The day Starmer became PM: how Labour’s victory unfolded

The day Starmer became PM: how Labour’s victory unfolded

we did it change begins now and it feels good huge sense of anticipation feverish activity they’re counting the votes the exit pole is predicting a labor Landslide they’re falling thick and fast now the former prime minister of the United Kingdom has lost her seat Goodbye Mr Reese MOG you’re happyy that’s mugs it that he’s gone he’s been battered From the Ashes of disaster grow the Roses of success byebye shs bye-bye defense secretary it’s not so much that labor won this election but rather that the conservatives have lost it chalk gone Morant gone Keegan gone Hart gone Fraser gone Mercer gone and there’s still more to come Jeremy Corbin has uh gained the seat as an independent I owe my life and my learning and my abilities entirely to the people of isington north thank you very much reform here as well look absolutely thrilled a stoning win for Nigel we’re coming for labor be in no doubt about that Green’s biggest moment of the night I am feeling over the moon and so grateful for all of the support we’ve received from voters in Bristol Central another big majority overturned This Time by the lib [Music] dams party clearly really ecstatic about this win this is a sign that they are making a comeback the labor party has won this general election I’ve called sakir starma to congratulate him so from the words of the losing prime minister labor has won this general election he the door’s opening I’m going to stop you there Here Comes Rishi sunak to the country I would like to say first and foremost I am sorry I have given this job my allwe but you have sent a clear signal that the government of the United Kingdom must change and yours is the only judgment that matters leaving Downing Street as prime minister for the final time after 20 months in office and you can probably also hear some of the Boo and jeers big big crowds here outside Buckingham Palace the outgoing prime minister going into the central Gates now where he will meet the king he will offer his resignation we’ve been about 10 minutes now without a prime minister Larry is holding the fort some labor supporters gathering in Downing Street they’ve got their Union Jack broes up it is 12: CL and Sak stama has just entered bakian Palace he will meet the king and when he leaves this building he will have become the 58th prime minister of the United Kingdom the cheers were up I think the car is coming in K St is coming in the very first speech of our new prime minister the man with a mandate or 412 seats of it setting out his vision thank you I say to you directly my government will serve you politics can be a force for good we will show that we’ve changed the labor party returned it to service and that is how we will govern country first party second our work is urgent and we begin it today thank you very much [Applause]

Keir Starmer is now the UK prime minister after winning the 2024 general election.
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Watch all the key moments from the last 24 hours: excitement as the first results came in, top Tory concession speeches, Rishi Sunak’s resignation at Buckingham Palace, right up to when Starmer walked into No 10 with his wife, Victoria

Twelve charts that show how Labour won by a landslide ►

The 2024 election’s ‘Portillo moments’: which ‘Big Beasts’ have lost their seats? ►

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  1. Step 1: Answer no questions.
    Step 2: a massive help from the Conservatives being dogshit.
    Step 3: Get less votes than Corbyn
    Step 4: Act like you’re incredible and and it’s a landslide in spite of the worst turnout in 20 years.

  2. Just finished watching question time and it looks like the plan is:

    1. Tax everyone into oblivion while saying you’re not.
    2. Blame everything on Reform
    3. Panic when the Pro Palestine mob comes for you.

  3. The thumbnail really upset me of kier – its was exactly what my grandfather looked like when they found him dead in his kitchen. Rigor Mortis had set in.


    – Despite the economic crisis

    – Despite the massive plummeting of tories -19,9%

    – Despite these elections being hailed as a "landslide" victory

    [P.S. Fix the majority electoral and party system already, make it proportional, make every vote count equally, proportionally, one person one vote]

  5. Nothing to do with the fact non British citizens being given a vote then? It's a joke, I've never seen a less qualified cabinet, identify politics and diversity hires.

  6. He won by default. The backing of the country is not there, we wait to see if he can do it or if he is as useless as the traitorous Tories. More of the same, but possibly a bit worse, I suspect.

  7. Watch how half the conservatives will pretend to be decent people from now on.

    The other half will go even harder. 😂

  8. By not telling everyone their plans!! We officially now have a Giant Tool as a Prime Minister! Almost as embarrassing on the world stage as having Biden as leader! Hilariously wet and usless!

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