LIVE: Russia hosts UN Security Council amid Ukraine war

LIVE: Russia hosts UN Security Council amid Ukraine war

humanitarian law all that said effective multilateralism is too important to not be defended its values and principles are embedded in international law the UN Charter and the universal Declaration of Human Rights in other words in the UN itself as a whole effective multilateralism means ensuring that international law and the UN Charter apply to all states in the same way that might does not make right the European Union’s member states are doing their utmost to live up to our commitments we are financing one quarter of the UN regular budget as well as that of un agencies while accounting for only 6% of the world’s population and only 18% of the world’s GDP we are the world’s largest provider of official development assistance by far accounting to 42% of global Oda last year alone our initial humanitarian aid for 20124 alone already ex exceeds $2 billion a funding to unra accounts for over 40% of the agency’s budget we are committed to multilateralism not just in words but in action and we call on all member States including those championing multilateralism so loudly today to step up their own contributions to the un’s essential work we’re also proudly among the un’s closest Partners in crisis management and peace operations the European Union Works in over 25 crisis context providing mediation and supporting dialogue around the world despite Russia’s grave violations multilateralism still offers great hope if we defend it together with our partners around the world we will continue to address the many Global crisis we are facing from the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine to Gaza and the Middle East from Sudan to the DRC from Haiti to Myanmar in closing we pay tribute to the courage and professionalism of un staff around the world dedicated to defending the UN Charter and protecting those most in need sometimes with their own lives thank you I think we need to be pass yes yes I said sure shall we e for e how are you all right uh good morning uh good morning everyone I would like to read out a statement on behalf of the governments of Ukraine Albania andur Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Bosnia and heroina Bulgaria Canada Croatia Cyprus czechia Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Iceland Ireland Japan Italy Israel lva Liberia lonstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Marshall Islands Micronesia Monaco montenigro the Netherlands new New Zealand North Macedonia Norway Poland Portugal Republic of Korea Republic of malova Romania San Marino Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden the United Kingdom the United States of America and the European Union in a few minutes the Russian Federation will hold a un security council meeting on multilateral Al cooperation for a more just Democratic and sustainable world order against their background of its brutal war of aggression against Ukraine the topic of debate is another clear demonstration of Russia’s hypocrisy today’s meeting must not distruct the International Community from Russia’s flagrant violations of the UN Charter and his abuse of the UN Security Council while cynical attempting to present to present itself as the guardian of the multilateral order we reiterate our Resolute condemnation of the Russian federation’s aggression against Ukraine and reaffirm our unwavering support for Ukraine’s political Independence sovereignty and territorial Integrity within its internationally recognized borders in the true Spirit of multilateral and international cooperation we support the International efforts toward peace in line with international law such as the summit on peace in Ukraine held in Switzerland presented such a vision the summit concluded with a communic signed by over 90 countries and institutions with the focus on food Security nuclear security and safety and humanitarian issues including the return of thousands of Ukrainian children whom Russia has forcibly trans ered or deported Russia has also arbitrarily detained thousands of other Ukrainian civilians while Ukraine continues to bravely defend its civilian population we condemn the direct Military Support provided to Russia by the dprk in violation of un Security Council resolutions as well as by Iran when those sanctions were in effect Belarus continues to make its territory and infrastructure available to Russia we call on any UN member State providing material support to Russia’s war effort including dual use materials such as Weapons components equipment and raw materials to seize all material and political support to Russia’s war effort the Russian Federation continued illegal actions and blaten hypocrisy undermine multilateral and international cooperation demonstrate complete disregard for the UN Charter Security Council resolutions and the global nonproliferation regime exacerbate Regional tensions and endanger International Peace and security we welcome the adoption of the Anga resolution entitled Safety and Security of nuclear facilities in Ukraine including the zapar regia nuclear power plant which is supported by 99 countries these resolution sends a powerful signal to Russia which has the damning distinction of being the first country in history to forcibly seiz a nuclear power plant we continue working together to ensure nuclear Safety and Security in Ukraine we Rea reaffirm our full support for the efforts by the international Atomic Agency energy agency and its director General to ensure the safety and security of the Z n p we also reiterate our urgent demand that the Russian Federation withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the znpp and immediately return the plan to the full control of the Sovereign and competent authorities of Ukraine to ensure its safe and secure cooperation we reiterate our call for the Russian Federation to end this senseless war against Ukraine and to ensure the full immediate and conditional withdrawal of all Russian forces and military equipment from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders we will continue working together on implementing the vision of a comprehensive just and Lasting peace based on the UN Charter and on ensuring accountability for the crime of aggression war crimes and CR crimes against humanity and I thank you right thank you all you than e e for for [Applause] provisional rules of procedure I invite the representatives of Australia Bangladesh bellarus the PL national state of Bolivia Brazil Hungary the bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Vietnam Ghana Guatemala the Dominican Republic Egypt India Indonesia Iraq the Islamic Republic of Iran Kazakhstan Cambodia Kuwait Cuba the Maldives Morocco Nepal Nicaragua the United Arab Emirates Pakistan Saudi Arabia Serbia the Syrian Arab Republic Thailand timour leate Tura Uganda Philippines Chile Ethiopia and South Africa to participate in this meeting it is so decided in accordance with rule 39 of the council’s provisional rules of procedure I invite the head of the delegation of the European Union to the United Nations his Excellency Mr sters lameres to participate in this meeting it is so decided the security Council will now begin its consideration of item two of the agenda I wish to draw the attention of council members to document s224 537 a letter dated July 9th 2024 from the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary General transmitting a concept paper on the item under consideration I shall now make a statement in my capacity as the min Min for foreign affairs of the Russian Russian ladies and gentlemen your excellencies today the very foundations of the international legal order strategic stability and the UN Centric system of global politics are being put to the test it will be impossible to resolve the conflicts that are multiplying and without getting to their root causes and restoring faith in our ability to join forces for the common good good and justice for all let us be frank not all states represented in this room recognize the key principle of the UN Charter The Sovereign equality of all states the United States has long through the words of it of its CED its own exceptionalism this also applies to Washington’s attitude towards its allies from whom it demands unquestioning Obedience of their national interests Rural America that is the essence of the notorious rule-based order which is a direct threat to multilateralism and international law the most important components of international law the UN Charter and the decisions of our Council are interpreted by the collective West in a perverse and selective manner depending on what instructions are handed down from the White House and many Security Council resolutions are outright ignored these include resolution 2202 which endorsed the mined agreement on Ukraine and resolution 1031 which endorsed the Dayton agreement on peace in Bosnia and herzo on the basis of the principle of equal rights for the three constituent peoples and two entities the sabotage of resolutions on the Middle East can be discussed endlessly it suffices to mention Anthony blinken’s statement in an interview with CNN in February 2021 in response to a question about what he thinks but the decision of the previous US Administration to recognize the Syrian Goan Heights as belonging to Israel and I will refresh your memory for those of you who may have forgotten in response to that question the Secretary of State said leaving aside the question of legality from a practical standpoint the goalen heights are very important to Israel’s security end of quote and this in spite of the fact the UN Security Council resolution 497 which remains in for in which we are all very familiar with qualifies Israel’s annexation of the Goen Heights as illegal however according to those very rules we should to quote Anthony blinkin leave aside the question of legality and of course everyone remembers the statement of us permanent representative regarding the fact that resolution 2728 of March 25th demanding an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip is not legally binding in other words these American rules are more important than article 25 of the UN Charter in the last century George Orwell in his story animal farm already presaged the essence of this rule-based order I quote all animals are equal but some are more equal than others end of quote if you fulfill and obey the will of the hegemon you’re permitted to do anything you wish but if you dare defend your national interests you will be declared a pariah and sanctioned Washington’s hegemonic policy has not not changed for decades every Euro Atlantic security Arrangement without exception has been based on ensuring us dominance this has included the subjugation of Europe and the containment of Russia the main role in this was assigned to Nato which eventually subjugated the European Union which was presumably created for Europeans and shamelessly privatized OE institutions INF flagrant violation of the Helsinki Final Act The Reckless expansion of NATO despite repeated was warnings from Moscow over many years also provoked the Ukrainian crisis starting with the Cuda organized by Washington in February 2014 in order to established full control over Ukraine with a view to Preparing an offensive against Russia with the help of the Neo-Nazi regime brought to power when penko and then zalinski were Waging War against against their own citizens in the donbas and were destroying Russian education Russian culture Russian media and the Russian language in general through their legislation and were Banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church no one in the west baded an i nor did they demand that their Wards in Kev observe decency and refrain from violating International conventions on the right of national minorities or the very constitution of Ukraine itself which which itself which which also contains these demands it was precisely to eliminate threats to Russia’s security and to protect those people who consider themselves part of Russian culture and who live on lands that had been settled by their ancestors for centuries in order to save them from legislative and even physical extermination that the special military operation was launched it is telling that even now when multiple initiatives on a Ukrainian settlement are being put forward few people remember kev’s violation of Human Rights and the rights of national minorities none of these initiatives include these aspects only recently did EU documents on the beginning of negotiations negotiations regarding Ukraine’s accession formulate a demand to this end mainly due to hungary’s principled position however Brussels actual capacity and desire to influence the key regime is questionable we call on all those who are genuinely interested in overcoming the crisis in Ukraine to ensure that their proposals take into account the key issue of the right of national minorities all minorities without exception silence on this issue devalues peace initiatives and the racist policy of Mr zilinsky receives deao approval it is typical that 10 years ago in 2014 zilinski said if the people in the east of Ukraine and Crimea want to speak Russian let them be leave them alone let them speak Russian legally language will never divide our homeland end of quote since then the US has successfully re-educated him and as early as 2021 zalinski in one of his interviews demanded that those who feel a sense of affinity with Russian culture get out and go to Russia for the future of their children and grandchildren I appeal to the m ERS of the Ukrainian regime make sure that it complies with article 1.3 of the UN Charter which guarantees the fundamental rights and freedoms of all people without distinction of race sex language or religion dear colleagues the North Atlantic Treaty uh organization is not content with the war that it has Unleashed against Russia through the hands of the unlawful authorities in Kev nor is it content with the entire o space having dismantled the fun mental agreements in the area of arms control the US continues to ramp up confrontation recently at The Summit in Washington the leaders of NATO countries reiterated their claim to a leading role not only in the Euro Atlantic region but in the Asia Pacific region as well the proclaimed intention is that NATO is continuing to be guided by the goal of protecting the territory of its member states but in order to do this it they allegedly need to spread the alliance’s dominance on the entire Eurasian continent in adjacent water the military infrastructure of NATO is advancing into the Pacific region with the obvious goal of undermining the oan Centric architecture which for many decades was built on the basis of the principles of equality recognition of mutual interests and consensus to replace the inclusive mechanisms around Assan the US and its allies are Building closed confrontational blocks such as Aus and other quartets and trios recently the deputy head of Pentagon Mr Hicks stated that the US and their allies must prepare for protracted Wars and not only in Europe that is the end of the quote in order to contain Russia China and other countries whose independent policies are seen as a challenge to its hemony the West is aggressively dismantling the global system that was originally built based on its models Washington has done everything to blow up including literally by organizing terrorist attacks on the nordstream gas pipelines the foundations of mutually beneficial energy cooperation between Russia Germany and Europe as a whole at the timean remained silent but today we see another embarrassing period for Germany whose leadership has unquestioningly complied with the US in order to place U us medium range missiles on its territory Olaf schz said very ingenuously that the US has decided to Place High Precision offensive Weapons Systems in Germany and this is a good decision and amidst all this Mr Kirby spoke uh the expert on media spoke on behalf of the US president to say we’re not seeking to unleash a third World War this would have horrific consequences for the European consequence continent afian slip as they say Washington is convinced that if a new global war were to take place it would be their European allies and not the US who would suffer if that’s the analysis on which Biden’s Strate and Biden’s Administration strategy is based this is a very dangerous illusion and Europeans must become aware of the suicidal role that has been assigned to us Americans are holding the entire West at G point and expanding their trade and economic war with those they see as undesirable having Unleashed an unprecedented campaign of unilateral course of measures that are hitting Europe first and are leading to a fragmentation of the world economy the uh countries of the global South Asia Africa and Latin America are suffering from the neocolonial practices of the West illegal sanctions multiple protection C me measures uh restrictions on access to Leading Technologies are counter to true multilateralism and create serious obstacles to achieving the two 2030 agenda where are all those attributes of the free market where the United States and its allies taught that they taught everyone to follow market economy Fair competition viability of practice private property presumption of innocence free movement of people goods and capital all that has been jettisoned the geopolitics has buried the one sacred laws of the uh market for the West recently we heard we heard public demands from the officials of the United States the European Union uh aimed at China to reduce excess production in Hightech sectors because uh the West has started losing its uh uh long advantages in that area in today instead of uh Market principles we have the same rules colleagues the actions of the United States stes and their allies are impeding International cooperation and the building of a more just world they’re taking entire countries and regions as hostages are not allowing peoples to uh fulfill their Sovereign rights enshrined in the UN Charter and uh distracting from the necessary joint efforts to regulate conflicts in the Middle East Africa and other regions and reducing Global in inequality eliminating terrorism drug uh trafficking and famine and uh other problems of course uh we I believe that it’s uh with good faith it’s possible to resolve these matters in order to uh stop development following a negative scenario we want to discuss steps in order to restore trust and stabilize the international situation first of all we need to deal with the root causes of the crisis that have unfolded in Europe but conditions for establishing