difficult the situation is is a fraud with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to our not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr G Dr thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert rro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of thees the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured 7 people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Army Med forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its Soldier and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advance and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe Europe if he’s not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the ke regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times about now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that Amit tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre Bel spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasize the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of words Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfere feing in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering and domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international aor and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the SP houses Kira and Igor corv in Brisbane furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jang City Anchorage defense joined reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory in honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad maet Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching the said Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bwood resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple Direction ctions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces are down or four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are drying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory if so we are just moments away from World War III and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Woody it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the us immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan Chana welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert Dr an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done uh on the world stage the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia and what was called non-aligned block and India at that time very uh very capable pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States this takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr drro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Woody insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned the the day after change of TAC uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstand exping that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic on Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States and Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who denounced various policies and preferences of of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last two years and no one expected Russia to come up the way way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have broken usmany it takes more than two Nations to break that a gmany and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking Hemy but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that with in the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinsky of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinski and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happen to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from world War I so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to are not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr gilber drro thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert drro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of denes the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denes region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of lean further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military industry Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of Tak a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region a joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bod in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls aaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation now the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of birds Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the message to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral War war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international aor and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy canara said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in brisban furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted The Joint C 2024 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense joined reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and air space take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played a reim in memory and honor of those who been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad matit Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured or 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bwood resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces that engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces are downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but are drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory if so we are just moments away from World War III and uh they’re delusional the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr moodi it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Leverage for the United States again against Russia on the contrary has already turned into a Russia NATO War putting lipstick on a pig Indian Prime Minister Modi visited Russia recently and visuals of Putin and Modi sharing a warm hug was seen across the world especially in the US the US immediately raised concerns with India over its Russia ties but India Russia ties go back several decades and they actually started at a time when us refused to even interact with India Russia was always there still both Nations have faced mounting pressure from the US Russia faced sanctions while India received repeated warnings against buying Russian oil have Russia India ties broken American hegemony I’m Shivan Johan now welcome to this special episode of Game Plan as I’ll be discussing this with Dr Gilbert drro an international Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels Dr drro thank you so much for joining in right here on game plan a pleasure has us failed to break India Russia’s friendship and has Washington been attempting this all this well do you feel so I think that the Washington policy towards Mr Modi and towards this visit to Moscow is illustrative of a much broader issue in Washington and that is the bubble in which the policy makers live their immunity to the real world outside and uh their delusional uh delusional um uh understanding of what can be done on the world stage the diplomacy is of very poor professional quality and the understanding of history is nil you said that um that Russian U Indian ties go back several decades well that if we take it to Russian to Soviet in Indian uh relations it goes back to the in with respect to what is going on now there’s a perfect continuity from the 1950s up to present uh considering that Mr Neu uh and his followers uh were the leaders along with Yugoslavia and what was called non block and India at that time very uh very capably pursued a policy between the two military and political blocks of east and west of the Soviet Union and uh and of the Washington Le West That Remains the case the the Indians always tread a very delicate line to avoid antagonizing uh either of the parties uh and they were always going back to this period in the 1950s looking to the Soviet Union and then later to Russia for military supplies and other other critical supplies for their economy uh while at the same time trying to maintain good relations with the United States that’s takes a very fine sense of diplomacy and walking a narrow line Dr rro in his first visit overseas after coming to power again Prime Minister Modi chose to visit Russia now initially us raised concerns with India over for this but soon after I think within a day the White House Press Secretary clarified that India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue quote unquote with whom we engage in full and Frank dialogue including their relationship with Russia and we’ve talked about this before how helpless do you feel us would be seeing that hug between Mr Mr Putin and Mr Modi insane voices in Washington I didn’t mean to leave the impression that the whole of Washington is living in a bubble there are some some people who understand uh what can be done and to try to keep American policy within the feasible and as you just mentioned uh the the day after change of TAC uh by the by the state department uh is demonstrating they that there are people in Washington to understand that they cannot separate Russia and and India but this