Donald Trump hails ‘very good’ first phone call with Volodymyr Zelensky since 2021

Donald Trump hails ‘very good’ first phone call with Volodymyr Zelensky since 2021

by duckanroll

  1. Pretty much just tell him he can build a hotel, knowing it will go out of business anyway, and he’ll consider it a “good” call.

  2. Yeah………. We still won’t trust you Putin supporter. Zelensky needs to be careful about this Putin puppet and the United States’ First Pro-Russia president.

  3. The one that led him to getting impeached was “perfect” and this one was only “very good”? He’s slipping.

    Edit: typo

  4. I so fucking hope Donald Trump wins the elections which he seems like he will. I hope things stir up in the US to the point of a civil war. More polarisation oh yeah baby! I want them to go through what they put the poor middle eastern peoples be it Iraqi, Syrians, Palestinians through in the last century.

    He also greenlighted our military operation to Afrin in 2018 and he most likely will greenlight us again to push further down on YPG in Syria. He will also put less pressure on us for trading and cooperating with Russia as well. Not to mention he will turn a blind eye on us putting pressure on Armenia to give up Zangezur corridor.

    Oh mannn I cant wait!

  5. Usually he uses “perfect”, “fantastic”, “best”. Just “very good” is actully “bad” on Trump scale.

  6. In trump language, this can be translated into different ways, and none of them are good for Ukraine.

    If he became president, then his plans are quite simple and can even be read already in russian language: Ukraine needs to give the four regions and de-militarized themselves. No Nato or EU, and expect the russian evil empire to strike again in about two years.

    American oligarchy (Musk, Thiel, and Koch brothers) are similar to russian oligarchs. Both of them want to steal the state without anyone making a big fuss about it, and they also want to do business with the evil empire. For this reason, they all support the Orange Messiah.

  7. Just words for now. Will have to judge everything by his actions. Curious as to where Trump and Zelensky will meet, and when.

  8. Smells like bullshit. It’s also bat shit insane the DOJ just flat out refuses to charge this guy with his mounting crimes. That’s the third violation of the Logan act in the past few weeks.

  9. Oh. I thought he was going to demonstrate his art of the deal and use this moment to end the war. /S

  10. Obviously the only move but it’s pretty eerie looking how all of the world pivots to pandering to trump already

  11. Every phone call Trump makes is “perfect” according to him. Trump also confuses diplomatic politeness with genuine admiration for him. Trump is simply too narcissistic to understand what is really going on around him.

  12. If Trump wins, he’ll allow Russia to absolutely assfuck Ukraine, and he’ll gladly allow Zelensky to be tortured and/or assassinated. This is posturing on Trump’s part, and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

  13. This means nothing. He always has an exaggerated positive comment on every discussion he’s involved in. Also, regardless of the general comments, we do not know exactly how the Trump administration will approach the Ukraine war when in power. Talk is cheap when being the opposition, and usually politicians play a different tune when actually taking a role.

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