Ukrainian army targets Russian camps at night with drones and incendiary ammo while soldiers sleep. Quote: “Everything burned for the guys! Many of them died. The strike hit the ammo supply. Those who were sleeping in the dugouts or caught in the detonation died. The dugouts look like burial pits”

Ukrainian army targets Russian camps at night with drones and incendiary ammo while soldiers sleep. Quote: “Everything burned for the guys! Many of them died. The strike hit the ammo supply. Those who were sleeping in the dugouts or caught in the detonation died. The dugouts look like burial pits”

by BigDeckBob

  1. The entire sovereign country of Ukraine is looking like a Russian burial pit. Murdering invaders get what they deserve.

  2. The new sunflower garden was just cleared and fertilizer spread around, and all we need are some seeds!

  3. If I knew there were flying bomb drones alllllll around, the first time I got any down time, I’d be spending every second of it digging my own underground bunker to sleep in at night. I wouldn’t care how long it took me. I’d be making a tunnel under the ground. You think these people would be smart enough to know not to sleep anywhere a drone can go to. Go under ground. The Viet Cong did it back in the damn 60s and had hundreds of miles of tunnels underground that protected them from thousand pound bombs.

  4. Translation:

    “Look, there were boats over here… There are mines over there… Engines… My kitchen used to be here, Lilya… Here are my dumbbells… Two of them… Yep… (1:08): And here is the entrance into our dugout… I’ve sent you a picture before, remember? You said it looked like in fairytale… This is how it looks now, Lilya… Fubarred… Yep…”

  5. When you think all these deaths won’t be counted in the ukraine daily tally. Makes you think just how many daily deaths aren’t actually counted.

  6. Oh my god what a boring video I think I should continue to scrHOLY SHIT >!thats a big ass crater!<

  7. I don’t see any problem. Ukraine was just doing a little cleaning up. Fcker should be greatful to them for sterilising the stinking rubbish pile that HE created. Burn in hell mkrs.

  8. It’s hard to feel too bad about the situation.

    Hats off to the drone pilots!

  9. Those dumbbells are most definitely not his. A Drone with his name on it is on its way.

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