Thoughts? 🕵️‍♂️

Thoughts? 🕵️‍♂️

by Venus_Ziegenfalle

  1. For some completely inexplicable reason absolutely nobody knows or can possibly guess, I made exactly zero negative experiences with Sinti and Roma while living in the Khalifat (wasn’t born here though) for over two decades.

  2. Id Challenge any American to live in Leeds right now. I think the experience might change their minds on the Roma ..

    They kicked off because social services tried to safeguard some kids… That’s scumbag behaviour. Typical of these people. The Roma aint some oppressed minority. There is no equal in American society to these people.

    The American experience doesn’t cover these people, IF they existed in large enough numbers In America to cause the carnage they do here in Europe I guarantee there would be daily lynchings of Roma over there.

  3. Americans must have spent at least 10 minutes near Bratislava or Budapest Central Station before I take their opinions on Romani seriously

  4. Probably the only personal experience I had with a gypsy was when we were hanging out at a park with like 5 boxes of beer and this guy Milan showed up who kept telling different stories were he was from. He kept hanging around, proceeded to unsuccesfully hit on the girls that were with us, got absolutely shitfaced, vomitted and then passed out under a nearby bridge. So overall not too unpleasant.

  5. This topic is so fucking funny in europe. Even the most hardcore left wing people i meet on my travels through europe and here in Portugal turn into absolute 1939 Hans on this topic.

  6. I have nothing against Romanis that don’t come to my town and shit in the bushes of our city parks. I have yet to meet one of those.

  7. First time I got my bike stolen was by them. Love when americans try to get woke about this matter.

  8. Literally the only times my area has encountered them is when they took over the local school field , camped there, then dumped litter everywhere

  9. Americans really falsely applied Roma behaviour to black people, then realised that it didn’t apply to black people, so then assume all reports of that behaviour must be false

  10. Why do Americans think we don’t know what we are talking about on this issue. This was posted straight after the Leeds riots which started because of a Romani family abusing and neglecting their children.

  11. American are the type of persons who go to Venice/Rome/Milan/Florence, gets pickpocketed by Gypsys and then claim that Italy is the worse.

  12. Had a disabled friend robbed by them twice, witnessed them attempting fraud and witnessed them pickpocketing.

    All while the state provides for them.

  13. I saw them in real time completely turning once proud area and best part to live in into ghetto after they got free housing in what i imagine was try to integrate them, i was unfortunate to go into one of apartements there and if you played Silent Hill then it looked like Otherworld x 10, worst part is it completely devalued property value and town sold it for very cheap to rich fucks which did minimum repairs and now rent there for very big sum.

    Now im seeing same thing happening again where i live and there is small number of them compared to white hooligans yet they make problems on par with alot of white social cases here.

    When i was working part time as guard at factory checkpoint, gypsies sent from employment office were always adamant to get only stamp that they got rejected without even interview, they also have zero accountability and no matter what vile shit some of them do they will always scream racism…like when Ukranian defended himself against group of gypsies and killed one in self defense….instead of blaming group of troublemakers they went on racist rant against ukranian refugees and cried about racism because why would we not let them act uncivilised and attack others without repercussions.

  14. Ah I can’t weigh into this. We don’t have any significant Roma gypsy presence here…

    Our Traveller community is full of the best most kind folk to have around and they never cause any trouble ever. They even send out video invitations to eachother asking them to come over for a ~~fight~~ cup of tea.

  15. I absolutely don’t have anything against them.

    >!When they don’t steal metal off of historical monuments, rob people, deal drugs in broad daylight, make the part of the city where they live look like a dumpyard a month after the city renovates it, get extra points for enrolling in schools and universities because “discrimination”, have the police turn a blind eye to them because it’d be discrimination if they got arrested in the middle of stealing metal off of historical monuments, force their kids into begging and stealing and when they are well integrated into the society!<

  16. It is not their race, it is the toxic culture that some endorse. And this culture can be endorsed by anyone and if you see a pattern, it is purely because of history

  17. I think that if the whole of Europe is united against a single group of people, there’s a problem with the people and not Europeans.

  18. We will know someone found the dragonballs or something if those people will be suddently vaporized out of the blue. fr.

  19. I dislike anyone who feeds their baby alcohol to keep them quiet while begging. Not to mention doesn’t send their kids to school. I don’t know why that’s a controversial opinion but alas

  20. I’ve been mugged 4 times in my life. Always gypsies. First, it happens. Second, it’s a coincidence. Third, it’s kinda funny. Fourth, I’m not laughing anymore.

  21. They choose to be parasites and don’t want to live in society, so I have no reason to trust them.

  22. I don’t know why Americans idolizes these peoples. Maybe they think it’s like one those Disney movie or maybe because they don’t have to deal with them. 🤷‍♂️

  23. In Argentina we have some groups as well, and they’re usually involved in robberies, and drive ostentatious vans. I know a woman who married her cousin and had several sons with him, apparently that’s ok in their culture.

  24. It’s a selection bias.

    As there *are* fully integrated Roma. You can’t tell them from other “normal” people. A lot of them even adopted local last names.

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