Leeds disorder: Harehills man charged over torching of bus

Leeds disorder: Harehills man charged over torching of bus


by topotaul

  1. There’s another arsonist, white guy but wearing a bandana to cover his face, so that on livestream.

    Edit – I was wrong it was a blue polo shirt that he pulled up over the bottom of his face.


    Not too sure about the downvotes? Maybe people are mad it doesn’t fit their expectations?

  2. Leeds Disorder is a very real and unfortunate condition that affects up to 800k people in the UK

  3. It’s hard to imagine anything else than prison time for that.

    Pretty fucking stupid.

  4. This guy is my enduring fascination from the riot. The way he stared into the camera filming him while lighting that bus up. The vaguely terrified, unhinged look on his face but the determination of his unshaking hand. What was going through his mind? It almost makes me sad that we’ll have to wait such a long time to get information from the trial. What is he gonna say in his defence? Edge of my seat honestly.

  5. Thick cunt.

    Though annoyingly his tax burden likely just moved from universal credit to prison which costs much more. Irritating.

  6. Great, so now we get to pay to have this moron in prison on top of all the damage costs (which let’s face it, we could garnish this fuckwit’s wages for a thousand years and not recover those)

  7. The best part is that the council are now in “negotiations” with the Roma family who abused their kid as a result of all this, essentially rewarding their behaviour. So the message of all this: if you want to get your own way against the council, especially when it comes to beating up children, then just start a riot!

  8. Funny how this sub was screaming yesterday that he wouldn’t be arrested because reasons.

  9. Hilarious lacking in mentions of culture and immigration in this thread compared to every other. I wonder why.

  10. Harehills gets a lot of stick and to be fair, its reputation isn’t the best. That said, everyone has to live somewhere and Harehills or not, I cannot imagine the terror for the innocent residents on the surrounding streets must have felt. My street is excitable sometimes and has interesting characters but nothing like this.

    This incident is shocking and reminds me of the time riots were fanning out across the UK in 2011. Those responsible deserve every punishment they get.

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