Germany’s 2025 budget includes more money for the military but reduces aid to Ukraine | DW News

Germany’s 2025 budget includes more money for the military but reduces aid to Ukraine | DW News

Germany’s armed forces will get a much-needed financial boost, after the cabinet approved the country’s annual budget for 2025. But the €1 billion increase is much less than the defense minister asked for – and comes at a cost. Aid to Ukraine will be slashed, as well as funding for foreign service and humanitarian programmes.

#Germany #bundeswehr #ukraine
00:00 Germany’s 2025 budget, who gets more and who has to do more with less.
02:14 Benjamin Tallis is a politics and security analyst with the Democratic Strategy Initiative


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  1. Why reduced aid to ukraine. It should be 0 aid to ukraine. Ukraine is not in Nato. Ukraine is corrupt. Ukraine is not a trusted partner. Ukraine is not in EU.

  2. "We should be aiming to win." he said. Very brave words indeed, although one thought that in 1914 and 1939 they aimed to win. Could just be I was deluded to think so. Wrong lessons learned from history Germany, and you shoud really know better.

  3. What do you people not understand? Europe (EU) and NATO already has what it wants from "Eastern Europe".

    Ukraine is not part of Europe's security. Never has been and if it had been it would have been part of the EU a decade ago. You know that and you know the most important players were already added to the roster.

    NATO has been telling Ukraine NO since like 2008 but they do not understand the meaning of the word. Nobody wants to deal with that level of ignorance.

  4. German military is so behind in being behind, that it amazes me how casually they go about this. Germans need to wake up to this absurd, Pistorius seems to be the only awake guy in their government.

  5. Warmongers and the military industry will be very happy about the increase in spending, while politicians pretend to be worried about spending at a moment when it is clear to everyone that the economic situation

    extremely bad for Germany. The hole in the budget will be patched with a well-known recipe, robbing the poor both in Germany and in the world wherever possible.

  6. Loool… Germans are expecting that nato will defend the country with 800.000 – words of the german government !… just wonder if Germany as any troops to contribuite to those 800.000 men or they expect that is the rest of nato to do the job ?

  7. 1 billion is pocket change …. Germany still isn't taking the situation serious. Russia on a war economy. China preparing to invade taiwan and south china sea. north korea and iran messing around. The US that will drop support for Europe. Europe needs to get ready and take care it's own lands

  8. This is so embarrassing… Germany needs to be giving 15-20 billion to Ukraine this year to proportionally support then compared to the US. Not slashing support. Insane to wait for the war to reach your doorstep instead of crushing Putin in Ukraine now. The lack of intelligence is so alarming I practically have a panic attack.

  9. This makes me question, so why should we in the US continue to provide military aid to Ukraine, continue to keep troops stationed in Europe, while the biggest economy in Europe cuts support for Ukraine? Ukraine is the EUs problem, yet you have all this European countries cowardly allowing the Russians to dictate the outcome of things.

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