China spricht von einer Ausbesserung der zerrütteten Beziehungen, erklärt aber, dass es kanadische Kritik an seiner Menschenrechtsbilanz nicht dulden werde

China spricht von einer Ausbesserung der zerrütteten Beziehungen, erklärt aber, dass es kanadische Kritik an seiner Menschenrechtsbilanz nicht dulden werde

  1. >*But Mr. Wang made clear to Ms. Joly that China will not tolerate criticism of Beijing’s record in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tibet or Taiwan. China has come under international opprobrium for its repression of Uyghurs in Xinjiang, its quashing of democracy and dissent in Hong Kong, its annexation and suppression of Tibet, and its increased menacing of the self-governed democracy of Taiwan.*

    >*Mr. Wang did not mention his country’s influence operations in Canada, including election interference, Chinese police stations and bullying of diaspora communities. But the statement said the foreign minister told Ms. Joly that China has a long-standing policy of “non-interference in internal affairs” of other countries.*


    >*By warning Ottawa against talking about matters such as Taiwan, the Chinese government appears to be placing conditions on further development of the Canada-China relationship.*

    >*Vina Nadjibulla, vice-president of research and strategy at the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, said the language on Taiwan is concerning. She said any stabilization of the Canada-China relationship should not come at the expense of deepening relations with Taiwan. Canada last year signed an important investment deal with Taiwan to grant protection to business investors from each other’s country.*

    >*“The year 2023 was a landmark in Taiwan-Canada relations,” Ms. Nadjibulla said. “So we need to make sure that we don’t self-censor when it comes to our engagement with Taiwan.”*

  2. Ohhh what a hypocrite we are having here, lecturing the United States and many other countries on human rights but when other countries criticize China on their human rights record from how they handle those people who criticize the government to the Uighurs, they are angry and don’t tolerate that criticism.

  3. Really not sure why Canada isn’t going scorched earth. Clear China influenced corruption within the Canadian government, reported Chinese interference with their Canadas election, discovering Chinese “police” operation within their country. Why would you rollover.

  4. China needs the West right now. Their economy is in shambles. Buck the fuck up and tell them to suck a fat one, and then they can come to the table and act like an adult and play by the rules for once in their lives. If not Xi can face his people. Their ancestors were so nice to rulers who failed the people and all.

  5. Ahh the old “we can be friends but don’t bring up that race of people were committing genocide on and don’t try and stop us from invading Taiwan…” what a great deal for friendship

  6. So instead of actually improving its human-rights record, it just wants no one talking about it?

    Some “mending” it is.

  7. We are pulling a typical power country move and not going to say we ever messed up…

  8. As a Canadian, your human rights record is abysmal, China. Keep your damn plastic junk.

  9. Wondering A if this is just face value plotics for China.  That or they are questioning backing Russia and now slowly changing their tune.. I’m leaning towards option 1.  Also pretty sure china runs our politicians so there’s that to

  10. Funny, Canadians won’t tolerate you messing around in our politics. So let’s make a deal. We leave you alone on human rights and you give us the independently confirmed evidence of who in your government fucked around in our political system as well as each of their skulls and we can talk. Till then, stop arresting your own people for wrong think and wrong race.

  11. China “We are willing to be friends if you agree to not point out the bad stuff we have been doing.”

  12. Tiananmen Square and probing your citizens with rectal cameras is still your legacy China. Just sayin…but you’re still welcome to stop by for a coffee.

  13. Look man I know whay canadians say sorry! If they say you are committing or have committed war crimes. You better believe them before they start telling us sorry too!

  14. Crazy how both India and China just doing fuck all in Canada and nothing comes of it.

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