Man cured of HIV after stem cell transplant in Germany

Man cured of HIV after stem cell transplant in Germany

by HolidayBlueberry4688

  1. They did this a few years back with a leukemia patient. The outcome wasn’t expected and led to further studies

  2. Since nobody reads articles:

    It has happened before in a small handful of cases, only the other times, the stem cell donors all had a mutation that made the derivative cells resistant to HI viruses by lack of a certain receptor.

    In modern medicine, however, it’s so far more advisable to give HIV positive patients medication that delays the progression of AIDS and suppresses the virus. It’s not a death sentence anymore, at least not for many years.

    Replacing your whole immune system via stem cell therapy is only done if absolutely necessary. In these cases that was leukaemia.

    Nevertheless, this can be a puzzle piece to figure out how to cure HIV with something less taxing than stem cell therapy.

  3. Good to hear…

    Hope it’ll be possible with other illnesses….. I can come up with a few I’d like to see the world get rid off.

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