Superreiche Unternehmer drohen, Großbritannien wegen der Steuern zu verlassen

Superreiche Unternehmer drohen, Großbritannien wegen der Steuern zu verlassen

  1. Go ahead Britain, let them leave. And start building again instead of relying rich Russians and their tax dollars.

  2. They already have more money than even some countries so if you’re leaving, you need to leave hefty exit tax. 😛

  3. It’s these very people who have been funding neoliberal propaganda to benefit themselves since the 1970s, and causing as a consequence the economic inequalities, accomodation problems, rise in “populism” (including Brexit), collapse in education and healthcare, and a generation which cannot see themselves ever being able to afford to have kids. Nurses living from food banks etc. They are lethally toxic to societies they infect. They are going to leave? Let joy be unbounded!

  4. The greatest mystery is why people who earn an average salary get so concerned about billionaires paying taxes.

    I do realise that most people have no idea about how the tax system works. For example most people don’t understand how the bands work and think for example that if someone earns £50271 they pay 40% on the entire amount. No doubt people will say they have never encountered people who think this. Well all I can say is that in my experience more people get it wrong than correct.

    Income Tax rates and bands

    Band Taxable income Tax rate

    Personal Allowance: Up to £12,570 0%

    Basic rate : £12,571 to £50,270 20%

    Higher rate: £50,271 to £125,140 40%

    Additional rate: over £125,140 45%

  5. Their ill-begotten gains probably already deserted in favour of (insert popular tax haven here).

  6. Sorry no. 14 years of a system that benefitted them and there wasn’t nearly enough trickle down wealth for the middle or working classes to validate it.

    There’s the door. Taxman will collect his due on your way out.

  7. No huge loss, go circlejerk with the other rich cronies somewhere away from decent folk.

  8. There’s one argument for a kind of world government.
    Leave those fat leeches no fucking place to hide.

  9. Protip: They often yell, scream, cry, and plead over higher taxes, but they *rarely* ever leave. Carry on.

  10. Get your story straight already. Do we need rich investment or do we need to pick ourselves up by the bootstraps?

  11. I think countries should start calling bluffs.

    What are these billionaires gonna do? All move to Switzerland? They *need* the infrastructure of the country they’re in to do their business. Fuck them. Let them go.

  12. News flash: Ultra rich are only interested in their money. Shocking – more news at 10.

  13. They’ll all leave the US! They’ll all leave the UK! Wait what if nations around the world all just started regulated them more arduously? Where would they go? Space? lmao

  14. What do you mean you can’t tax at 90% in the most globalized era ever?? You go on to say even small increases are extremely difficult?! No way

  15. With most of the comments here I’m guessing the cross over with r/libertarian is pretty low…

  16. The catch 22 of claiming your presence is somehow a giant boon for society despite the fact that you’ll leave if you’re not allowed to hoard your wealth like a dragon sleeping on a giant pile of treasure.

  17. Rich assholes whining about not being able to buy a larger boat or a third house.

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