a stable peace in Ukraine have been set out by President Putin I won’t repeat them the political diplomatic solution must be accompanied by concrete steps to eliminate threats to the Russian Federation coming from the Western Euro Atlantic Direction by agreeing to uh Mutual guarantees and agreements that will be necessary take into account new geostrategic realities on the Eurasian continent where where uh Continental architectur is being formed that is TR truly equal and indivisible Europe risks falling behind from this objetive historical process we are ready to seek a balance of Interest secondly restoring Regional and Global balance of forces must be accompanied by active efforts to uh eliminate uh um un Injustice in the global economy in a multi-polar world there should not be any monopolis or uh in monetary regulation Trader Technologies the overwhelming uh majority of members of the International Community share this this view it’s very important to reform as soon as possible the Breton Woods institutions and the WTO their activities should reflect the true weight of nonwestern centers of development and growth thirdly significant and qualitative changes must take place in other institutions of global governance if we want them to work for the benefit of all first of all this applies to our organization which up to now in spite of everything well continues to be the embodiment of multilateralism and has a unique Universal legitimacy and uh and recognize broad range of authority an important step to uh restoring the effect effectiveness of the UN would be a confirmation by all its members of its their commitment to the principles of the UN Charter not selectively but in their fullness and interdependence as about which form this kind of reconfirmation could take place we could think together an important work is being done by the group of friends in in defense of the UN Charter established at the initiative of Venezuela we uh invite all countries that still believe in the uh rule of international law to join this work a key aspect of reforms of the UN must be changing the makeup of the security Council although this by itself will not lead to productive work unless there is a basic agreement on the methods of work among its permanent members this thought nevertheless does not invalidate the the need to eliminate Geographic and geopolitical imbalances in the security Council where there’s clear over representation of the countries of the collective West today what’s been needed for a long time is to achieve broad agreement on concrete parameters of Reform which will strengthen representation of Asia Africa and Latin America it’s also important to implement changes in the Staffing policy of the Secretariat to eliminate the over representation of Nationals of the and their subservient nations in the administrative structures of the organization and the SEC Secretary General and his staff of course must adhere strictly to the principles of impartiality and neutrality as uh demanded by uh article 100 of the charter which we are constantly reminding of fourth strengthen the multilateralism in international relations must be done through other multilateral organizations including the G20 which in which has represented most of the global majority and western states the Mandate of the G20 is strictly limited to Economic and Development so it’s very important that a substan of dialogue on this platform is uh does not does not include shortsighted attempts to introduce geopolitical topics an increasingly important role uh based on the principles of the UN Charter is played by bricks and the Shanghai Organization for cooperation it includes countries that represent various regions and civilizations that are cooperating on the basis of equality Mutual uh respect consensus and uh Mutual compromise this is the global standard of multilateral cooperation with the participation of major Powers pra of practical importance for multilateralism are such Regional entities as the CIS the collective security Treaty Organization the Euro Asian economic uh Community asan the league of Arab states African Union and sellak we see as an important task to uh develop multi uh multiple and diverse contacts between them including with the support of the UN the Russian presidency the council will devote a topic of it on its agenda to the Eurasian Regional organizations colleagues speaking at the par parliamentary Forum of the bricks on the July in St Petersburg Vladimir Putin said that the formation of a world order that reflects a real balance of forces is a complex into to uh in many ways a painful process end of quote discussions on this topic We Believe must be developed without devolving into pointless polemics they should be based on on a sound analysis of all the range of factors first and foremost it’s important to restore professional diplomacy culture of dialogue uh the uh ability to hear and to uh to listen and maintain channels of Crisis communication depending on whether politicians and diplomats can formulate something uh like a vision of the future millions of lives will depend on them whether our world will be multilateral and just uh it depends on member states uh the uh Foundation is the charter of the United Nations if everyone follows its letter and spirit then the United Nations is capable of overcoming current divergences and to reach a common denominator of most issues the end of History did not take place let’s work together in the interest of the beginning of history of true multilateralism that reflects all the richness of the culture and cultural and civilizational multi uh diversity of the peoples of the world I invite everyone to an Frank discussion of course it has to be an honest one thank you very much I resume my function the president of the council and I now give the floor to Federal counselor and head of the federal department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland his Excellency Mr ignazio casis Mr President excellencies dear colleagues a more just more democratic and more sustainable World Order is one that places Freedom at its heart yet history shows us that there is no such thing as absolute freedom while freedom is essential for living in society it is only guaranteed when it is protected by rules rules of principle and rules of law the right to Freedom cannot exist without Duty and responsibility more than 75 years ago when we adopted the United Nations Charter and the universal Declaration of Human Rights we drew lessons from the history of the first half of the 20th century and particularly the two World Wars these Universal standards made it possible to build a world in which the force of law would eventually Prevail over the law of force and it is in particular the prohibition of the use of force a genuine paradigm shift in international law when the world previously believed in the idea of a just war that was placed at the heart of our Charter since the adoption of the charter we the peoples of the United Nations have stone by Stone built the foundations of our Universal commitments and we have tried together to build a better world one with less poverty controlled epidemics humanitarian assistance for those in need many of us were bathed in an optimism fueled by the spirit of never again when the Berlin Wall came down we believed that the ideals based on the principle of the charter would take hold once and for all but we must admit that we have not been able to stay the course our optimism clashed against the merciless wall of realism and yet we know history is not linear and that human beings have an unfortunate tendency to repeat the same mistakes protectionism nationalism symptoms of this Global Mala illustrate a gigantic lack of trust between humans Wars poverty misinformation and geopolitical visions that are difficult to reconcile are gaining ground all over the world Ukraine for example has been devastated by military aggression for over two years in flagrant violation of the charter for more than a year Sudan has once again been in the grip of a Civil War and ladies and gentlemen 75 years of multilateral Engagement have yet to bring peace to the Middle East yes multilateralism is ailing if the United Nations seems too weak to us today it is because it reflects the too little willingness on the part of all member states to obey the law of Duty that they have voluntarily subjected themselves to we must regain the momentum that has held our community together for so long Mr President in May 20123 in this very chamber I cheered a debate on the role of trust between states trust is a key element if this council is to fulfill its mandate to build trust we need to seek out more dialogue especially when there are divisions seeking out and creating dialogue sometimes requires creativity and risk-taking when we organized an International Conference on peace in Ukraine a month ago our aim was precise ly to build trust through dialogue in Switzerland for two days around a 100 delegations discussed possible paths to Peace by no means did we all agree on these paths to peace but we tried to establish a basis of trust on which to move forward and we are providing a forum for other discussions such as the one currently taking place on Sudan under the opes of the UN Geneva or the one that took place earlier in the context of Yemen as the depositary of the Geneva Convention Switzerland is ready to shoulder its responsibilities to achieve a world order based on humanitarian law as we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Geneva conventions next month and I hope to welcome you all to Switzerland for this important commemoration it is high time to reaffirm the universal validity of international humanitarian law at the end of October Switzerland will host the 34th International Conference of the Red Cross and red crescent in Geneva Under The Motto managing uncertainty strengthening Humanity the aim of this conference is to improve humanitarian response through effective dialogue ladies and gentlemen dear colleagues faced with an increase in wars and the systematic use of violence we need to believe in respect for international humanitarian law while trust can be created through dialogue it can also be created through a change of perspective as a Doctor by training I believe in science and scientific diplomacy I’m convinced that science can help strengthen the efficiency of our work an approach based on scientifically established facts so strengthens Mutual trust it makes it possible to anticipate risks and opportunities for Peace during our presidency of the council in October of this year we will be proposing a meeting on the potential of science diplomacy dear colleagues it is up to us the members of this Council to live up to the responsibility that we have been entrusted whether by the general assembly or by the history of our common Humanity I thank you I thank his Excellency Mr casis and I give the flooor to the director of the Department of multilateral and Global Affairs Ministry for foreign affairs and international cooperation and ambassador to the Caribbean community of Guan his Excellency Mr George talbet Mr President excellencies I thank the Russian Federation for convening today’s open debate and welcome the opportunity for Collective introspect ction and Frank assessment of multilateral cooperation in the interest of a more just Democratic and sustainable World Order in guana’s view such an order is exactly what was envisaged when the United Nations Charter was crafted the critical ingredients can be found in the preamble to the Charter a world free from the scourge of War one where there is respect for fundamental human rights and the dignity and worth of the human person where men and women and Nations large and small enjoy equal rights where there is Justice and respect for international law and the obligations flowing there from and the world that Fosters for All Peoples better standards of life life en large of Freedom the United Nations Charter embodying as it does the fundamental principles of the multilateral ethos has served as a framework and guide for the achievement of these objectives it enjoins a sense of common purpose a spirit of solidarity and of inclusion no country or people is to be left behind as Sovereign equals every state deserves a seat at the table of global discourse each voice needs to be heard and respected and each contribution valued in the words of guyana’s most celebrated poet Martin Carter I quote all are involved all are consumed unquote small developing countries such as my own attach the highest value to an effective Democratic responsive and inclusive multilateral system and to the Primacy of the rule of international law our security our very survival depends on this in working to adapt the global architecture to the demands of the 21st century the enduring relevance and validity of the purposes and principles of the UN Charter cannot be overstated however too often are they OB honored in the bridge it is incumbent on the security Council charged with the primary responsibility for maintaining International Peace and security and by extension its member states to be exemplary in their adherence to the Charter and to esue any conduct that is inimical to the council’s Mandate but no state is exempt in this regard states must therefore hold themselves and each other to the highest standards of performance and accountability in in observance of the charter and international law Mr President as we have seen in the cases of Ukraine and Gaza breaches of the peace can have consequences well beyond the immediate theater of operations the security Council must take active cognizance of these realities and in concert with the broader International Community community and Regional organizations be more proactive in addressing the drivers of conflict greater attention to prevention and to the Pacific settlement of disputes as provided in chapter six of the charter is imperative parties to disputes must be persuaded to seek Solutions utilizing the means outlined in article 33 of the chart including negotiation mediation arbitration and judicial settlement too often is there recourse to the threat or use of force the result is an increasing number of armed conflicts in our world today that continue to destroy lives and threaten the future of States this is compounded by a lack of respect for international humanitarian law in reaffirming the principle of non-interference in Internal Affairs we cannot turn a blind eye to egregious violations members of the security Council should not be among those undermining the judicial institutions of the United Nations so crucial to ensuring respect for the rule of law and promoting accountability Mr President the thrust towards a more just Democratic and sustainable World Order will of necessity entail institutional reform not least of the security Council arguably the least representative of global institutions the council must be made more representative Democratic and accountable for Guyana no reform would be complete without enhanced participation of small states who for the most part are a force for peace and principle moreover the multi-dimensional and interlocking threats and challenges of today require greater cooperation complimentarity and coherence of effort across un organs International machinery and member states we must broaden our frame of reference and expand our toolkit to deal with the new threats that have evolved such as those posed by climate change cyber attacks AI disease Etc likewise in the use of available resources to better address Interlink Pursuits such as between prevention and peace building and development and poverty eradication just just a fraction of the vast resources dedicated to Implements of war and destruction would more than suffice for the fight against poverty or hunger or disease or the combat of climate change indeed for the promotion of sustainable peace in our world finally on the question of trust among member states Within the security Council or wherever this question is not new nor is the answer trust is ultimately based on performance the honoring of commitments the Assumption of responsibilities the discharge of obligations It Is fostered by promoting real understanding and dialogue across the multitude of commitments undertakings and obligations within the UN Charter the 2030 agenda the Paris agreement or the many other instruments resolutions and declarations adopted by these United Nations or Beyond a credibility gap exists that must be closed I end Mr President as the charter begins we the the peoples their trust their hopes their aspirations their expectations are ultimately what matters most it must be acknowledged that the adversarial nature of contemporary politics makes it impossible to fulfill our Global commitments and meet the expectations of our people states must demonstrate by their actions that they are reliable and trustworthy Partners committed to working together for the greater good of all I thank you yeah I thank his Excellency Mr talbet for a statement and I now give the floor to the representative of Algeria Mr President excellencies first I thank Russia for organizing this open debate and I thank his Excellency Sergey lavro for coming from Moscow to chair this important meeting excellencies this debate is very timely timely because our Council continues to struggle to find solution to too many conflicts and crisis including in Palestine where genocide is being committed as we speak I hope this debate will help our counil to be more effective and less polarized Mr President multilateral cooperation is not something new new there were instance of multilateralism through military Alliance treaties and trade roads in the Mediterranean region and elsewhere during ancient times while this may not fit the modern definition of multilateral cooperation it it Illustrated the idea of various entity coming together for common purposes today we cannot imagine a world without multilateral cooperation it is essential for addressing complex Global issues that no single country can solve alone it’s also allows go commments to pull resources share knowledge and develop joint Solutions as council’s members this is precisely what we try to do every time we enter this chamber Mr President multilateral cooperation faces multiple challenges this requires the UN to adapt to emerging realities with multiple centers of poor and to enhance its role in establishing a just Democratic and sustainable International order my delegation firmly believes that reforming the security Council will would increase the legitimacy of this un organ in this regard expand expanding the council’s membership and