Russian soldiers brains blown out in some hospital in bakhmut region

Russian soldiers brains blown out in some hospital in bakhmut region

by SpookyKIDo

  1. Shuuuuucks. Should have stayed home with his kids and wife rather than invading foreign countries and killing Ukrainian children. I’m surprised the wound is not full of maggots.

  2. why is he even on breathing stuff? even if he had a heartbeat, wouldn’t he be basically dead already? i mean even without his brains popped out, he’s burnt pretty bad…. what’s going on here?

  3. Incredible he made it as long as he did to the hospital. The body can survive some crazy things.

  4. What? Orcs have brains? Wow… maybe they should use them and STAY TF HOME!

  5. LESS invading of other countries = MORE brains that do not leak out of a head.


  6. There has been reports about organ sales and such since the war started. Would not be surprised if that is why they are keeping this guy on a ventilator despite this brain bleed with likely encephalitis.

  7. Hell! Goodbye to a significant chunk of his right temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes. The poor blighter will be severely limited if he survives.

  8. I’m guessing he definitely needs thoughts but I’m all out of prayers.

  9. I don’t think he needs that breathing tube, bandaging or pillows. Im pretty sure hes dead dead

  10. Bloody ear, no brains. Are we sure this isn’t The Donald we are looking at?

  11. With the reports of hospitals and such overflowing with patients, seems weird to even bother with someone in this state.

  12. I don’t know, the horrors of war are rarely as well documented as in this war.

    For the Russians, it is the most senseless war of all time, which only has to be fought because the bluff of the KGB weasel Putin didn’t work.

    Why are there still Russians who are willing to subject themselves to this horror? How stupid are they?

  13. They are hoping to save him. He is needed back on the front… Brains are not a requirement.

  14. I think there could be two explanations for this. Either training new personnel to work despite stress and gore, by making them practice on the unsalvageable patients.

    Other option is this very characteristic way people in the old soviet sometimes continued carrying out their work even when there is absolutely not point in doing it. Just doing their job because it is their job and they *have been told* to do their job. Eternally continuing to sweep the street, even when it is spotless.

  15. Must be a high ranking officer or FSB agent. Normally someone like that is left for dead.

  16. Just thought of a movie plot. A group of guys go to war torn Ukraine to harvest organs from dead soldiers to sell on the black market. Boom. Million dollar idea. I hereby trademark this idea by user SeanConneryShlapsh July 20th 2024 at 7:12pm.

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