New stickers appearing in Coleraine.

Saw a few of these at the Uni train stop in Coleraine this evening.

by Michael_of_Derry

  1. Some of those children were born gay, the parents just don’t know it yet. So who will protect those children from them?

  2. Made the mistake of looking at the comments under Belfast Live’s pride parade story.

    People wonder why there’s a need for a pride parade still. “I wish I could go back to the 70s 80s 90s when it was normal”. 

  3. Cheers for the heads up, we know who’s doing it and we try to catch and get them all down

  4. Well to be fair as a Norn Iron man if my husband & I were outside and toxic looking rain like that started falling we’d also take cover.
    Must be this Global warming thing hippies are on about.
    People have nothing better to do than pick on something that isn’t them, I’ve a friend who’s father in-law freaked when at the beach the male child lifted a pink spade to dig in the sand.

  5. Do you have any idea how many people have been killed by falling rainbows in this country over the past year? Of course we need to protect the children from this Lucky Charms driven massacre!

  6. If you don’t get the point you’re a balloon

    Kids don’t need to be purposely confused with nonsense about 68 genders and all that shite that boys can become girls etc.

  7. Dear lord, we can’t get a fekking dentist and these guys are scared of what people are doing the dirty tango in bed together?!

  8. Cringe as absolute fuck.

    Youngest looks like the evil penguin from Wallace and Gromit in a winter fucking coat too.

  9. Teaching your kids hate and prejudice seems fine by these types. Guaranteed they claim to be deeply Christian.

  10. That red paint is going to hit the dads arm and completely ruin that family oh no


  11. That’s the least of our worries.

    Who’s going to protect the kids from the Loyalist c0ck?

  12. Myself and my folks are heavily involved in social services in the North of Ireland. You want to know how many of these children came from a same sex family – 0. A child would be so lucky to have 2 loving parents.

    Any moment of the day, I would choose a same sex family over the scum that these children come from.

  13. According to the dinosaurs arguing under the Facebook comments of Omagh Pride articles, they seem to think LGBT refers exclusively to Trans people and couldn’t comprehend why it would be offensive to gay people to assume Omagh Pride Festival was full of “Pedos”.

    It’s so scary that these people walk amongst us.


    This message brought to you from the Shite Father’s Association who aren’t even allowed to see their own children, except at Christmas.

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