prioritizing the historical Injustice done to Africa will be a millstone the open debate that will be held next month under the S Leon presidency will allow us to discuss this issue further in the meantime the the IGN’s contribution to The Pact of the future is an important step in the right direction we thank the IGN’s co-chairs the permanent representative of Austria and Kuwait Mr President regarding the opportunities we shall not miss first and foremost we have the 2030 agenda it represent a universal framework that address poverty environmental degradation and economic inequalities and let’s not forget that this agenda calls for the full realization of the right to self-determination of people living under Colonial and for foreign occupation with less than 1 fifth of the Target on track the world is failing to deliver on the SD’s promise urgent actions is needed excellencies Algeria believes that to re reestablish an atmosphere of trust in the UN and in particular with this Council we require more efforts to Foster mutual respect transp parency inclusivity and openness to that end we must abide by and prioritize diplomacy and dialogue transparency du understanding peaceful settlement of disputes we also need to give priority to conflict prevention and peace building by addressing the road causes last but not the least we need to uphold international law and the UN Charter as guiding principles we must ensure that the council’s decisions and actions are there to these principles and contribute to Global peace and stability our Compass shall be avoiding the selective application of international law dear colleagues as the summit of the future approach let’s work to make this this event a real Summit of the future not a summit of the past I thank you I thank the representative of Algeria for a statement and I give the floor to the representative of the United Kingdom thank you president the world of 2024 looks very different to the world of 1945 but the challenges we Face are no less Stark more countries globally are engaged in conflicts than at any time since the second world war we’re facing a climate crisis and scientific and technological breakthroughs are raising new questions which we need to answer a un fit for the 21st century is vital to meet these challenges and i’ like to make three points first we need reinvigorated systems that are more inclusive and more responsive to deliver on these important priorities including the sustainable development goals and International Financial architecture reform that is why the UK is committed to making a success of the summit of the future in September setember and realizing its potential to set a new ambitious course for the UN we also recognize that members sitting around this table need to be more representative of the world today and that is why we have long supported Security Council reform second we need to ensure that this Council delivers on its mandate to uphold International Peace and security we regret that recent Council resolutions 2735 and 2736 calling for a ceasefire dealer in Gaza and deescalation in and around El fascia in Sudan have yet to be fully implemented we call on all parties to do their utmost to see these resolutions implemented to prevent further human suffering we as council members also have a responsibility to uphold our own commitments it is therefore vital that the Russian government stops sourcing weapons from dprk in violation of un Security Council resolutions and stop STS its attempts to disrupt un work in Africa including by stopping Russian proxy targeted actions against minusa third we must defend the UN Charter president while you tell us how you believe the world order can become more just Democratic and sustainable your military is systematically bombing civilians in Ukraine in an unprovoked war of aggression and in flagrant violation of the UN Charter what is just about trying to Annex another country’s land what is democratic about trying to subjugate another country’s people what is sustainable about waging a war that has killed or injured over 500,000 of your own people the war in Ukraine is a stark reminder of what kind of World Order Russia really wants a world where might is right and powerful countries can bully and invade others with impunity the UK will not accept such a world we will continue to stand staunchly behind Ukraine we will support its aspiration for a just and Lasting peace in line with the UN Charter and international law and its demand for accountability we will continue to be a tireless advocate for Effective multilateralism and for the principles at the heart of the UN Charter I thank you I thank the representative of the United Kingdom and I give the floor to the representative of sier Leon thank you Mr President I thank you for convening this timely debate on multilateral cooperation in the interest of a more just Democratic and sustainable World Order s welcomes the debate not only in view of the forthcoming 80th anniversary of the United Nations the most essential multilateral institution of our time but also because it offers the opportunity to rethink and reshape our cooperation framework on the basis of equity democracy and sustainability today more than ever our Collective efforts are essential in navigating the complexities of our interconnected world the challenges we Face raging from climate change to Global head crisis from conflict to economic inequalities are beyond the capacity of any single nation to resolve they demand a robust coordinated and inclusive multilateral approach currently the 193 member states of the United Nations from the diverse regions and cultures evoke a strong statement of recognition by member states of the importance of the multilateral system founded on international law to safeguard the sovereignty and Independence of state and to advance and defend common and critical interests we should therefore resolve to use this unity in diversity to achieve the purposes of the organization to maintain International Peace and security promote and protect fundamental human rights and cooperates to achieve sustainable development presently we are however challenged to generate innovative ideas and credible mechanisms that will bring all conflict to a peaceful end maintain peace and security promote social progress human rights and fundamental freedoms and secure better standards of life for Humanity we have limited options or any other alternative other than to strengthen multilateralism based on the UN Charter and international law to address this challenges this Council should in this regard reflect on reform measures that will reinforce our Collective obligation to uphold the proposes and principle upon which our organization was founded as enshrined in the UN Charter we cannot Champion a just Democratic and sustainable world when Africa a continent on which more than half of the discussions of the security Council are based remains excluded in the permanent category and under represented in a non-permanent category in the organ with primary responsibility and binding decision powers on matters of International Peace and security the historical Injustice against Africa must be addressed and we look forward to the debate on this important issue during San’s presidency of the security Council in August there is a binding commitment to build a global society that is more just inclusive and equal than the one we live in today accordingly we must be committed to supporting and facilitating multilateral cooperation in the interests of a just Democratic and sustainable world with the United Nations at the center therefore respecting the prohibition and the use of force preserving and strengthening the values of peaceful settlement of dispute upholding the Dignity of humanity and meaningful sustainable economic development through International cooperation as enshrined in un Charter the universal Declaration of Human Rights and reaffirm in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development are essential to promote and support the three pillars of the United Nations Mr President on the basis of the foregoing let me highlight four key points first and importantly ajust World requires an unwavering commitment to the rule of law respect for and upholding international law and the rule of law at the international level is a synic one none as it is self-evident that for multilateralism to be sustained and strengthened it is imperative that states abide by their obligations under the UN Charter and international law auring selective application of the law to strengthen multilateralism through international law and the rule of law states are also urged to use or continue to use international Court in particular the international court of justice as a potential tool to address shared interest of international concern this could be seen as the application of international law to multilateralism thereby ensuring Justice and accountability and solving legal dispute judicial assessment of dispute in a way given expression to Article 2 paragraph 3 and article 33 of the UN Charter and reinforcing the role of international law secondly a democratic world order should be centered around the principles of transparency accountability and inclusive participation democracy is not merely a system of governance but a foundation upon which the principle of sovereign equality of State rests support for democratic prac practices and transparent processes at the international level allows for inclusive participation and ownership and thereby putting an end the Paradigm of inequality inequities as well as safeguarding against erosion of democratic tenant of sovereign equality it is imperative for pluralism to be reinforced allowing for the voices of all actors in international relations to be had thirdly we acknowledge that sustainability is the Bedrock of a world order that promises longevity and prosperity for future Generations the 2030 agenda for Sol development and the Paris agreement on climate change provide us the blueprint Additionally the summit of the future affords us the opportunity at the highest level to outline an ambitious agenda not only to forge a new international consensus but also to establish a new Global agreement on multilateral Solutions with a commitment to deliver a better present and Safeguard the future we must us accelerate our efforts to combat climate change promote sustainable development and protect our planet’s biodiversity this includes fostering innovation in green technologies enhancing Global cooperation on environmental issues meaningful capacity development and transfer of technology and ensuring that economic growth does not come at the expense of our planet’s Health fourthly it is imperative to highlight the role of the Breen Hood institutions the international monetary fund and the World Bank in creating a just fair and sustainable World these institutions were established to promote International economic operation and stability however as the global economic landscape has evolved so too must these institutions we must ensure that their policies and practices are aligned the principles of equity sustainability and Democratic governance the must assist States and government to deliver on their social contract their programs must not drive a wedge between citizens and their government as abating tensions that may exist a pressing issue that requires our immediate attention is the burden of debt on developing nations many countries are trapped in a cycle of debt that stifle their development prospects and asate poverty and inequality debt cancellation and comprehensive debt treatment are not just economic Necessities but means to address some of the root causes of conflict by providing death relief we enable these nations to invest in health education infrastructure and sustainable development thereby fostering global stability and prosperity de sustainability should be a Cornerstone of a multilateral effort we must work towards a fear and transparent inter International Sovereign lending and debt architecture that prevents future debt crisis and ensure that boring is managed responsibly this include promoting responsible lending and borrowing practices enhancing debt transparency and developing mechanisms of fair and orderly debt restructuring Mr President in pursuit of these goals multilateralism is our most powerful tool the United Nations with its unique legitimacy and convening Power must be at the Forefront of foster International cooperation we must reform and reinvigorate our multilateral institutions to be more effective representative and responsive to the needs of all member states this includes addressing disparities in global governance structures and ensuring Equitable representation for developing countries especially Africa our Collective result to enance a multilateral cooperation must be immediate must be the immediate necessity our inaction will have a debilitating effect on the Dignity of humanity in that regard s reiterated commitment to the principles ideals and objectives of the UN chter in closing Mr President let me say that the challenges of our times are formidable but they are not insurmountable by embracing multilateral cooperation we can create a worldall that is more just Democratic and sustainable let us reaffirm our commitment to this princip principles and work towards together to build a future that reflects the highest aspiration of humanity I thank you I thank the rep thank the representative of sier Leon I give the floor to the representative of the Republic of Korea uh thank you Mr President it is significant and so real that this meeting on multilateralism and the world order was convened as the second achievement of the Russian presidency of the security Council as the country has been providing us with an almost painful amount of food for thought on this subject with frustration from the intractable conflicts violence and threats to International Peace and security persisting around the world such as the war in Ukraine the Gaza crisis and dprk’s repeated violations of Security Council resolutions it is often argued that the UN and the m multilateralism have become futile it is truly frustrating that in practice the UN indeed was designed to be powerless in case a permanent member of the security Council uses force in violation of the UN Charter and is determined to get away with it however this does not mean that we should give up on the UN or multilateralism dear colleagues even without binding decisions the United Nations in particular the Council still provides a valuable platform to exchange views among member states and construct the right narrative for the International Community the United Nations can serve as a megaphone that sends out clear messages toward the global audience that the violation of the UN Charter by any member states is unacceptable thereby ultimately thoring the amb of violators and guiding Us in the right direction in our view this enduring multilateral diplomatic space is even more relevant in the deepening skepticism and Chaos we face today against this backdrop I’d like to highlight the following points first diversity must be fostered in a manner that promotes Universal values in addressing Global challenges it is critical to respect different histories cultures levels of economic development and different political systems we should always earnestly listen to each other and deepen our mutual understanding however we should also be reminded that we are after all the same kind the one Humanity even amid conflicts Wars and extreme hate towards one another the essence of the humanity we share transcends all other differences in culture politics and history likewise fundamental and Universal values are non-negotiable and must be upheld under any circumstances for instance the reported public execution of dozens of teenage students in North Korea last week for watching South Korean dramas and the sentencing of hard labor to North Koreans for preparing their meal with battled rights the South Korean Angel sent over for humanitarian purposes are simply intolerable such brutal acts by the regime cannot and must not be explained or understood in terms of any diversity or differences in governance it makes no sense to preach diversity while undermining our shared Universal values second we should preserve and effectively utilize the multilateral tools that un has developed for decades and are now at our disposal among many Un Peace operations remain a central component in the Continuum of un responses to maintain peace and security we strongly call for full support for these missions both in terms of mandates and resources to better protect civilians prevent conflicts establish the rule of law and promote human rights as mentioned in the secretary General’s new agenda for peace the UN Security Council sanctions regimes also remain an important un Charter instrument to address threats to International Peace and security sanctions should be more targeted and effective minimizing unintended humanitarian impacts at the same time we need to ensure that sanctions measures are effective enough to achieve their intended goal bearing in mind that every sanctions regime has its own history and background undermining sanctions regimes without good reasons or for self-serving purposes including the monitoring mechanism can only further complicate and destabilize situations in this connection Russia’s singlehanded dissolution of the panel of experts on dprk sanctions in April demonstrated how great violations of Security Council resolutions by a permanent member such as the trading of arms with North Korea can result in the destruction of an indispensable Security Council institution One Lie leads to another and one crime leads to another colleagues this brings us to my next point that accountability for decisions and agreements must be ensured the concept note for today’s meeting asks us whether the international order should be founded on a poly Centric or a unipolar paradigm but in our view this question is about how we analyze an existing phenomenon not a matter of choice whether we are living in a multipolar world or not what matters is that we realize sustaining peace from it we have seen the consequences of the multipolar order or rather disorder of the 1920s and 30s it is our common goal not to let such history repeat itself one way to acheve a this goal is to ensure that the United Nations outperform the League of Nations and stick to the rules and principles that we have agreed upon as much as possible including the UN Charter and Security Council resolutions this is what we can choose these rules should be applied to everyone in a fair and