Russia is “ready for negotiations” on Ukraine | Press Conference | United Nations

Russia is “ready for negotiations” on Ukraine | Press Conference | United Nations

Press Conference by Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov today (17 Jul) said Russia is “ready for negotiations” on Ukraine, but stressed that before signing any agreement, Russia “will look at the wording very carefully and will protect this document from repeated, unscrupulous, non-binding clauses and malicious interpretations.”

Talking to reporters in New York, Lavrov said, “the so-called Zelenskyy plan” has “the distinct form of an ultimatum,” and is “unacceptable, which is well known to everyone for a long time.

He said, “when it comes to peace efforts, for some reason everyone is talking about” the June 2024 Ukraine peace summit in Bürgenstock, and “no one is talking about China’s initiatives, which were several earlier this year and were mentioned yesterday in their speech.”

The Russian Foreign Minister said, “if we talk about the evolution of this whole process. We are told that Russia must withdraw to the 1991 border. The problem is we’ve been lied to all the time. If the agreement signed by President Yanukovych with the opposition had been implemented in February 2014 – and it consisted in creating a government of national unity and preparing for early presidential elections – if it were implemented, Ukraine would now be within the borders of 1991.”

He said, “if the Minsk Agreements were fulfilled, Ukraine would be within the 1991 borders minus Crimea. Because no one even stuttered about Crimea at that time.”

Lavrov said, “it turned out that we were also lied to when they said that this agreement was the way to peace. Or they didn’t lie. Probably, the Ukrainian negotiators were sincere when they initiated this document to endorse. But, as the chief negotiator admitted in a recent TV interview, Boris Johnson came and barred them from fulfilling the agreement. That is why it was never signed.”

He said, “taking into account the sad experience of talking and consulting with the West and Ukrainians, the agreement that, I hope, will be reached at some stage on European security, and in this context, the Ukrainian crisis will be resolved. Of course, we will look at the wording very carefully and will protect this document from repeated, unscrupulous, non-binding clauses and malicious interpretations.”

Asked about the upcoming elections in the United States, the Russian official said, “it was during Trump’s presidency that the sanctions war began. Obama started it, in fairness. Under Trump, sanctions increased, both economic and diplomatic. But at that time, as I said, there was a dialogue between us and Washington at the highest and highest levels. There is no such dialogue now.”

Lavrov is in New York coinciding with Russia’s presidency of the Security Council and on Tuesday (16 Jul) chaired a Ministerial-level meeting on “Multilateral cooperation in the interest of a more just, democratic and sustainable world order.”

  1. You can see how this guy thinks that he can fool the world. Russia wants Nato to stop providing Ukraine with arms when North Korea is providing them with arms to fight lol lol 😂😂😂😂

  2. Journalists just kept quiet listening to lies that do not make sense, if it was western leaders talking, journalists would be busy interjecting.
    The media only have power when it's Western leaders talking.

  3. I am very pleased to hear both 🇷🇺 and 🇺🇦 starting to be more openly minded & spoken in regards to the absolutely & deservedly needed peace talks. There must absolutely be open, productive, engaging dialougue & minds involved from all sides. It is of no benefit at all to any to continue the ravenous & completely mad state that is currently in existence in the world or especially in any conflict, not just Ukraine & russia. All war, unrest & need to be above or in control of another regardless of nationality is a & the most eminent existential threat to our state of a peaceful, cohesive & prosperous humanity. Our future cannot lie within war, conflict & our displacement of our respect of and for each other as individuals of different cultures. We need all cultures to build the correct future, learn forgiveness, & to recognize the education from our history we still fail to understand. We must grow beyond how & what we act like with disregard for each other. Peace must be our path. Cohabitation with equally duty-bound responsibility for repsect to each other for each other must be at the forefront of our minds & lives. History every day is written but it is up to us & only us to exact upon it the absolute best of us. I wish all of the world the greater of us, to find the right inside us, the justness inside us, the equality inside us & the ability to understand the greatest example of leadership is in the ability to show strength in sharing power & respect equally among all by earning each others respect through action not meaningless words. May GOD speak to and resonate within us all for what we already are, good people, a people that knows right from wrong, a people that always has the ability to grow from all experiences even the most damning.

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