Just landed and once again only the Italians clapped. Are they stupid or just way more polite than the rest of Europe?

Just landed and once again only the Italians clapped. Are they stupid or just way more polite than the rest of Europe?

by Direyx

  1. Se non applaudi all’atterraggio il tuo cazzo non conoscerà nessun assaggio.


  2. I sometimes instinctively start to clap when the plane lands and did some bad figures in flights with lack of Italians

  3. The pilot managed to achieve the bare minimum required in his job. That’s very commendable from an Italian pov.

  4. Maybe Alitalia is like Ryanair and smooth landing is unexpected and miraculous

  5. Why would you clap the pilot for doing his job, do you clap the cashier when you buy eggs at the supermarket ?

  6. We’re highly regarded. Apparently I can’t say the actual word here, which is even more regarded

  7. I fucking hate people who clap…
    Like “yeeeeih you met the most basic requirement and didn’t fucking kill us all *clap clap clap*”

  8. First flight i heard people clapping was on a Lufthansa plane full of germs

  9. The last time I went on a flight from the Azores to Lisbon, they didn’t even serve us food because of the intense turbulence.
    Yet nobody clapped.

  10. I freaking hate when people do that, especially if my son has just fallen asleep after the whole flight trying.

  11. Why are the italians appropriating my culture…? Is this because of the pizza thing?

  12. My guess is that people clap to release tension and not to celebrate the pilot. Anyway I find it so embarrassing

  13. Considering one of the three key ingredients they base their cuisine is an American import, the answer should be obvious

  14. Italy is living rent free in everybodys mind.

    I wish I got a cent everytime Italy got nominated, I would be rich 👀

  15. Are you sure it was the Italians? Aren’t you confusing them with the Portuguese?

  16. Brother, I had to take a flight to katowice full of Polish people and they all clapped

  17. This is coming from the same people whose word for car is just “machine”.

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