consistent manner it must also be made clear the consequences will follow for violators rather than allowing impunity only then can the rule of law be established in particular it is Paramount that the prime principles of the UN cha such as the nonuse of force respect for other nations sovereignty and territorial integrity and the promotion of Human Rights up upheld in every corner of the world without leaving any vacuum there are no so-called legitimate concerns that justify V ation of these basic principles colleagues as we look look ahead to the summit of the future we do not want our present to be remembered by Future Generations as a dark year of multilateralism instead let it be known as a key juncture when we overcame the criticism of futility against multilateralism with a tenacious joint efforts to promote our shared Universal values I thank you I thank the representative of the Republic of Korea and I give the floor to the United States thank you Mr President the United States welcomes the opportunity to come together to discuss this serious matter of International Peace and security and multilateral cooperation even if it was convened by a council member that has shown time and time again that it doesn’t take this matter seriously and in fact as I listened to the Russian Representatives statement I thought I was in the wrong room because this seemed to be a session whining about the United States in the west and I hardly heard the word multilateralism mentioned colleagues as you all know member states are invited to donate our artw work to the United Nations and these official gifts are meant to epitomize the ideals of the United Nations the values outlined in his Charter you may all ask why am I mentioning this well beyond this chamber at the easternmost edge of the United Nations North Lawn is Russia’s gift presented in 1959 it’s a bronze statute of a man beating his sword into a plow a plow share transforming a weapon of War into a tool for the common good prioritizing food security and agricultural Prosperity over destruction and so it’s ironic that today the very country that erected this statute this statement of the un’s ideals is now actively engaged in a war of aggression against its neighbor a war that has we has weaponized food worsening food in security not only for ukrainians but for tens of millions of hungry people around the world a war that has severely damaged Ukraine’s power production threatening to leave hundreds of thousands in the cold this winter a war that has killed thousands of innocent people including dozens just last week at a pediatric hospital in keev a war that has facilitated the unlawful transfer of thousands upon thousands of people from their homes including children children and a war that has caused Moscow to result to nuclear brinksmanship and to violate International sanctions obligations of course Russia’s abor Behavior began well before its full scale invasion in 2022 in particular Putin has treated human beings as bargaining trips chips and continue to do so to this day I think about the family family and friends of Trevor Reed and Brittney grer and Evan gitz and Paul whan as well as others people detained for doing their jobs or even just being in the wrong place at the wrong time used as human bonds last year this Council had the privilege of being joined by Paul’s sister Elizabeth in the public gallery and I asked minister lavro to consider her unimaginable pain having gone four years without seeing her brother to look into her eyes and see her suffering today over 2,000 days since he last saw his family Paul remains locked up in a Russian penal colony and so Min Minister lavaro I want to look into your eyes while you look into your phone and say we will not rest until Paul and Evan come home and Russia has ceased this barbaric practice of holding human ponds once and for all and that is a promise colleagues it is clear the the hypocrisy displayed on the un’s North Lawn by a nation that has chosen to beat plowshares into swords is only matched by the hypocrisy it has displayed in this very Council today and every day Today We Gather under the guise of embracing and improving multilateralism of recommitting to international law and yet as we speak Russia continues to erode confidence in our institutions while willfully and flagrantly violating the core tenants of the United Nations Charter territorial Integrity respect for human rights International cooperation ation these are our values the shared principles every single one of us agreed to uphold and they have provided the basis of the United Nations greatest triumphs our shared principles have helped us Forstall nuclear proliferation and prevent Mass atrocities they have helped us forged peace after years of strife and provide desperate needed humanitarian Aid to those in need now let me be clear I’m not star eyed the United Nations isn’t perfect it reflects a deeply imperfect world one filled with conflict and contradiction the debates we have in this room exist Beyond it too and yet this is institution endures multilateralism endures because we need it to endure we need an effective United Nations to tackle the kind of borderless challenges that affect us all more than that the United Nations endures because people and Nations continue to see its promise and even in the darkest moments of the past few years those those those Nations have offered glimmers of Hope moments in which multilateral ISM one out out over isolationism hope over cynicism and I think about the global response to Russian aggression in the aftermath of Russia’s fullscale Invasion 143 UN member states came together to affirm Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty time and time again the vast majority of this Council has spoken out against Russia’s illegal unprovoked unnecessary war and against all those who enable it and in multilateral fora across the globe including at last month’s Ukraine peace Summit in Switzerland leaders have committed to Ukraine’s recovery reconstruction reform and modernization to good faith negotiations toward a justtin la lasting peace consistent with the principles of the UN Charter in all of these efforts the United States has been inspired by the extraordinary courage and the resilience of the Ukrainian people ordinary citizens willing to risk every everything to protect the values they hold dear democracy and Justice equality and Humanity peace and security the very value we all have the privilege in fact the responsibility to fight for here in this chamber colleagues the United Nation needs reform not a wrecking ball and certainly not one accompanied by Milly mouth calls for cooperation but rather meaningful and positive Evolution real Action Real Change to make this body as effective efficient and inclusive as possible and so in the face of Russia’s divisive rhetoric attacks on and international architecture we all help shape and flagrant violations in Ukraine and all around the world those of us committed to progress both within this institution and Beyond it can do more in fact we must do more for our part the United States is committed to modernizing Ing and strengthening this institution and the multilateral system more broadly to better reflect the priorities of all member States including developing countries whether it’s working with shareholders of multilateral development Banks to address economic barriers to achieving the SGS are championing efforts to reform the security Council itself fostering accountability and transparency and ensuring this body incorporates geographically diverse perspectives including permanent representation from the global South it’s why I conducted a wide ranging set of conversations on Council reform a listening tour with member states reform groups Regional groupings and other institutional systems and why we will continue to engage widely to ensure this body is fit for the 21st century creating this change and upholding the rules-based international order as defined by the charter aren’t mutually exclusive on the contrary they are mutually reinforcing and so as we work to reform multilateral systems we will uphold our commitment to the International Community from the UN Charter to other treaties and conventions intern National human humanitarian law to World Trade Organization rules not as my Russian counterpart might argue to keep other nations down but rather to help them build up to ensure that everyone plays by the rules and that the rules are fair to everyone including the developing nations that have for far too long been used and abused by Russia to that end we will champion fundamental Universal human rights at the very core of that International order freedom of belief and religion expression and peaceful assembly no matter who you are or where you were born what you own or how you pray we will steadfastly pursue a peaceful resolution to conflicts around the world while working around the clock to promote diplomacy to expand and accelerate humanitarian efforts to Aid in reconstruction to not only respond to the crisis of today but work to prevent them and we will renew our commitment to achieve the sustainable development goals to heal the climate to end poverty and hunger to fight corruption to seow equity and Justice where it is under assault to achieve the kind of monumental change only we can as a United Global Community colleagues this is our charge this is the moment the United Nations was designed to meet and so we must rally behind the UN Charter and its fundamental principles of sovereignty of territorial Integrity of peace and security we must Embrace multilateralism for what it is is not a politically expedient buzzword but a means of achieving real progress on the issues that affect us all and finally we must turn swords into plowshares conflict into common good and together create a more peaceful prosperous world for us all thank you I thank the representative of the United States for the very eloquent statement and I I’ll give the floor to the representative of Malta thank you president international law and the UN Charter underpinned by respect for all fundamental human rights are the bagrock of multilateralism they form the essential tenants for diplomacy and international relations we must remain committed to all fundamental principles of internation AAL law emphasizing that these principles should be seen as compliment complimentary rather than conflicting during times of unprecedented Global challenges it is imperative that we uphold them even more vinant conflicts have escalated both in intensity and in volume with the emergence of various risk factors and threat multipliers this includes climate change which exacerbates various challenges such as the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events the reduction of food supplies and the subsequent escalation of conflicts human rights are increasingly being curtailed and violated and inequities are rising the F this further enhances the importance of multilateral cooperation which is crucial for effectively addressing such Global challenges Malta Remains the dedicated to multilateralism based on international law and the UN Charter to address these challenges we reiterate that in these times enhanced cooperation between multilateral organizations and international and at International and Regional level with the UN at the core of its work is especially important the system must continue to evolve to answer to today’s challenges it is fundamental that such an Evolution safeguards the and facilitates the full equal meaningful and safe participation of women in order to promote gender transformative actions and agreements President we believe that the summit of the future presents a critical opportunity for all states to recommit to multilateralism based on good faith interpretation of international law and the UN Charter with the UN at its Center peace and security sustainable development and adherence to human rights are intrinsically linked we must therefore accelerate the implementation of the 2030 agenda promote and defend the universality and indivisibility of Human Rights within the UN system while remaining committed to strengthening transitional Justice and accountability for serious violations and abuses of human rights law and violation of international humanitarian law Malta therefore remains a strong advocate for the Integrity Independence and functionality of the UN Human Rights mechanisms as well as a steadfast supporter of the international criminal court and other International judicial mechanisms we cannot have peace and security without adherence to the entirety of international law and the UN Charter in this regard we must point out the Contin continued blatant disregard shown by the Russian Federation for international law and the UN Charter in their unprovoked and unjustified aggression against Ukraine this illegal aggression has caused death and injury to hundreds of thousands including many civilians grave violations against children destruction of Civilian infrastructure including schools and hospitals and caused worldwide food shortages on this occasion we urge again we we again urge the Russian Federation to immediately and unconditionally withdraw its military forces from the entire territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and to turn to dialogue and diplomacy as the tools which can bring stability to the region in closing multilateralism based on international law and the UN Charter with respect for fundamental human rights is the only way to rise to today’s Global challenges Malta remains committed to working towards this goal thank you I thank the representative of Malta for her statement and I don’t give the floor to the representative of Japan Mr President no single country can single-handedly resolve today’s various complex Global challenges that fellow council members already lined up we need a collective multilateral response and un must be at the heart of it multilateralism functions only when member states work together based on Mutual trust and cooperation given the diverse views and positions of each country on various issues what unite us is our shared Collective commitment to the fundamental principles of international law including the UN Charter it is tragic irony and Brant hypocrisy that this debate is being organized under the presidency of Russia focusing on how malism should work better on one hand in the concept of note of this open debate Russia emphasizes for example the importance of ensuring commitment to the purposes of principles of the UN Charter the need to reestablish the atmosphere of trust and dialogue concerned about the increase and escalation of the use of force and the areas of conflict and need to ensure equal and in indivisible security for all on the other hand its aggression against Ukraine goes against all of all of the above clearly breaching Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial Integrity which are core values of international law the unpro provoked war of aggression against the sovereign state by a permanent member of the Security Council is outright Defiance of the UN Charter and Security Council resolutions including those on North Korea and constitute a threat to Global Peace and security the Relentless use of threat of use of the BTO that has accompanied this aggression has brocked the council from making decisions and taking Collective actions paraly and discrediting the council when the world needs its most to fulfill its responsibility how can Russia criticize others selective approach on applying international law and imposing arbitrary measures while at the same time violating the very International role it says it is committed to whenever it wants indeed there is no country with a Flawless historical record in its foreign policy all of us should squarely face this reality and be humble about it however whatever blame Russia tries to put on others it will never legitimize or distract the world’s attention from Russia’s unlawful conduct on Ukraine situation as shown by the general assembly resolutions related to Ukraine the overwhelming majority of the members ship understands who is to blame Russia must first and foremost withdraw all its troops and equipment from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders immediately and unconditionally we strongly oppose any unilateral attempts to change the peacefully established status of territories by force or coion anywhere in the world and reaffirm the acquisition of territory by force is prohibited by international law we need to strengthen the UN which is the center of multilateral cooperation in particular we need an early reform of the security Council to reflect current realities rather than those of 80 years ago increasing representation of unrepresented and underrepresented regions is crucial at the same time Council membership is not privilege but assum responsibility for the maintenance of International Peace and security on behalf of the entire un membership the summit of of the future is an EPO making opportunity to take stock of what we the member states have discussed so far on Security Council reform and to show to the world a way forward with a sense of urgency we have no doubt the UN continues to be be the largest most legitimate and most indispensable International body which to discuss debate the most critical issues of the world the future of the UN solely depends on depends upon us we we have much to do let us do it legitimately I thank you I thank the representative of Japan for statement and I give the floor to the representative of France Mr President after the second world war the United Nations Charter established an international order in service of Peace based on Sovereign equality of States respect for international law the nonuse of force and peaceful resolution of disputes the U security Council has a responsibility for maintaining International Peace and security in the service of this ambition we acknowledge only one method multilateralism in other words the development of collective Universal rules to which we all choose to adhere in order to allow for the emergence of a more just more democratic and more sustainable world Russia cannot AR ardently advocate for such a world order while at the same time trampling on the fundamental principles of multilateralism similar to a arsonist uh uh uh fire it calls for a more just Global or order while M increases violations of the charter and Imperials or a system of collective security while the charter uh bans the use of force except for legitimate self-defense un authorization of this Council Russia has used illegally Force against Georgia in 2008 against Crimea and the