List of russian-occupied countries (national republics) by number of political prisoners

List of russian-occupied countries (national republics) by number of political prisoners

by BashkirTatar

  1. Not to defend Russia but eh…many of those “countries” don’t want to leave Russia. And the truth is, the separatists are few or none at all.

    Chechnya was where there was a separatist majority and after winning the Chechen war they believed that they could give independence to Degestan if they helped the separatist group there only to realize that neither the civilians nor the majority of Dagestan wanted independence.

    So it really depends, there are some “republics” that could not survive alone without Russia since they depend on production and machinery that only Russia can give them. Not to mention that some are landlocked and their only neighbors would be Russia, Russia and Russia.

  2. This is very biased. Would you say Catalan are occupied by Spain, the Welsh by England, California by the USA, south-Tyrol by Italy, etc. etc. Just because it’s Russia it’s not so different!

  3. So friends, if you have a question about r/Bashkortostan, don’t be shy and ask them in the community.

  4. Sorry, I’m certainly not a Russian bot. Just because Russia today is a dictatorial nation does not mean that every nation, which has been part of the country since a very long time wants or fights for indepency. But a lot of Catalans are e g. craving for independence.

    Think a bit before you write such a nonsense!

  5. Not sure where the data is coming from behind the league of free nations but I am very sure this data is utterly wrong.

    There are far more prisoners who were convicted on made up charges and charged for drugs which is not a political charge. So all those who were falsely accused and imprisoned are not in this count.

    And believe me there are tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of politically imprisoned or repressed people in or if they are lucky outside Russia. Not even counting those who already were tortured to death or simply killed without any press coverage behind the scenes of the Russian terror regime.

  6. Russian-occupied?
    Are you seriously?
    I’m dagestanian, and I don’t know any dagestanian who wanted to our republic was separated from Russia.

    P.S. just imagine what would happened if Dagestan become independent. Little top: Look at Afghanistan

    P.S. P.S. Thanks to everyone for this upvotes, I really appreciate it. I really glad so many people around Europe supported me and separetes Russia and Putin’s politics.

  7. Ah yes, the famous “Russian occupation” propaganda.

    >**occupation**, is the temporary control exerted by a ruling power’s military apparatus over a sovereign territory that is outside of the legal boundaries of that ruling power’s own sovereign territory

    Bashkirostan has been an internationally recognized part of Russia for centuries. Not to mention that the majority of the population there – almost a third – are Russians who were born there as well as their ancestors and have also lived there for centuries. Have you asked them if they want to leave Russia, I wonder?

  8. Just because a country is in a bad dictatorship it doesnt mean that all their territories are occupied, also because some of this are part of Russia since 4/5 hundreds years ago

  9. This is pure antirussian propaganda, not the numbers itself, but to consider these republics to be occupied by Russia is delusional.

  10. Can’t speak for the other regions, but chechens (ichkeria) consider themselves occupied. Atleast those who fled (and fought). Can’t speak for the new generation that grew up after the war under russian/kadyrov propaganda & iron fist

  11. Don’t get when terrorists, traitors and common criminals have turned into ‘political prisoners’.

  12. Russians are Cancer of world..spiting insults about west how imperial they are..yet them alone (apart of nazis) are ocupiing others around them ..and for centuries on top of that

  13. Holly shit, what is that? Komi is occupied by Russia? Are you kidding me? I’m native Komi. I’m Russian. Russia didn’t occupy Komi. Or if you define it that way than US occupied North America. What a joke. Any nonsense to demonise Russia.

  14. If these are “occupied” then you could also say that California is “occupied” by USA.

  15. I love how Ichkeria went from a “terrorist state” to “occupied country” in just 25 years

  16. All European countries, all world countries recognise those territories as part of Russian Federation

  17. Where is Nenets Republics, Khanty-Mansi AO, Perm Krai, Chukotka? And in Krasnoyarsk Krai and Kamchatka have national parts, why they not included? (Evenkia and Koryakia)

  18. I dont understand the point of acting like these territories are like occupied baltics or even Euskadi

  19. So, according to the League of Free Nations, Crimea is not occupied, isn’t it?

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