On July 20, 1974 Illegal Turkish Invasion Commited By Turkey Displaced Greek Cypriots And Replaced them with Settlers-People Are Fighting For Their Properties Today

On July 20, 1974 Illegal Turkish Invasion Commited By Turkey Displaced Greek Cypriots And Replaced them with Settlers-People Are Fighting For Their Properties Today


by duckgoesdockdock

  1. What happened in the five days between the coup and the Turkish invasion? The violence seems to have been exclusively amongst the Greek factions.

  2. i can only see a Russia posting such type of info because they’re the only one which would benefit from this scenario…

  3. the same people who kicked turkish cypriots out of their homes in 1963-64 and tried to get rid of them completely in 1974 suddenly want respect for property rights?

  4. Let’s greentext the story and see if this piece of newspaper is right about Turkish “invasion”:

    >Pro Enosis coup in Cyprus
    >Turks get murdered. Not backed into a corner, not forced to fight, not declared war on, but murdered. Innocent lives lost.
    >Turkish Prime Minister pleads multiple times with UK and Greece to handle this otherwise Turkey will have to handle it (to those who watch wrestling, CM Punk situation with Jack Perry) in its own terms.
    >UK doesn’t handle it.
    >Greece doesn’t handle it.
    >UN couldn’t be bothered.
    >Turkey handles it.
    >Entire world go “booooo Turkish scum booooo you invaded Cyprus boooo it’s illegal get out boooo UN forces will occupy there now booooo” for the next 50 years.

    As you can see, words are just that, words. The real power comes from the end of a machine gun. The only thing to say here is L+ratio. Sucks to suck and cry more.

  5. It would be worth mention the entire story and condition that led to the invasion… Put like it seems that turkey out of the blue decided to invade Cyprus.. history was a bit different . It doesn’t make invasion legal but publishing just a part of story is definitely disinformation

  6. “Illegal”
    Yeah how dare those pesky Turks intervene to stop a genocide? Nevermind that they were also a guarantor of the island.
    Stay buttmad.

  7. A couple of years ago I considered writing a dissertation related to this and read Rebecca Bryant’s work on the role of memory of the past among Cypriots in the occupation vs the rest of the island. It mentioned how in 2003 the people from the south were for the first time allowed to go to the north had the opposite effect than anticipated. Instead of fraternising between the two communities the Turks were getting sued for property theft by the displaced southerners who appealed to the ECJ. The reason being that while the Turks saw the 1974 invasion as effectively fixing the communal tensions of the 60s and early 70s, their former countrymen considered the Turkish colonisers as illegal occupiers that should face legal repercussions.

  8. The initial intervention was justified.

    The following occupation/invasion significantly less so.

  9. I do not support the Turkish occupation- however, not only was the invasion of Cyprus legally binding under Turkey’s guarantor status (alongside the UK and Greece) but it was supported by the majority of the UN. Article I of the Treaty of Guarantee prohibited Cyprus from joining a personal union with any state, something the Junta governments of both Cyprus and Greece wanted at the time after the 1974 coup.

    It was when Turkey decided to stay, evict innocent Greek Cypriot families, and set up a defacto, unrecognised puppet state in North Cyprus which essentially ended up breaking the very same treaty they were enforcing (Article II guarantees Cyprus’ territorial integrity- Northern Cyprus is in direct violation of this.) that opinion became overwhelmingly negative in the UN.

    Again, I’d like to reiterate I do not support forceful evicting of civilians and annexing land, I cannot defend that. What I am saying, however, is calling the initial Turkish intervention an ‘illegal invasion’ is factually wrong. Everything after that, however, has a very strong basis to be considered an illegal occupation under international law.

    In conclusion, the initial actions of Turkish military intervention to protect Turkish Cypriots was well within the rights given to Turkey in the 1960 Treaty of Guarantee, under Article IV;

    >Initially, a bicommunal independent state was at stake because of the July 1974 coup and several Turkish Cypriot enclaves being attacked at the onset of the coup. Those circumstances made Turkey claim the right to unilateral action, as provided by the treaty, (under Article IV) by first invading and creating a bridgehead and corridor between Kyrenia and Nicosia enclave.

  10. Here is a translation for those who care about the facts: Attempted annexation of Cyprus by Greece and genocide of Cypriot Turks in the hands of Greek Cypriots prevented by Turkey, in accordance with the Treaty of Nicosia signed by Cyprus, United Kingdom, Greece, and Turkey.

  11. Invasion of Cyprus to protect the Turkish minority wasn’t illegal. The settling and carving up a north Cyprus was and is illegal.

  12. Nah it was justified, everybody knows it, stop playing 3 monkeys and face the facts and consequances.

    Pinching actions without pre history, typical for your kind.

  13. Turkey is the only one doing that, Morocco invaded Western Sahara, Iran also occupied Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs etc

    It’s really funny every time I hear them complain about Israel.

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