donbas in 2014 and ising a large scale aggression since Ukraine against Ukraine for the past two years and continues to VI viate flagrantly the sovereignty and territorial Integrity of UK of Ukraine and violating the rules established by the charter to which we believe are all attached including in this Council it rides rough shot over International humanitarian law by delibrately targeting civilians at hospitals it systematically targets uh Ukrainian energy and food producing infrastructure depriving intentionally Ukrainian civilians of essential needs it disregards international human rights and international human rights law by deporting Ukrainian children and employing systematic use of torture this has been confirmed by the international Commission of inquiry and the UN monitoring mission in Ukraine Ukraine claims to strengthen multilateral cooperation but violates a sanction of regimes against North Korea and Iran by sourcing weapons and Munitions from these two countries it also uh disregards the orders of the international court of justice which demanded it starting in March 2022 that it suspend its military operations in Ukraine lastly it ignores the resolutions of the general assembly which condemned unequivocally the violations of the charter and called for an immediate end of its aggression as well as withdrawal of its troops from Ukraine the defense of an effective multilateralism is of course essential to confront Global challenges our responses to security climate sanitary technological challenges can only be Collective ones France is in favor of expansion of the security Council in its two category of members permanent and non-permanent with Mexico we have advocated for limiting the use of the veto to strengthen the capacity of the security Council to fulfill its responsibilities Fran is mobilized to implement the sustainable development goals and we have taken concrete action for the climate by establishing a timetable for ending the use of uh fossil fuels and we will host together with Costa Rica an a un conference on the ocean in 2025 we continue to call for uh fighting against coverty to Poverty together that is the meaning of the Paris PCT for people on the planet France supports initiatives in favor of inclusive multilateralism whether in the framework of the summit of the future or in the area of digital governance in conclusion Mr uh president allow me to recall that Russia was a founding member of this organization Russia was also in the past in the camp of multilateralism it is clearly no longer a member of that camp it must without further Ado do what is necessary to once again respect its rules and principles thank you very much I thank the representative of France for a statement and I give the floor to the representative of China here thank you president China appreciates the Russian initiative to convene this open debate I welcome foreign minister lavro to the council to preside over today’s meeting to build a just Democratic and a sustainable International order is Humanity’s common pursuit in 1945 in order to save succeeding Generations from the skirt of War our forefathers upholding the spirit of multilateralism EST established on the Runes of the second world war the most universal representative and authoritative International Organization that’s the United Nations the UN Charter laying down the Cornerstone of the modern international order and establishing the basic Norms of contemporary international relations is an embodiment of our Noble ideal of working towards a just and reasonable International order since then a large number of countries have emerged from waves of national Independence and Liberation 70 years ago in the face of the shadow of the Cold War and a divided world how to realize the common ideals enshrined in the UN Charter was a question facing the world to answer this and echoing the trend of the time the Chinese leaders put forward five principles of peaceful coexistence namely mutual respect for Sovereign uh for sovereignty and territorial integrity Mutual non-aggression Mutual non-interference in each other’s Internal Affairs equality and mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence the five principles of peaceful coexistence is an embodiment of the spirit of the charter and have forged the basic Norms of international relations that countries large or small strong or weak whether coming from east or west should treat each other with mutual respect and equality these principles also constitute an important ideological basis for making the international order more just and Equitable since the dawn of the 21st century Humanity has continued its exploration for a just and Equitable International order the present the international landscape is increasingly defined by blocker Politics the world economy is facing anti-globalization Onslaught and the international governance is getting ever more fragmented humanity is once again faced with the historical choice of where to go from here president S’s proposal of building a community of common future for Humanity was put forward with the aim of better carrying forward the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the five principles of coexistence under the new circumstances China believes that in order to promote the building of a more just and Equitable International order efforts should be made in the following six areas first we must uphold Sovereign equality every country should be able to find its own place and play its role in the multiple system we must work jointly to promote a multi-polar world in an equal and orderly manner second we must adhere to mutual respect take care of each other’s vital interests and major concerns respect the path of development mode of system independently chosen by the people of each country and refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of other countries third we must build common Security based on the natural law of indivisibility of security settle disputes through dialogue and resolve differences through consultation in order to build a more balanced effective and sustainable security architecture fourth we must promote common development by promoting inclusive economic globalization accelerating the implementation of the 2030 agenda for sustain sustainable development and striving to achieve the goal of not letting any country or anyone behind fifth we must uphold Justice Safeguard the authority of the United Nations and international law Advocate a global governance based on joint consultation collaboration and benefit sharing and enhance the representation and voice of the developing countries six we must Embrace openness and inclusiveness promote equal dialogue exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations Foster Mutual understanding and kingship among peoples and promote the common values of all Humanity president in today’s chaotic World discourse on the international order covers a full range of opinions with some obvious truths being willfully distorted while certain spaes arguments gaining currency in light of the theme of today’s debate I wish to make the following points first we often hear the talk about a rules based International order by some countries but what kind of rules are we talking about and who are the rule makers no one has given us a clear and precise answer in fact the so-called rules-based International order advocated by some is really intended to create another system outside the existing system of international law and to seek legitimacy for double standards and exceptions I would like to emphasize that there’s only one order in the world and that is the international order based on international law there’s only one set of rules and they are the basic Norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter there is no room for ambiguity on matters principle and positions must be clearly staked out it is time that vague Concepts that confuse the public regardless of face of variety be put to rest second against the backdrop of the crisis in Ukraine and ongoing Israeli Palestinian conflict countries are highly concerned about International common security and many peace loving countries and people are tirelessly to bring peace however NATO a regional military block left over from the Cold War has been seeking to expand its severe influence stopping at nothing to create false narratives pouring oil on the fire wherever they go stirring up confrontation between camps and even resort to Shifting the blames to countries outside the region to frame them on the issue of Ukraine which is just the opposite of what the International Community is doing in term of persuading and promoting peace and negotiation history has UL proved that where wherever NATO’s dark hand extends to turmoil and Chaos will ensue China hereby advises NATO and other countries in question to have a soul searching and self- inspection and stop being the troublemakers who jeopardize common security at the expense of others third common development and common security are mutually reinforcing they are the foundation of a sound International order in which development is the master key to solving all problems a just and Equitable International order cannot be built on the basis of the developed countries getting ever richer while the developing countries remaining locked in poverty and the lack of development in the long run we must respond to the general trend of the collective R of the global South and make substantive strides in such areas as reform of International Financial architecture and artificial intelligence governance so as to help and empower the developing countries to catch up individual countries have inappropriately broadened the concept of national security by building small yards and high walls and indiscriminately imposed unilateral measures to disrup the Global Production and supply chain which will ultimately lead to a situation of no winers whether bilaterally or multilaterally we must resolutely resist such erroneous practices president this year next the United Nations will assing such important agendas as the summit of the future and the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the UN we must seize these important historical opportunities and make joint efforts to bring the International Community more closely under the flag of the United Nations practice genuine multilateralism and make on remating efforts to build a just Democratic and sustainable International order thank you president I thank the representative of China for a statement and I now give the floor to the representative of Slovenia thank you Mr President um as we are meeting to discuss preparedness of our multilateral system for the Contemporary challenges I would like to start with the Timeless words of the second un Secretary General D hammeri and it goes the United Nations was not created to bring us to heaven but to save us from Hell unfortunately we seem to be moving more in direction of the latter we live in a world of dark statistics with the highest number of ongoing conflicts the highest number of casualties among civilians among children humanitarian and medical workers among journalists conflicts have driven number of forcibly displaced people to record high we live in time of Hunger and protection crisis women children and older persons bear the largest burden climate change water scarcity and pollution are adding pressure on the communities around the globe this dark trend is not a consequence of an outdated multilateral system but rather a consequence of erosion of respect for its principles by some UN member States including regrettably by a member of the security Council we are witnessing flagrant violation of the UN Charter with Russian aggression in Ukraine appalling violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law are causing immense suffering of civilians in Gaza in Sudan in Ukraine and elsewhere we are facing blatant disregard for this Security Council resolutions and its sanctions in Sudan in Gaza DRC and dprk to name a few the problem is not in multilateral system built around un the problem is that the international order based on power of rules is being pushed out by rules of power we can’t and we don’t need to agree on every issue on the agenda of the security Council but we need to share a basic Foundation of effective multilateralism which according to our conviction should be respect for the UN Charter and international law no ifs no ends and no buts as a minimum this means peaceful settlement of disputes refraining from the threat or use of force against territorial Integrity of other countries and it means protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure in times of War we are not experiencing experiencing the crisis of multilateralism but rather a crisis of political will to make us comply and respect the international legal system we have all built and committed to the world finds itself in a crisis of trust a trust in the system and the trust in each other therefore the question before us should not be whether we need a new multilateral system but rather how we can restore political will and Trust to strengthen the one we have diligently built for decades precondition for rebuilding trust is full respect and compliance with the principles of the UN Charter we strongly believe we should reaffirm our Collective commitment to The Establishment established International legal system by upholding the UN Charter as the core Stone of our multilateral system through the codification of the international law and its Progressive development we should strengthen compliance I compliance mechanisms and accountability to ensure member states adherence to their International obligations the inclusive un system needs to stay a living mechanism ready to adapt to new realities and challenges of the modern time we must achieve progress in the process of its revitalization and reform the upcoming Summit for the future presents excellent opportunity in this regard the UN Charter has stood the test of time proving its relevance through many challenges of the past eight decades it continues to deserve above all our full and unconditional respect for its purposes and principles it is on us now to effectively use the existing tools provided by the UN Charter and the international law and make our common future less daunting thank you I thank the representative of Slovenia and I give the floor to the representative of Ecuador thank you Mr President I’m grateful to the Russian Federation for convening this debate on a topic that is Central to Global governance that complements the discussions on multilateralism organized in previous years in spite of uh having uh eight decades almost have passed since we adopted the UN Charter uh in favor of a more peaceful and prosperous world today the world is seeing the largest number of conflicts since the second world war which has led to 2 billion people that is a quarter of all of humanity uh living in places affected by war and violence which highlights the fact that the charter is not being implemented and is has exposed multilateralism to an existential crisis Ecuador is convinced that good faith among states is the foundation uh for restoring trust which is the Cornerstone of of an effective representative uh and Cooperative multilateralism this is because no matter how powerful a country is no country can uh confront alone transnational challenges such as a climate crisis pandemics terrorism smuggling and trafficking of persons of weapons Munitions and drugs all this constitutes fuel for or transnational organized crime or confronting the risks associated with new technologies among so many other challeng that only a revitalized multilateral cooperation can confront we must reaffirm uh the commitment to respect the principles enshrined in the charter and uh uh further strengthen in the Declaration on principles referring to relations of friendship Cooper and cooperation among states favoring human rights uh prevention and solution peaceful solution of uh disputes sovereignty Independence territorial Integrity of states and the non-interference in Internal Affairs the permanent members of this Council have a special responsibility to preserve the principles and values on which the multilateral system has been built and to prevent their uh further weakening without furthering or fa favoring their geopolitical interests because individual action has a decisive impact on the on the operation and image of the security Council as a Collegiate body in the current uh uh atmosphere of criticism of the UN due to uh geostrategic fragmentation this atmosphere conceals historic successes of the organization such as its contribution to the process of decolonization and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction promoting economic and social progress respect for human rights and management of the global humanitarian system also recently the UN has demonstrated that it can contribute to filling some of the vacuums that persist in global governance such as for example the adoption on the agreement adoption of the agreement on biodiversity Beyond national jurisdiction uh last June nevertheless we cannot and we must not lower our guard because it’s necessary to inject a greater dynamism in various processes that are underway and Endeavor to persevere so that the multilateral architecture adapts itself to new realities giving priority to the needs of the developing world the first thing we must acknowledge is the existence of a pending uh debt with regard to reforming the security Council Ecuador continues to support an ambitious and realistic uh reform without any new vetos or privileges and perpetuity a reform that was confined to a model of democracy based on the principles of rotation accountability that reflects the reality and diversity of cont the Contemporary World however the greatest Deb that the International Community has is not to have acknowledged an acted on the inherent Nexus between peace and development that requires a reform of the global multilateral architecture which includes in particular International financial institutions which uh in its their current structure do not respond to the Urgent needs of the global South this is not a recent wish just a few months ago we marked the 50th anniversary of the Declaration on the establishment of a new economic International economic order whose principles uh recall the need to improve the coherence and consistency of the international monetary financial and Commercial systems as well as the urgency of addressing the asymmetry that has affected development prospects of countries of the global South such reforms require uh particular relevance