Azerbaijan’s president pledges to help French territories secure independence

Azerbaijan’s president pledges to help French territories secure independence,conflicts%20in%20the%20Caucasus%20region.

by pride_of_artaxias

  1. Oh, God… I think the French are trembling before such power of declaration…

  2. Ethnic cleansing for the terrorist separatists of Nagorno-Karabakh, freedom for the oppressed French dominions. And recognition of “Northern Cyprus” in a year or so as thanks for the Bayraktars, no doubt.

    This guy is such a piece of shit, as expected from someone whose daddy handed him presidency on a silver platter.

  3. It’s unfortunate that France will most definitely use Azerbaijan’s support as an excuse to delegitimize the independence movements in New Caledonia and French Polynesia. Those are the two territories where most people actually want independence.

  4. As a Béarnais oppressed by Paris, I hereby declare that my independentist movement needs urgent help. I’m ready to liberate Pau, the countryside around Pau including a very strategic gas field, and a lot of cows.

    However I need support. I urgently need money, weapons, the finest food, free vacations in luxury hotels in dictatorial country, I’m also ready for the Russian *compromat* on me if it were to include at least 5 prostitutes and a donkey, in the Seychelles, with daily attempts over a period of 2 months to make sure the *compromat* video quality is good enough.

    Russian services, Russian satellites services… If you’re reading those lines… The independance of Béarn, creating the opportunity for a pro-Russian buffer State between France and Spain, lies on your wise decision. I’m… We’re all counting on your help, here. We’re oppressed. Aaargh I’m being oppressed. Help.

    *(By the way the gas field in Lacq has been empty for 10 years. But with Russian superior technology I would never doubt of our ability to make it work again)*

  5. Sulking because France supports Armenia. Another day of dictators having a normal one.

  6. Turkey, reign in your genocidal mini-me before he picks a fight with the French and finds out about French Nuclear doctrine.

    Seriously, Ilham Aliev and his entire family are a bunch of fly-under-the-radar type of genocidal monsters and douchenozzles that are just as bad as Putin , but he’s from a small country most people have never even heard of, so its never talked about.

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