Imagine living in the greyed out countries as a kissless virgin

Imagine living in the greyed out countries as a kissless virgin

by Cubelock

  1. I’m in a 2 kisses zone but I think I’ll switch to 4, I love kissing my homies’ cheeks

  2. You coming to kiss me, you better have full tongue action locked and loaded. You have been warned

  3. Tbf no one actually kisses, expect for some grandma’s maybe (fuck i hated that). The correct way is to barely touch each others cheeks while kissing the air to produce the appropriate sound.

  4. We don’t kiss the cheeks (except if it’s your grandma in which case she might kiss you like you would a cat but you’re not expected to kiss back), we kinda brush each other’s cheeks and only when greeting close friends or family.

    In my experience older women and older men are usually the ones to initiate the movement, everyone else follows their initiative, young men usually just shake their hands or simply don’t do anything besides verbally greeting the other party, young women sometimes initiate the movement if they are greeting one of their friends or family.

    I have no idea why we do it.

  5. Note that kissing unknown women cheeks while meeting was very common in France. But since Covid, my experience is that it have become far more uncommon.

  6. There are plenty of people in the UK who gives wee little kisses with a greeting. Me included!

  7. Sometimes I wish Corona would come back just to keep these no-personal-space weirdos away.

  8. hmm, here I have also experienced kissing a lot
    it’s only with people you know but you usually do two kisses

  9. Fun fact : this allows us to do the not old at all joke of “In my place it’s 3, no it’s 4 actually, no actually it’s 6”

  10. Suddenly, my Russianphobia intensified. Seriously, how mad must one be to make 3 kisses? Any pair number is good, one is acceptable, but 3?

  11. Here in northern Italy the number is zero, If I try to kiss my friends they will stab me

  12. Try to kiss me once and i’ll break your arm. (unless you are gay or femboy, then thats fine)

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