goes back a long way and is a deliberate policy of India that will that is unchangeable now so they decided to put a Preface on this fact and to try to extract some kind of advantage for the United States by um saying that ah yes uh we can since India has such privileged relations with Russia we can use India as an influence on Russia to stop the war well that that is I said putting lipstick on a pig it is not going to change uh the way the war is conducted India is not presenting itself as a point of Le for the United States again against Russia on the contrary I think it was outstanding that during the visit early in the visit uh Mr Modi was taken to the exhibition grounds the Vian in downtown Moscow and visited the Pavilion on uh on Atomic on Atomic power and atomic energy and uh said when he heard the history of how the United States in in the 1990s tried to reduce Russia’s uh nuclear programs to nil uh and how that has been reversed and how Russia is now the leading uh supplier of of enriched uh uranium to to power stations across the world including the United States Mr Modi said very clearly and this was shown on Russian television we support you that is the present state of relations uh India is deeply understanding the travails that Russia is experiencing as it is sanctioned by the United States Mr Modi personally has an experience of this uh before he came to power he was sanctioned by the United States who denounced various policies and preferences of of Mr Modi so this is not an abstract consideration for for India’s leadership they know very well what the back of the hand uh dealt by the United States can mean they felt it personally on in their own on their own skin Dr do seeing the way Russia has risen in the face of us sanctions and most of it has happened in the last 2 years and no one expected Russia to come up the way it did in spite of all the sanctions that were imposed against it India of course defied us at every step as well to go ahead for its own personal interests when it came to Russian oil do you feel the way Russia has come up and the way India has defied it the two Nations have broken us eony it takes more than two Nations to break that to Germany and I think India is aware not only of the the the specific advantages it has from buying Uh Russian oil at very advantageous prices but this is not transactional this is a deep commitment to uh maintaining Russia as a counterforce to the United States and thereby thereby breaking to gmany but I think there’s something additional to mention here and that is that within the the relations with Russia uh Russia’s with Iran is particularly useful to India uh um Iran is a potentially a major Transit country for hydrocarbons to India uh a safe delivery to India and at advantageous prices and conditions so in this respect it is not just Russia but Russia’s Allied countries that are bringing and will bring po uh considerable economic as well as political benefit to India in its own region I don’t know very well him you know I I don’t know I I had meetings with him now zilinski of course the Ukrainian president has been extremely jittery over the upcoming US elections and of course that is going to be having a major bearing on him because there is a major chance that Donald Trump comes to power again if that happens what will that mean for zilinski and the ongoing Russia Ukraine war it’s just we’re just months away from it now the problem with the ongoing uh Ukraine Russia war is that has already turned into a Russia NATO war in which Ukraine just happens to be the battlefield uh the possibility of this escalating further in a very dangerous way uh is now being discussed uh by the NATO allies in their meeting in in Washington we have heard conflicting reports about us intentions of stationing its um Tomahawk medium range missiles in Europe the Russians are saying on their television that the intention is to give these to Ukraine if so we are just moments away from World War I so this situation is difficult the situation is is fraught with dangers all around uh India’s attempts to maintain a balanced foreign policy and to assist Russia as within its possibilities to maintain its balance and to offset American hegemony is a major contributing factor to uh to stability and to are not slipping into a fatal War all right Dr GB Dr thank you so much for joining in and sharing all your insights with me right here on game plan that was Dr Gilbert rro International Affairs analyst author and historian joining us from Brussels always a pleasure speaking with you Russian attacks have killed at least six people and injured 13 in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline dunesque region this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in a town Northwest of the Russian held city of thees the missile killed four people and injured 10 the governor of the denk region posted images from the impact sites showing badly damaged buildings and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costantina northwest of bakou killed two civilians and injured three another attack on the town of Leeman further north injured seven people furthermore Russia said its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises R the Russian defense Ministry said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and and the Haas missile systems now on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains tense now the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry meanwhile announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgaro region adjoining Ukraine and another in Kursk which is further up north now in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not on battlefields but while trying to escape it a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying by drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring countries many of them are fugitives from a military draft aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces as the war enters its third summer without a clear path to Victory on Friday Russia said that its forces launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the Earth 2026 now Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donet region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces that engag the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be Fugitive from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declar ation that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now westan leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that Al lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian control aaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy longrange missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation tensions are escalating between Australia and Russia in the latest war of birs Australian prime minister Anthony albanes told Russia to back off after Moscow accused canbera of inciting anti-russian paranoia this development comes after Australia charged a Russian born couple with Espionage while speaking to reporters on Saturday the Australian prime minister said Russia needed to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations Russia can get the message back off uh Russia engages in Espionage here and around the world uh Russia has no credibility and uh the m to Russia is how about you get out of Ukraine and stop the illegal and immoral war that you’re engaged in and how about you try to stop interfering in domestic affairs of other Sovereign Nations this is a country that has no respect for international Aur and they should be regarded with contempt which is what I have for them the married couple who currently holds Australian citizenship were arrested on charges of working to access material related to Australia’s national security Russian Embassy in canar said there is widespread misinformation about the arrest of the spouses Kira and Igor corv in Brisbane furthermore the embassy claimed Anthony Alban’s new wave of campaign is based on spreading anti-russian paranoia at present the embassy has requested written information from the Australian authorities on the couple’s situation days after NATO leaders called China a Ukraine war enabler the country along with Russia officially kickstarted the joint c224 military exercise and it is taking place at a port in China’s Shang Jiang City Anchorage defense join reconnaissance and early warning search and rescue are few of the exercises that the Chinese and Russian naval fleets plan to conduct in the sea and airspace take a look an orchestra of Ukrainian musicians played reim in memory and honor of those whove been killed and wounded in the deadly Russian missile attack on the okad mtit Children’s Hospital the center treated the children with serious conditions such as cancer and kidney disease the hospital had about 670 child patients and over a th000 staff members at the time of the attack we’ll leave you with these images thanks for watching

Belarusian and Chinese military units held joint counter-terrorist exercises near the Polish border, footage released on Sunday (July 14) shows.

#russiaukrainewar #putin #wion

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