for the implementation of the the agenda 2030 develop agenda for sustainable development as a transformative vision for economic social and environmental sustainability investments in development and shared Prosperity are fundamental for the maintenance of peace and access to financing capacity building transfer uh technology transfer to developing countries depend on the implementation of this agenda I would like to uh conclude by uh by uh quoting the words of dag hammer called in the general assembly on the 3rd of October 1953 in the morning of the general assembly he said it’s not the Soviet Union or indeed any big Power who need the United Nations for their protection is all of the others in this sense the organization is first of all their organization and I deeply believe in the wisdom which they will be able to use it and guide it Mr President your excellencies colleagues as we prepare to uh celebrate the summit of the future this coming September Ecuador believes that we need to approach it as a another opportunity to demonstrate that multilateral cooperation is the best instrument to confront Global challenges that uh uh this implicit appeal uh for those who most needed to use the organization to leave no one behind is still as valid as ever thank you very much I thank the representative of Ecuador and I give the floor to the representative of mozambik Mr President mosami highly commends the initiative of the Russian Federation for convening this open debate under the theme multilateral cooperation in the interest of a more just Democratic and sustainable world order the theme under discussion today offers a unique opportunity for council members to revisit the chter the legal instrument that binds us together around this H shoe table and Beyond uh this is a golden opportunity for us to exchange thoughts and views on how best our Collective actions can be energized and channeled to build a more just peaceful Democratic and sustainable world order in the current challenging times we hold the view that the United Nations was born essentially as a multilateral body aimed at guaranteeing that the system of collective security enshrined in the chter works for the benefit of all humankind as a matter of fact article one paragraph 4 defines as one of the purposes of the United Nations to be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of common ends it is our understanding that Chief among these common ends is the maintenance of International Peace and security on many occasions as council members and as members of the United Nations at large we have committed ourselves to this multilateralism that is embedded in the letter and the spirit of the chter therefore harmonizing our actions for International Peace and security means above all that both in the security Council and in the general assembly we need in fact we must speak with one voice and act with one purpose in upholding the purposes and principles of the chter we as mosm have always believed in the organization as a locus of understanding between nations as a fundamental instrument for prevention a prevention in the words of the charter to save the succeeding generation from the scourge of War since the Inception of our statehood we have embraced this framework of multilateral cooperation based on the principle of sovereign equality of the United Nations membership we have welcome the end of Cold War in the Years 8990 we viewed this event not as a victory of one rival over the other but as a new and fresh departure to build a just Democratic and sustainable World Order In the interest not just of the west or of the East but of the entire humankind that vision that spirit and that courage for dialogue and mutual understanding was in our view the correct way to thread Mr President we believe the center of the world should be and should continue to be the United Nations that to say the states must be guided at all times by the chart of the United Nations by the tenants of international law our common yard stick in that respect should be the degree to which each Nation how each Nation behaves in regard to international law we have always advocated multilateralism we inclusivity we have supported in every instance efforts to create a peaceful and sustainable World Order where the needs and priorities of the developing and least developed countries are taken into account we recall that that was the purpose behind our effort for the establishment of a new international economic order in the 70s that is we believe what we aspire to materialize today with the sdgs that pledge that no one should be left behind the sdgs thus translate Faithfully what the chter aptly phrased as the determination to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom in the context of building an effective multilateral is mzm reiterates the call on the need for Security Council reform a reform that must take into account the African common position based on the Z consensus and a Ser declaration this will allow the council to be more inclusive fair just and Democratic in the discharge of its duties under the charter at the service of the entire human kind Mr President the current Global Security challenges require concerted efforts and a reinforced role of cooperation those challenges include Interstate Wars Interstate conflicts ter terrorist violent extremis transnational organized crime proliferation of weapons limited peacekeeping capacity and financing among others we are certain that Global problems demand Global responses therefore a more just democratic and sustainable World Order must be anchored on a cooperation where relations among nations are constructive and robust and are based on respect for the principle of equal rights of states and the selfdetermination of peoples I thank you Mr President I thank the representative MZ and I give the floor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and trade of Hungary his Excellency Mr Peter Ser Serge dear colleagues first of all thank you so much for the opportunity to uh speak uh at the security Council in the age of dangers as there are around 30 countries in the world which have been suffering from armed conflicts nowadays I’m representing a country I hope Europe Union colleagues paid attention I’m representing a country Hungary which has been living in the shadow of a war for two and a half years now and we have been confronted with the direct consequences of this war we have received more than a million refugees we have been faced with war inflation and we had to pay tremendously High Energy prices so I can tell you colleagues that they War looks totally different from the neighborhood compared to an ocean away thousands of people are dying a country is under destruction and this is the daily experience but there’s a long-term risk as well a long-term risk of the world being divided into blocks again and here comes our historic experience a country coming from from Central Europe we know it very well from our historic experience that in case there’s no chance for a civilized cooperation between East and West we lose on it and we don’t want to lose again dear colleagues I’ve been in this position for almost 10 years now the longest serving currently in the European Union and I have to tell you that I have participated on a number of events number of meetings in the European Union in these last 10 years when we discussed the issue of armed conflicts and Wars far away of Europe and what was the European position always urging the parties of the war of that given War to give up the battlefield solution to sit around the negotiating table to go for peace negotiate with each each other look for the Diplomatic solution and what is the position now when there’s a war going on in Europe totally different and not only totally different but the word peace the word negotiation if it is being used by someone is being stigmatized immediately we very well know the Expressions spies Trojan Horse uh friends of whoever so you know very very bad approach the legitimacy of diplomacy is basically being debated for us diplomacy is not only talking to those with whom you agree 100% this is not diplomacy this is something totally different diplomacy is about talking to everyone even to those with whom you do not agree on major issues that’s an achievement that’s an achievement the last two half years proved clearly in our neighborhood that there’s no Battlefield solution for the war in Ukraine we have to give back the legitimacy for diplomacy and I have to tell you colleagues this is not only unacceptable but scandalous really scandalous that a country is being stigmatized in the 21st century just because arguing in favor of a diplomatic solution a country is being stigmatized just because using channels of communication to talk to those with whom there might be Mis uh there might be lack of common understanding on major issues this is totally unacceptable and scandalous here we are in New York at the headquarters of the United Nations United Nations has not been established to be a um platform for like-minded countries there are other organizations for that un has been established to uh give a platform for those who do not agree with each other who are in a hostile relationship with each other who are at war with each other to talk to each other to talk to each other therefore I think over politicization of the UN organizations is unacceptable and it is equally unacceptable to restrict countries from negotiate with those with whoever they want to especially in the framework of the United Nations well some of you might have heard about the fact that Hungary has taken over the presidency of the European Union as the 1 of July even some of you might have heard about that it doesn’t make everybody happy uh in Europe but you know we are now being under very heavy attacks political attacks of those European politicians who are representing a proar position but I have to tell you that such kind of attacks will give us further encouragement to continue our peace mission and we will continue our peace Mission because we are living in a shadow of a war for two and a half years and we want peace instead of war and only peace will make Europe great again but in order to make Europe great again we have to make Europe peaceful again thank you so much I thank his excellen Mr siaro and I now give the floor to acting Minister for foreign affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran his Excellency Mr Ali bageri in name Allah the most compassionate the most merciful Mr President at the outset I would like to congratulate the Russian Federation for assuming the presidency of the security Council and organizing this timely initiative effective multi nalism is essential for ensuring International Peace and security we stress the importance of these initiatives in highlighting the need for multilateralism and underscoring the harmful consequences of selfish unilateralism as a founding member of the United Nations the Islamic Republic of Iran reaffirms his commitment to effective multilateralism grounded in international law and the principles of the United Nations Charter allow me Mr President to take this opportune occasion to share a few thoughts on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Iran number one the United Nations was created not only to save the succeeding Generations from this C of War but but also to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal R and self-determination of peoples among others these and other lofty purposes and principles enshrined in the charter could only be achieved through multilateral cooperation unilateralism is antagonistic both to peace and to Justice number two Sovereign equality States the basic tenant of the United Nations system this is based on the core principle of self-determination of every nation According to which they are entitled to decide their own identity the prohibition of the use of threats of force and peaceful settlement of disputes as well as non intervention in the internal affairs of other countries are all purposed to protect Sovereign nations from foreign agression and to secure friendly relation among them unilateralism negates the United Nations basic tenants and fundamental principles unilateralism is an invitation to Injustice confrontation and War number three the United Nations at the greatest symbol of multilateralism is exposed to woes of unilateralism regrettably the security Council has been abused by certain permanent members for their self-centered political or strategic agendas on the one hand they have leveraged the council to exert pressure on other independent sovereign states and paralyze the same body from taking any acts to stop a and breach of the Peace by their allies again a very outstanding example is the United States decades long vetoing of any meaningful decision to stop the Israeli regime’s persistent genocide against Palestinians and his frequent aggressions against nations of the region I wish to emphasize that Iran’s support to and solidarity with the the resistance groups in the region is legitimate under international law and aims to end aggression and occupation in our region resistance in itself serves as a response to unilateralism and the bias support extended to the Israeli occupying regime which is committing acts of genocide in Gaza and Palestine number four multilateralism entails respect for the division of mandates among un organs the security council’s encroachment on issues behind its mandate risks the Integrity of the charter as uh as International uh treaty according to article 25 of the charter the council’s power is not Limitless or arbitrary it cannot override customary international law and International treaties the unjust resolutions imposed against Iran during 2006 to 2010 based on unfounded claims by the United States about Iran’s peaceful nuclear program were in nu were in clear violation of Iran’s rights under MPT and at the cost of my people’s fundamental human rights those responsible for these unlawful sanctions cannot evade accountability for the suffering inflicted on my people so they cannot evade responsibility in this regard number five unilateral coercive measures in the form of extraterritorial sanctions is still continue to Showcase a blun inhumane manifestation of radical unilateralism the United States and its Western allies that reinforce those sanctions must be held accountable for Untold sufferings death and destruction they have caused on the targeted Nations including my own people Mr President ladies and gentlemen the Islamic Republic of Iran has consistently demonstrated his commitment to multilateralism with a clear example being his conru contribution to the conclusion of the jcpoa this successful multilateral initiative addressed an unwarranted crisis and unfounded concern from the West regarding Iran’s peaceful nuclear program aiming to leave the illegal and unjust sanctions imposed on the Iranian Nation however these multilateral process encountered the significant challenge due to the unilateral Al actions of the United States and its allies the US unilateral and unlawful withdrawal from the agreement exemplified unilateralism in the international Arena causing harm to all parties involved equally important Iran’s Good Neighbor policy highlights the importance of multilateralism in resolving common concerns and challenges in these context Iran Pur Regional dialogue and cooperation to create an environment where resources can be devoted to the progress and development of the region for the benefit of of all strengthening Partnerships and cooperation for collective security and sustainable development in the region will be the Corner Stone of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign policy Mr President in conclusion I would like to emphasize the new approach and foreign policy of the president elect of the Islam Republic of Iran which focuses on strengthening multilateralism in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and national law his Excellency Dr pesan the president elect of the Islamic Republic of Iran recently outlined his primary foreign policy strategy which aims to open New Horizons and Foster friendly relations with other nations based on dialogue cooperation equality and mutual respect this strategy places particular importance on neighboring countries and the broader region as well as on maintaining constructive relations with other states Mr President as Mr Secretary General has underlined Global challenges could be solved only through respect for international law adheres to Global commitments and Adoption of appropriate frame Frameworks of multilateral governance the Islamic Republic of Iran Echoes this call and welcomes any initiatives to further promote respect for international law multilateralism is key in this regard multilateralism is key in this regard we believe this is the only way to establish a safe just and inclusive environment well all nations can enjoy sustainable peace and development thank you for your attention I thank his Excellency s v and I give the floor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait his Excellency Mr Abdullah Ali alaha in the name of Allah most gracious most merciful your excellenc Minister Zerg Lov the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the friendly country of the Russian Federation president of the security Council your Excellency peace mercy and blessings of Allah upon you at the outset I would like to congratulate you Mr President and your friendly country on your presidency of the security Council for this month we hope that your presidency will contribute to the promotion and maintenance of International Peace and security and that your efforts will translate div visions and aspirations of All Peoples of the world in order to support the effort for stability and the basis for intern interaction in our Foreign Relations I would also like to wish to express our appreciation for your convening of this first of its kind meeting to engage all in a direct and constructive dialogue in order to assess the existing International order study all the dimensions and push for achieving aspirations of the peoples of the world Mr President um as the eth decade since the establishment of the UN and the entry into force of its Charter draw to a close we reaffirm the importance of the international community’s renewed commitment to the purposes and principles of the charter Charter which is the Cornerstone of joint International action and the basis for strengthening International cooperation in line with the changes and ramifications witnessed in the world over the past years thus enabling us to face International challenges through