It’s Late Thread [ 20 July 24 ]

Wahey, it's late, it's Saturday night!

Why are you still up? Off out for a fight? Doing the night shift?

Come on in for a chat.

What food is delicious but a pain to eat?

by AutoModerator

  1. Pomegranates. My god, I never got any of the tricks to deseed them to work great but if I did, I’d consume one every day!

    Accidentally slept 10 hours last night so of course not tired now, Monday morning will be a rough awakening I think.

  2. My friend recommended me a game about a bear who runs b&bs and now I’m spending too much time playing it. At least its torn me away from animal crossing temporarily. I can’t just resist a game where you place furniture items in a little house.

    food question: I love eating jalapenos but it does get too much after a while.

  3. Mango. Even with the ‘scoop it out into a mug’ trick, they’re pain to open and I always feel cheated on the size of the stone.

    Despite this, and despite the mangoes available most places here being mere shadows of a proper juicy tropical boy, mango is still the most delicious fruit.

  4. Listened to 9 albums today and currently listening to Dusty In Memphis which has got to be the best soul record made by a white singer, what a beautiful voice she had.

  5. I really enjoy a good baguette, but the crispy and chewy bits always poke me in the gums đŸ˜©

    Just laying in bed watching the end of ‘Passengers’, still wide awake so gonna look for something else to watch after this, I think

  6. Not so much a pain to eat, but a pain to prepare really. I love mussels, but getting live ones where I am isn’t easy. When you can get them, it is by the kilo, which I don’t want, but have to clean and cook all at the same time. Then you have to figure out the next bit, and I am already too tired to remember what I wanted in the first place.

    My brother did something very sweet for me today. As I keep getting my gob ripped apart by my masochist dentist, I am not really enjoying solid food much. I had asked my brother to get me a couple of boxes of Sainsbury’s minestrone cup-a-soup, in return for the Bakery treats I would buy him. I bought him a large roast ham sandwich and a cupcake, he emptied the shelves for me. I have about 60 cup a soups, the daft, wonderful, man.

    The cricket is shaping up like a real test match, WI vs England are actually putting up a 5 day performance and it is brilliant. Unfortunately the best bits of play tend to be in my nap time…

  7. Sardines, always have to watch out for their tiny daggers, they stab the roof the mouth quite perfectly.

  8. Oh man that prompt is so apt tonight. Just back home from a long day and starving hungry – I have some M&S beef cannelloni in the fridge, fantastic. Pierce the film, bung it in the microwave, read the instructions… and it’s a bloody oven cook. Despite the fact it looks like all the microwave meals M&S put out.

    So now I have to wait til 1am to eat this thing.

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