Imagine we had this carry on in our elections

Imagine we had this carry on in our elections

by bottomless_wifeboat

  1. Fortunately we are rather slow to make heroes of our politicians. Unless we are idiots in Kerry or Tipp voting for a Healy Rae or a Lowry.

  2. It’s Trumpomania Brother!!! Seriously though, I thought this was a screenshot from Idiocracy, I’ve no clue what’s going on anymore and I’m honestly too afraid to ask.

  3. Just got a mental image of Healy Rae up there stripping off


  4. Does kinda speak to the calibre of celebrity and Professional Famous Person that the best the GOP / MAGA cult can dig up is _Hulk Hogan_, a man last relevant 30 years ago and even then. Doesn’t quite interrogate the idea that MAGA is nothing more than conservative, prejudicial white trash uprising; Y’All Queda, as it were.

  5. America’s always been more extreme you tend to have to be to break through the noise. Really does seem though like they’ve been heading rapidly towards that Idiocracy movie. It’s a bit worrying to be fair.

  6. Irish politics is a shit show , American politics is a shit show. But I prefer the Irish shit show to the shit show they have over there by such huge margin right now. It is so scary, they have such a religious/culty vibe right now.

  7. Simo comes out to the podium roided out of his brains


  8. America is in its cultural adolescence. The nation is still young and is embracing of pop culture etc. this type of thing appeals to Americans.

    We (and Europe in general) are a a culture in late maturity. Things tend to be more nuanced and sedate. It can often be stuff and slow to change.

    Neither culture is better than the other but it’s simply a cultural reflection in a microcosm.

  9. I tell you something brother me and the Harrisamaniacs are going to tear down those public services and make the poor people pay for it.

  10. Please shoot me, not the candidates, I’m not up to this malarkey. The lunatics are taking over the asylum

  11. You mean you wouldn’t vote for Sinn Fein if they had demon Finn balor endorsing them.

  12. They live on another plane of existence and reality. My ultra cynical, too self aware brain cannot handle America and all of its absolute lunacy. I literally can’t tolerate how they go on, so I just try to ignore most of it.

  13. Biden had a trans woman flash their tits at the White House and you’re bothered about a guy showing enthusiasm at a convention?

    You lads don’t give a shit about “carry on”, only that it’s Trump. Brainwashed.

  14. It really is only 1 or 2 degrees away from That Terry Crews Presidential Parody. This is also the same for the idiotic Audience

  15. I’d start howling if seamus or Hornswaggle (I know he’s American but still) came out screaming for anyone here.
    Laugh for a second but then see how stupid it really is.

    I worked in the USA for a year and i met a girl who was 26 (I was 22) and she had no clue who the president was. That was in 2017…

    I also found it frustrating you were either left or right, blue or red, true or false. No middle ground no compromising or listening to the other. Very hard to talk to them about general things because they immediatly stick to their corner of the ring and hiss across at you. No clue how I could be pro one thing but also be anti another when they fell under different “sides”

  16. American politics is a refection of their society. There is no compromise or draw. You win or lose. You have some policies you agree or align with? Too bad they are the other teams. Can’t vote for them or your actual interests. Better to get the win and be bankrupt due to insulin costs then allow a trans person sing in a karoke bar. Place is fucked.

  17. That was one of his better promos, looks in good nick too.

    I wouldn’t be a fan of Trump but this is much better than Clint Eastwood shouting at a chair.

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