creative and Innovative policies that keep Pace with changes and ensure a favorable environment for our relations work and international cooperation in spite of all those challenges and obstacles facing the work of our uh ancient organization the UN Remains the most accepted credible and legitimate International multilateral mechanism in the field of joint International action its Charter and its principles and purposes is remain a clear framework and a main point of reference for defining and developing relations among nations and states and a solid basis for our joint action hence now more than ever we need to review our assessments and priorities to strengthen all the means aimed at developing our common action the state of Kuwait renews its call for the reform of the security Council as one of the main pillars of the comprehensive reform process of the UN the state of Kuwait also supports all efforts to achieve a comprehensive and genuine reform of the security Council so that it may be more capable and effective in facing our current challenges in a more representative transparent impartial and credible manner Mr President the political humanitarian and Health crisis that the the world has witnessed over the past two decades as well as crises in food and energy security the challenges of climate change the spread of poverty the threats to International Peace and security and the achievement of development goals all these crises and other uh transboundary crises have served as a severe test for our multilateral world order they have made clear the urgent need for strong effective World Order order based on partnership and solidarity at the international level based on the fundamental values and principles of multilateralism as regulated by international law and international um un legislation that we have all accepted in light of global challenges that require concerted efforts to address them small states must play a pivotal role in addressing these challenging these challenges as a necessity in this context we also count on developed states to play a leading role that contributes to the creation of a more Equitable and balanced partnership and to fulfill their agreed upon commitments in support of the development in the least developed countries through technology transfer debt relief including Oda and in line with the 2030 agenda for sustainable development as well as take into consider ation development variables in order for developing states to not be left behind especially in the global mainstream particularly those facing special stations within framework of new development and financing partnership Partnerships consistent with national priorities in closing I would like once again to commend your cooperation and that of the permanent mission of the Russian Federation to the UN in conducting the work of uh the security Council for this month we hope that these discussions will continue on the reform of the current world order so that it would be more stable sustainable just in the long term May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you I thank his Excellency Mr Al Yahya for his statement and I give floor to the deputy Minister for foreign affairs of bis barus his Excellency Mr Yuri braich Mr President distinguished members of the security Council ladies and gentlemen allow me to congratulate the Russian Federation on its presidency and wish it success in F fulfilling this extremely important role in multilateral diplomacy we would like to note the exceptional importance of the topic of today’s discussion indeed next year the world will be marking the 80th anniversary of the end of the second world war the bloodiest and most devastating conflict in human history the witnesses of that war and the great minds of that era when they created the United Nations Charter as a document that embodied the ideals of universal engagement solidarity and respect for The Sovereign equality of States as a document that reflected the ideals of truly shared responsibility and indiv ible security as an instrument for multilateral inclusive solutions to Global problems when they created it they could not have imagined that the long journey of their ideals from a de facto bipolar world through a moment of unipolarity and towards a future multipolarity would leave us today not only to the minimization of multilateralism and international Affairs but also to the brink of a third world war the desire to maintain its hemony the unwillingness to recognize the legitimate security interests and concerns of its neighbors and other actors the pursuit of unilateral advantages in access to resources and the desire to take unfair advantage of its dominant economic position have led the West seemingly Intoxicated by the Euphoria of its unipolar moment and its Elites to an outcome that it seems it hadn’t predicted itself the West was not able to spearhead multilateralism as a true leader might have done instead Western Elites attempted to maximize their advantages to exploit others and resistance to this has led to increased tensions across the world to a rising conflicts to the deterioration of the International Security architecture of confidence building measures of arms control it has led to confrontation to a greater or lessen degree with a part of the International Community and even to war in Europe we are witnessing Western Elites conscious rejection Western elit represented by NATO conscious rejection of multilateralism in addressing crises and their Reliance on confrontation with those who have they identified as competitors adversaries and threats moreover we’re witnessing not just the West rejection of multilateralism but it’s a rejection of bilateral International cooperation instead the West is choosing to force others to engage on terms it impose and rules it imposes just consider the veritable War Unleashed by Poland on the boulder with Belarus against migrants from the south with dozens killed and hundreds maimed by polish SEC Security Forces yet despite our persistent proposals Warsaw has completely refused to cooperate with Minsk through legal assistance and Border management tools while knowing perfectly well that only joint efforts will allowed to effectively fight against criminals exploiting unfortunate migrants who are on their way from their home countries to Western Europe and primarily to Germany or take lithuania’s deliberate ban on the transit of belarussian fertilizers through Lithuanian ports to African and Asian countries or villas’s rejection of msk’s willingness to arrange Transit of Ukrainian green to those same countries we should also mention EU member states ban on flights to the Republic of bellarus in this list is the first second third and fourth not directed not only against Belarus but also against the interests of many other states and Ordinary People we can cite many more examples of this one gets the impression that while still being globally involved in the international agenda western states are increasingly limiting themselves and depriving themselves of instruments of influence is this not a rejection of multilateralism the focus on unipolar actions and one-sided benefits and dictating one’s own rules this is the root of the problems of today’s world this trend however is countered to what we see in Greater Eurasia which is a unifying agenda in a number of formats including the Shanghai cooperation organization the Commonwealth of independent states the Eurasian economic Union oan and other Regional associations operating in this area these associations are not directed against someone they’re not directed against the west but as already been noted it is the West itself that is unwilling to cooperate with them recognizing this situation last year Belarus organized a highlevel International Conference on Eurasian security reality and Prospects in a transforming World in Minsk in addition to our peace efforts to achieve the Minsk agreements and in addition to our unifying initiatives in order to build a new security architecture in Europe entitled house and key 2 on the global topic of a on the global Spirit of a security dialogue in the spirit of San Francisco at the Men’s Conference last year Belarus launched a discussion on building an equal and indivisible eurasion security architecture it is revealing that the overwhelming number of Western States who were invited ignored that invitation it seems that true multilateralism will be revived among truly like-minded people and participants during that conference bis put forward an initiative to develop a European Charter of diversity and multipolarity in the 21st century we envision this Charter as a unifying document which will formulate the parameters and principles for the functioning of security architecture in Eurasia as well as a strategic vision of of multipolarity and multilateralism of the revitalized system of international relations perhaps not only in EUR Asia but in the whole world for us these principles are clear and evident they are above all Reliance on international law strict observance of the principle of the indivisibility of security respect for the diversity of the development Paths of all states equal cooperation of all members of the International Community enhancing the role of the UN making full use of regional associations organizations and integration mechanisms and of course returning to a truly effective multilateral cooperation further discussions on this topic will be held at the second mins conference on Eurasian security of November of 2024 I thank you for your attention yeah I thank his Excellency Mr amich for his statement and I now give the floor to the vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand his Excellency Mr Russ jelich Chandra Mr President I would like to thank the Russian Federation for organizing this meeting Thailand welcomes this open debate because we are committed to multilateralism I wish to make for points as follows first the increasing number of conflicts worldwide require a more inclusive resilient and effective multilateralism with the United Nations at its core the lack of inclusive and transparent discussions often leads to diing differing perception and mistrust diplomacy and dialogue are key to avoid further confrontation and escalation of violence the United Nations convening power should be leveraged to bring all sides together to work on sustainable and peaceful Solutions the forthcoming the forthcoming Summit of the future will be an opportunity for all states to redesign the UN that is capable of addressing current and future Global challenges second to ensure that multilateralism with the United Nations at its core will continue to be LEL Lev Levant the reform of United Nations particularly the Security Council is important the counil should be reformed in such a way that reflects broader geographical representation cross Regional balance and greater representation of developing countries but a more representative council is not enough how the security Council makes it decision is also important Thailand shares the view of the majority of the United uh Nation member states that a veto right is not a privilege but an international responsibility at a very minimum all members of the security Council should agree to refrain from blocking any draft resolution intended to prevent or stop Mass atrocities at the same time countries should should work on improv improving the council working methods and increasing stakeholders particip participation in the council’s meeting which are low hanging fruits third it is important for the United Nations to work in close partnership with International financial institutions Regional organization and institutions and other key stakeholders a deeper look into chapter 8 of the chter of the charter of United Nation on Regional Arrangement could be beneficial in order to achieve sustainable peace and stability in any conflict affected area closed dialogue and engagement with affected countries and Regional are crucial the role of women in peace and security should also be emphasized it is important to improve to promote uh women’s leadership and their part participation participation in decision making process member states should continue to work together to advance the women peace and security agenda fourth peace and security cannot be considered in Silo it is essential for United Nations to take a holistic approach and strengthen the complementarities between peace sustainable development and human security peace and sustainable development are two sides of the same coin with one reinforcing the other to achieve this all bodies within United Nation system should work together in sync the general assembly the eosa and all specialized agencies should be more closely coordinated in conclusion multilateralism with the United Nations as its core remains a vital platform for diplomacy and the pursuance of friendly relations among states but the United Nations can only be as effective as it members therefore we need to reaffirm our commitment to multilateralism and work together to make it strong because a more just Democratic sustainable World sustainable World Order cannnot be achieved without the United Nations I thank you I thank his Excellency Minister J chra for his statement I would just like to remind all speakers on the need to limit their statements to 3 minutes so the council could complete its work on time after 3 minutes uh the light will begin to Blink on the microphone indicating they need to complete this statement I now give the floor to Serbia Mr President world of world of today is faced with numerous and serious challenges that necessite close cooperation by us all as well as responsibility in quest for proper and applicable answers Serbia considers productive multilateralism is both necessary and achievable if is demonstrated if we demonstrate readiness for common engagement in spirit of cooperation compromise and flexibility my country’s foreign policy efforts at a global level and cooperation with our partners in Europe and in region have the AIM and making of contribution through the constructive approach to achievement of all our common goals Mr President World situation is characterized by numerous and complex issues multi-dimensional and interconnected crisis and conflicts solution of which is Possible only through common and sincere efforts within multilateral framework Serbia believes that multilateralism is the best approach in a current geopolitical situation since it implies Equitable participation by States respect for diversity and harmonization of interest of all with the aim of finding long-term sustainable Solutions in current circumstances of a crisis of multilateralism conflicts in many parts of the world and dealing with the global challenges respects for international law and principle of United Nations Charter continue to be imperative if we want to preserve existing International order and the foundations of development of each and every society my country calls for intensive ification of efforts for overcoming differences and solving World conflicts through dialogue and full respect for United Nation Charter and international law we emphasize deeply and share our painful life lost in conflicts around the world including tragic events in the Middle East and in Ukraine we are convinced that our constructive dialogue that only constructive dialogue and diplomatic Solutions can lead to peace all conflicts are resolved at negotiation Table and there is no valuable alternative for it United Nation is based on a common principle and Norms that supposedly guidelines for International Community if we step away from guidelines we are we are bound to end in vicious circle of selective Justice Serbia respects territorial Integrity of all United Nation member states accordingly we expect that other member states respect territorial Integrity of Republic of Serbia under United Nations security resolution 1244 of 1999 activities of Serbia aimed at preserving its territorial integrity and sovereignity reflects its effort to uphold principles of international law United Nation Charter and in a case of my country legally binding United Nations security Council resolution 1244 which guarantees its sovereignity and territorial Integrity we are convinced that digital space abounds in a possible therefore we need to promote open free Global stable and safe cyber space in which human rights freedoms and rule of law are fully implemented our task is to make sure that digital transformation functions for everyone and that accessible sensible interlinkage and digital inclusions achieved we believe that implementation of sustainable development goals within 2030 agenda represents substantial component of global efforts in domain of a rediction of poverty and hunger greater employment especially among young people economic growth greater inclusivity and Improvement of quality of education system and health protection climate change and preservation of planet planet for aun future generation as well as achievement of full gender equality and respects of Human Rights we trust and believe that economic and social development as a key development goals of contemporary Society cannot be achieved if you fail to resolute confront other challenges of today complexity of which overcomes capacity of individual countries or regions Serbia conducts independent foreign policy based primar on preserving National and state interest yet respecting all along basic principles of international law this is why a consistent implementation of all these principles that we agreed upon a long time ago is a key guarantee or Global of Global Peace and security therefore we should not abandon our effort to promote universality of basic principle of United n principles of United Nation Charter irrespective on continuity suffering of consequences of their selective implementation it is of a Paramount importance that majority of United Nation member states refuse to accept implementation of double standards in that context we are very thankful for all these who support Serbia’s effort to maintain its over sovereignity and territorial Integrity we are in engagement that transparency engagement that transparency and confidence building threaten Safety and Security improve sustainability and continue to better confidence and understanding among the states and peoples I want to believe that up upcoming Summit of the future will open a new Charter in which we shall renew Mutual confidence and Achieve greater understanding and solidarity creating prospects for safer and better future in conclusion Mr President I want to Point again to Serbia’s full commitment to values of multilateralism contained