TERRIFYING! How Ukrainian Missiles Wipe Out Russian Ammunition Convoy

according to the Ukrainian general staff Ukrainian forces have reported significant achievements in recent operations against Russian forces they have successfully neutralized a total of 1,140 Russian soldiers destroyed seven tanks 19 armored combat vehicles and 53 artillery systems additionally Ukrainian forces have eliminated one multiple launch rocket system two air defense systems 75 vehicles and 12 units of special equipment here we see a tank trying to escape the explosion these operations reflect a focused effort by Ukrainian Air Force and artillery units which have targeted key Russian command posts fuel Depots and various strategic positions over the course of the current day Ukrainian defenses have endured 47 combat clashes with Russian forces deploying eight air strikes 16 guided bombs and 38 kamakazi drone attacks against Ukrainian positions the missile marked in red circle hits the target don’t forget to subscribe to our Channel like and turn on notifications on the kib front Ukrainian forces have effectively repelled multiple attacks including a recent successful defense near leok Village meanwhile cave troops have played a crucial role neutralizing 168 Russian soldiers and disabling one armored combat vehicle one artillery system and 11 Vehicles currently Ukrainian troops are actively engaged in repelling in a Russian assault in the stala area on the copon front a vehicle unaware of the approaching missile and the moment it is hit they are also defending against two attacks on the Lyman front two assaults near vodon on the verka front and attempted breach of Ukraine’s defense lines toward shiran on the Jula front and two attacks on the kak kid front Russian forces have launched five assaults on the Seas front with Ukrainian forces successfully repelling three in addition Ukrainian troops are holding back three enemy attacks near aanka and shivar on the chomore front the situation remains intense on the pakova front where Ukrainian Defense Forces have repelled a total of 15 assaults today with ongoing engagements reported in progress new the moment the small gunboat was hit from a drone camera Leandria venka Yanka and noo civa the moment the tank is hit from another drone camera and remote camera meanwhile independent Russian media Outlets have reported approximately 120,000 Russian troops killed since the onset of Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine this Grim statistic averages to about 250 casualties per day highlighting the intense and ongoing nature of the conflict discrepancies exist among different sources with UK estimates suggesting over 450,000 Russian losses and US estimates placing the figure at 3 15,000 kamakazi drones at work and a large tank is destroyed contrasting with Ukraine own estimate ranging from 340,000 to 650,000 Russian media and analyses indicate potentially higher casualties with estimates reaching up to 140,000 the evolving nature of casualty figures underscores the severity and protracted nature of the conflict bird’s eye view of the explosion impacting both sides on the 700m front line despite Fierce resistance Ukraine’s Army has successfully countered recent Russian offensives particularly in the northeastern border Villages following a strategic blunting of Russian advances a major attack destroyed important factories concurrently Russian forces continue to press towards vital supply routes crucial for sustaining Ukraine’s defense of besieged cities setting the stage for a prolonged and grueling summer campaign the ongoing conflict in Ukraine’s 700m front line has intensified characterized by strategic maneuvering and persistent engagements between Ukrainian and Russian forces both sides are engaged in a highstakes battle with Ukrainian forces aiming to defend their territory against repeated Russian offensives despite the challenging circumstances Ukrainian troops have demonstrated resilience and tactical prowess effectively countering recent Russian advances and maintaining defensive positions in the northeastern border Villages Ukrainian forces have successfully thwarted a dangerous Russian offensive showcasing their ability to leverage newly acquired Western Weaponry meanwhile approximately 200 miles Southeast Russian forces are pushing towards critical supply routes that are essential for Ukraine’s efforts to defend its besieged cities this region has become a focal point of the conflict highlighting the Strategic importance of logistics and supply lines in the ongoing military operations as the conflict enters its third summer both Ukrainian and Russian forces are preparing for a prolonged and grueling campaign underscoring the intense and evolving nature of the war in Ukraine in recent developments Ukrainian officials have condemned a Russian missile strike on the town of Villans in Southeastern zapia which result resulted in the tragic deaths of seven people including two children and injured more than 30 others Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski denounced these attacks emphasizing the daily suffering endured by Ukrainian cities and communities due to Relentless Russian assaults he called for increased international support to enhance Ukraine’s capabilities en countering such missile threats advocating for the deployment of modern air defense systems and strategic strikes against Russian missile launchers the ongoing conflict continues to take a heavy toll on civilian populations with cities like vilans becoming frequent targets of Russian military actions the persistent attacks underscore the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine where civilian casualties and infrastructure damage are widespread amidst these challenges Ukrainian forces remain determined to defend their sovereignty and territorial Integrity against Russian aggression while International efforts focus on providing humanitarian Aid and diplomatic support to mitigate the escalating crisis as the war in Ukraine enters its next phase the International Community faces mounting pressure to address the humanitarian and strategic implications of Russia’s military actions the situation remains fluid and complex with both sides preparing for further engagements across the extensive front lines as the conflict in Ukraine evolves into its third summer the 700 mile front line continues to witness intense and protracted battles resembling a strategic chess match where both Ukrainian and Russian forces maneuver carefully to gain advantages without yielding ground Ukrainian forces bolstered by Western military aid are focused on consolidating their defensive positions and repelling Russian offensives this defensive posture follows last Summer’s failed Russian offensive which tested Ukrainian resilience and highlighted the importance of international support in sustaining Ukraine’s defense efforts in response Ukrainian troops are leveraging Advanced weaponry and tactical expertise to thwart Russian advances in key border Villages and strategic areas the northeastern region in particular has become a focal point of Ukrainian counterattacks aimed at regaining and securing territory against persistent Russian incursions meanwhile Russian forces are intensifying efforts to advance towards critical supply routes that sustain Ukrainian defenses in besieged cities underscoring the Strategic importance of Logistics in the ongoing conflict the war in Ukraine continues to exact a heavy toll on military personnel with casualties and humanitarian crises exacerbating the already dire situation despite diplomatic efforts to negotiate peace and alleviate humanitarian suffering

