Putin is ‘growing desperate’ says Estonian ambassador

Putin is ‘growing desperate’ says Estonian ambassador

Secretary General of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jonatan Vseviov joins CNN’s Alex Marquardt during the Aspen Security Forum to discuss Russian President Vladimir Putin amid Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine. #CNN #News

  1. Dah, based on his relationship with Putin and what he has said, what do you think he will do? He will "let Putin do whatever the Hell he wants"!

  2. If Trump becomes president one of the first things he'll do is tell Ukraine we're not going to support you. You need to give a certain piece of your territory to Russia and then they'll leave you alone. I'm sure he'll tell them good luck.

  3. The people of USA is GOING TO Vote Blue and Trump shot or not ( he CANNOT BE TRUSTED )
    The people of USA not trust Trump or Putin and people of USA is what VOTE’S …, Slava Ukraine

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