Laut Microsoft waren 8,5 Millionen Windows-Geräte vom CrowdStrike-IT-Ausfall betroffen

Laut Microsoft waren 8,5 Millionen Windows-Geräte vom CrowdStrike-IT-Ausfall betroffen

  1. Anyone who would use a Windows computer for a mission critical project should have been fired many years ago.

  2. More.

    I know of at least *one* customer who had 300,000 devices affected.

  3. As someone who got stuck in the airport without near hotels and car rentals available, I’m qualified to say they fucked it up beyond imagination.
    It was like a apocalyptic movie that kept getting worse, all the monitors were showing the BSOD, all airport employees had this terrified look on their faces and everything was being written on paper because their computers were bricked.

  4. I won’t get into details but FWIW I met with someone in my field from Crowdstrike some months ago. They were a condescending, know-it-all prick.

    And this is by Bay Area standards. Just from looking at this mess, it wouldn’t surprise me if the rest of the company is similar.

  5. Crowdstrike better compensates the affected companies and change their practice if they want to stay relevant.
    They had no clue their update caused the outage. Microsoft had to tell them. So no testing was done on their side.
    Even more crucial, their updates are forced, not allowing their customers to test them first.
    Serious IT companies don’t act that way. I expect their stock to drop much more.

  6. 8.5 million windows devices not used to surf Facebook all day – fixed that for you

  7. The update was a driver filled with null characters, so it crashed the machines and locked them in an endless blue screen cycle. The only fix so far is to boot into safe mode and delete the problem driver, so that means people doing this either by remote console or going to the data center and standing in front of the machine. If Bit Locker is enabled then it becomes more time-consuming. This was not an MS issue it was a lack of testing and process from CloudStrike which has broken Windows systems,

  8. Yesterday it was a billion. Today it was 8.5 million. That’s 0.85% of a billion. How’d the media get these numbers so wrong?

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