UNBELIEVABLE MOMENT! How Deadly Ukrainian FPV drones mercilessly blow up 800 Russian soldiers

  1. what foolishness i am here to listen to thew comments from your headline . Any reporter will tell you you commence from your headlinf .i did nit listen this foolishness

  2. Так долго позволяли Гитлеру творить свои злодеяния , сейчас также не спешат остановить путина-гитлера, мне очень противны мировые трусливые политики .

  3. Ukraine has until January 6, 2025, to beat Russia. After that date Donald Trump will punish Ukraine for not having submitted to his demands in 2016 to start a phoney investigation into corruption of the Bidens. Trump is vengeful, petty, and does only things that relate to himself. So, he will stop all aid to Ukraine and give his boss, Putin, all the secret info about Ukraine.

  4. You idiots are making a video about the Russians' losses, even though Ukraine has 2000 losses every day and sometimes more? Every day Ukraine has 1000 or more losses than the Russians. You are making yourselves even more ridiculous. Losser🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. Comments that tanks are on the verge of being obsolete may be correct. Then, again, for the average man to see what takes place in war, may just make the absurdity of war visible to us for the first time. Consider that in this war, there are two powerful nations, each with many resources, opposing one another. And only in such a scenario would the tank be obsolete. No, correction, this is one such scenario where the tank would be obsolete. There are others.

    Seeing this and similar being said, I had hoped and did believe until this war, that war among world powers, itself had already become obsolete. We see the efforts of the Russians filmed and reported by the Ukranians, daily. We see Ukraine's efforts in both documenting their war effort through film, and providing propaganda to build support and their moral while undermining the moral of their enemy.

    But what we do not see is war itself becoming obsolete. I had given Mr. Putin much more credit at being a peaceful man than he was due. I had looked forward to someday meeting him and visiting Moscow, and making a kind of peace myself with people I was taught since birth were our adversaries. I had learned that we were as much if not more to blame for the Cold War as our opponent, having been deceived, tricked, brainwashed, by our leadership in the USA constantly. Now, because of Mr. Putin's actions, this is no longer anything I care to do.

    And I would like to add that when Mr. Trump were our President here in the USA, despite his many flaws, his bond with Mr. Putin, was very impressive. Some people build bridges, others burn them. Mr. Trump is a buffoon, I hope he is not reelected. But he did a few things well when President and one of these is his bonding with President Putin. When he sent a ship full of supplies to the USA during the pandemic, the response of the US leadership indicated that it is we who still have dinosaurs in government. Alas, no more about Putin on the positive.

    It is this war in Ukraine that I can see almost daily from the other side of the planet. And the novelty of destroyed tanks and drones carrying war heads has passed. Every video shows me, now, the stupidity and futility of war. I type this from a rural farm state, albeit it's largest city. I see bomb craters in these videos. I see foundation after foundation where homes used to sit and people used to live. Where I once was entertained by the destruction and efforts to wage war I see on YouTube, I now feel shame and guilt for watching it knowing people who once lived and thrived and had children playing, dogs barking, roosters crowing, bread baking, etc. are now in hiding and living daily in fear.

    Ukrainians have no choice but to fight. I understand this, well. I have spent my entire life, childhood included, having to fight to survive. It does not mean this is what I would choose if given another choice. With no other option other than be some other man's victim, I fight. As I mentioned, I had hoped war would become obsolete. It can become obsolete. We must make it obsolete.

    I need go no further to make this point than your videos and many others. While demonstrating the effectiveness of the strategy and weapons, you also demonstrate the foolishness of waging war. Thanks for your efforts. I feel for the Russian people as well. All thinking people examine their actions and the past to guide them in the future. Surely this war in Ukraine will be something as a nation and civilized nation, they will come to if not already regret.

  6. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦💥💥💥💥💥👍👍👍👍

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