in United Nation Charter it is important that we continue to work together to redefine and harmonize multilateralism with contemporary multipolar World in order to respond in a proper way to current as well as future crisis and challenges thank you Mr President I thank Seria for your statement and once again I want to remind all speakers uh of the need to limit your statements to 3 minutes so that the the council can uh complete its work on time uh after 3 minutes you’ll see a light begin to flash on the microphone of the speaker indicating that it’s time to complete your statement now I give the floor to Morocco thank you very much Mr President allow me to first of all congratulate you on convening this open debate under your presidency which is another opportunity for UN member states to reaffirm their full and constant commitment to promoting multilateralism uh towards a more just prosperous and fair world uh order and Justice are essential they’re two fa of the same coin a global World Order without Justice is impossible but it’s also essential to respect the UN Charter otherwise uh peace will not be sustainable the establishment of a new world order that uh answers that uh reflects the aspirations of the of the peoples of the world requires good governance so that our common action are in harmony with our International commitments with this in mind it is crucial to ensure a fair representation of national and Collective interests of states and that promote their participation in the international decision making so that their disputes are resolved equitably in the framework of international law further more uh a just International order requires true opportunities for socioeconomic development of member states without leaving anyone on the sidelines as part of sustainable development for all Mr President the holding of the summit of the future in September will be a milestone for multilateralism the implementation of the uh engagements that uh derive from it will be an opportunity for renewed and revitalized multilateralism based on the UN system that promot otes International cooperation to confront the challenges in part that we face in particular in the climate energy security uh sphere as well as violent extremism and terrorism the kingdom of morocc would like to highlight the need to continue efforts to re uh re-energize the uh general assembly and reform the security Council that so that it continues to be in harmony with current challenges we have an opportunity before us to reaffirm our attach ment to the UN to take the opportunity for the UN as a basan of multilateralism through respect of national sovereignty territorial Integrity of States good neighborly relations non- interference in Internal Affairs of states and peaceful resolution of disputes the kingdom of Morocco advocates in favor of an effective inclusive preventive and Cooperative multilateralism which works towards solidarity among states for the achievement of the three pillars of the Un Peace security development and human rights on this Point South South cooperation in particular with African countries is a fundamental pillar of Moroccan foreign policy in line with the guidelines of his majesty Muhammad the 6 the multilateralism to which we Aspire is a multilateralism of Intercultural inter civilizational and interreligious and intergenerational dialogue lastly to conclude I would like to to reaffirm that the kingdom of Morocco will remain an active and responsible partner respecting the principles of the UN Charter and the achievement of its goals thank you very much Mr President I thank the representative of Morocco for your statement and I give the floor to Egypt Mr President I convey to you the greetings of uh the foreign minister of Egypt Dr badra Abdul who fortunately was not able to come to this meeting due to previous commitment I thank you for organizing this open debate that addresses an issue that is of Paramount importance especially as we’re approaching the summit of the future which at its core is about the future of the United Nations and the multilateral global order we are now at a Crossroads we have to address the shortcomings that have marred the multilateral system on which our world today is based it is evident that the International System that was established in the wake of the second world war is no longer able to respond to the needs and complexities of a world that is rapidly changing no longer fit for a present and a future that is moving steadily towards multipolarity where the countries of the South are playing an Ever more important role the security and geopolitical challenges the prevailing polarization politically in addition to economic challenges climate change other challenges all these factors should prompt us to work together more effectively towards a an international system that is capable to respond to the needs of today in this context we have to posst certain questions and find answers that maybe will help us become more aware and fathom the needs of the world the world is expecting a lot from this organization from the International System especially the new generations that grew up in a very different world I would like to address briefly two important aspects it is very important to closely examine those two aspects if we are to find solutions to make the multilateral system more just Democratic and sustainable one the developments that we’ve seen in the Middle East over the past 10 months prove Pro that our world today needs new arrangements for collective security that reflects the reality and that makes the UN more responsi to the current political and security challenges in this Council we speak a lot of the charter of the United Nations the importance of the charter the importance of adhering to the principles on purposes of the charter promoting the charter however the developments the recent developments especially the unjust Israeli aggression since the 7th of October 2024 targeting Palestinian civilians in Gaza have proven that when many speak of the charter the principles of international law protecting civilians human rights these are arguments and claims that fail the test especially as many have been applying double standards when it comes to addressing the behavior of Israel the aggressive behavior of Israel towards our region the developments in Gaza the continued Israeli aggression amid shameful Silence by the International Community threatens the multilateral system threatens the UN as a whole as you’re witnessing double standards this August Council has failed in stopping the continued killing of the Palestinian people in Gaza this prompt us to renew our call to reform this Council so it becomes more representative more just more democratic Egypt has always called for enhancing African representation in the council according to a consensus and the S declaration we’ve called for granting Arab countries the representation that is commensurate with the magnitude of Arab issues on the agenda of the council it is important for the council also to hone and improve its methods of work so that they become more transparent and ensure more participation from other states it is also important to enter into dialogue with other groupings and Regional organizations especially as the role of these groupings is becoming more important they have now expressing the voice of the countries of the South for instance the bricks countries second it is no use to speak about a multilateral global system that is more just Democratic and sustainable without speaking of reforming the Global Financial system which is also unfit for the times this issue is one of the most important challenges facing us today we have to find effective solutions to this issue without those Solutions we will not be able to achieve comprehensive Economic Development and it would not be possible to bridge the vast gaps between the countries of the north and countries of the South we would also not be able to achieve the SGS on Whose importance we all agreed the summit of the future in September is a an opportunity to take effective measures in this regard we will be confirming the role that the United Nations must play in order to reform the financial architecture including reforming the financial institutions such as the IMF and it is important to enhance cooperation on taxes and debt restructuring in conclusion Mr President if we do not use this moment to bring about a radical change in the multilateral system and most notably the United Nations which lies at its core it would be we will have to face a new reality where this organization would lose its relevance its credibility where our countries would lose one of the most important tools to maintain International Peace and security it would be very hard to imagine any promising future for multilateral Action once again I thank Russia for holding this important meeting we look forward to our discussions that would elicit important ideas I thank you Mr President yeah I thank Egypt and I give the floor to Indonesia thank you Mr President we thank the Russian Federation for convening this timely open debate on a very important issue our multilateral system is being debilitated from the inside the basic principle of the system is being put aside International agreements rules laws are regularly being broken dialogue is being replaced by a deade or leave it approach solidarity being replaced by the mighty takes all approach consensus has become rarer than the tanzanite gemstone double standard has often become the order of the day this trend is disheartening and dangerous We are failing the people we serve on upholding peace and security saving lives in Conflict situations protecting human rights ensuring development protection of the environment of our children and our children’s children if we if we remain indifferent we will be accomplishes to the fall of multilateralism and if multilateralism fails a more peaceful prosperous and just world will be a distant dream in this context I would like to convey two points first it is time to recommit to the principles of multilateralism principles of inclusivity equality solidarity partnership and Trust building must always guide us with the UN Charter and international law as our Beacon of LA light we must avoid any abuse of power from the mighty as it will create distrust and sharpen fragmentations second we must seize the opportunity to reform our multilateral system to be more fit for purpose we must stop the security Council from being paralyzed in addressing humanitarian catastrophe in many conflict situations the council decision-making process must be brought back from the Stone Age we need to expedite reform of the council to be more effective efficient Democratic transparent and accountable a security Council that is well adapted to the new Global realities is the very tenant of a strong multilateral system we must therefore use all avenues to reform the council including the summit of the future if we want to prevent our future generation from The Scorch of War we must unite our strength and let multilateralism Prevail thank you Mr President y I thank Indonesia for your statement and I give the floor to Guatemala thank you Mr President the Republic of Guatemala as a founding member of this organization firmly believes in multilateralism and we would like to reaffirm that the United Nations is the c Cal Forum to address issues related to International cooperation sustainable development peace security human rights and the rule of law this is why among the principles of our foreign policy is the search for peaceful solutions to disputes based on dialogue cooperation and diplomacy collective security of humanity cannot nor should it depend on deterrence through the use or the threat of the use of nuclear weapons or any kind of other weapons that threaten future Generations Guatemala reiterates its firm determination to confront the existential threat represented by nuclear weapons for humankind as well as for international law international humanitarian law and the United Nations Charter and to maintain our commitment to their complete elimination prohibition nuclear disarmament is a topic that we should all consider vitally important for the security of our hemisphere for the world and for the survival of humankind Mr President a more just World Order involves ensuring that all persons especially the most vulnerable have Equitable access to basic rights such as Education Health Care and security this requires the elimination of all structural barriers that promote inequality multilateral cooperation can and must contribute to establishing International Norms that promote equality and social justice in all nations it’s essential to work on strengthening multilateralism so that the United Nations is capable of responding to new challenges that threaten International Peace and Security in the framework of action based on respect for sovereignty and territorial Integrity of states it is necessary to have great coherence in the implementation of the three pillars of this organization and that it is essential to acknowledge that these three pillars are interrelated and mutually reinforcing with this in mind we’d like to reiterate our support for the new agenda for peace we have a collective responsibility to strengthen respect for international law since this is essential to maintain a just World Order we’d like to reaffirm the critical importance of compliance with the Norms of international humanitarian law as a way of preventing and mitigating the human cost of international armed conflicts and internal conflicts without of course uh forgetting about the responsibility to protect it is unacceptable that healthc care facilities and educational facilities are a a military Target such attacks must be condemned in the strongest terms Guatemala will continue advocating for preventive diplom Acy and mediation and as means for avoiding the escalation of conflicts as reaffirmed in the Declaration of Manila all states have an obligation to resolve their international disputes through peaceful means such as negotiation arbitration and judicial Arrangements this Council can and should uh benefit from greater interaction with membership and other organs of the UN including the Human Rights Council furthermore we maintain our Firm support for the role of the peace build commission and its integrated approach from the point of view of my country it’s essential for the security Council to take into account the different strategic instruments that could be used at the operational level in order to include the peace building component in uh mandates of peacekeeping operations to conclude we urge all member states to strengthen their commitment to the UN Charter through the defense of its principles such as the refraining from the threat or the use of force respecting territorial Integrity international law and peaceful resolution of disputes thank you very much yeah I thank guala for your statement and before giving the floor to Nicaragua I would like to uh inform members of the council that this will be the last statement for this morning’s session Nicaragua you have the floor thank you very much Mr President we’d like to congratulate the Russian Federation and its foreign minister Ser lavro for the successful presidency uh during July Nicaragua would like to endorse the statement made by Uganda on the in on behalf of the non-aligned movement and by the bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on behalf of the group of friends in defense of the UN Charter Nicaragua reaffirms that peace and multilateralism are fundamental principles for our peoples in Conformity with the United Nations Charter and international law this is reflected in all our international relations and in our commitment to multilateralism for peace for true and just peace and security it’s important to uh ensure that the rights of peoples are reflected in the organization that represents us we consider that in the face of growing interventionist actions by Western countries that threaten International Peace and security A A New World Order is more necessary than ever Ure this peace and Security in a new multi-polar and polycentric World we’d like to reiterate that this new order must be in line with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter respecting the sovereignty Independence the self-determination of peoples and the non-interference in their Internal Affairs these are essential requirements to achieve peace at the national and international level that we all yearn for the inhumane and illegal unilateral coercitive measures must be eliminated immediately to ensure stability peace and development of families peoples and Nations these measures are aggressions and the the biggest obstacle for the the implementation of the 2030 agenda and the eradication of poverty Mr President a new world order is being born Empires uh have been weakened an altern alternative uh poles of Power are emerging uh based on of people’s new mechanisms for integration and solidarity such as those being promoted by the peoples Republic of China and the Russian Federation the peoples that have joined in the framework of bricks the peoples of Africa Arab peoples in spite of the multiple crisis a multi-polar world is being born in this era based on solidarity and the combat of all our peoples against old and new forms of imperialism colonialism and neoc colonialism Nicaragua will support the people of the global South in this yearning for a multi-polar world advocating for a stronger Global solidarity that helps us accelerate the implementation of a more just Democratic and sustainable World Order we’re grateful once again to the Russian Federation for its leadership and contributions in creating this new multi-polar world thank you very much I thank Nicaragua for your statement we still have a number of speakers on our list with the agreement of members of the council I will suspend this meeting until 3 p.m. the meeting is suspended e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to chair UN Security Council meeting on multilateralism.

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  1. I wonder what particular UN values this unappointed so called member of the UN demonstrates. It’s not anything which I understand the UN to be about.Are genecide, incursion,theft,murder,lies and the T word new UN values?

  2. Joe Biden's Democratic Party European Union Colonialists Imperialist Warmongers Coult Criminals WAR Criminals The Merchants Of Death Gun Dealer Gun Traffickers Gun Seller GUN Supplier Gun Worshipers Cult Democratic Party Warmongers Coult Criminals 0:51

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