A doctor at the Trump rally says he did CPR on a man who appeared to have been shot. #US #BBCNews

  1. Also- The people saying it’s fake…
    That’s literally the same stuff they would say about Trump… ‘Fake News’ and here they are using exactly Trumps words. Seriously, makes me laugh at their hypocrisy!
    The blood is on the hands of those who further spread the hatred, violence, and disinformation. They treat Trump terribly, report on him 24/7 (even years later) and expect not to incite hate.. and claim he’s the one doing it… then try gaslight Republicans into thinking it’s them that do it. Think about that…
    This is the proof. It’s disgusting (no matter your side) It is unacceptable. People are dead because of a man campaigning.
    I can’t believe that democrats don’t see their hypocrisy. It’s infuriating, but I guess you really can’t argue with stupid.

  2. BBC own david aaronovitchs called for trumps murder on air. The BBC should be ashamed and removed from compulsory funding to fund hate then film it.

  3. Okay Imma say something really weird but-

    How the fuck can the shooter end up missing Donald Trump standing still but stay on target with a random person in the rally?

    This is weird

  4. Unlike most at the scene he had seen trauma wictims before if he works as a doctor at a ER. He dont have the thousand yard stare another guy covered in blood had when asked by reporters.

  5. Think back to the absolutely vial coments on some news channels during his presidency and suddenly everyone is pretending they never crossed the line.

  6. Maybe from now on security will be more tight, screwed up actually, alot of people have died for Trump and put themselves in trouble for him. Him nor Biden needs in the white house.

  7. This was probably set up by trump himself, open your eyes,if this was legit it would have been accomplished. He’s going to do anything to win, sympathy votes and donations.

  8. i gotta say, as a european, seeing how the media handled this im starting to get on trump side, you guys have serious issues with your media

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