What if, instead of rising, the sea lower 115 meters?

What if, instead of rising, the sea lower 115 meters?

by Strong-Clothes4993

  1. It will just give us more chance to reclaim more land, pretty sure we’d like more land.

  2. Can you imagine the arguments about where France ended and the UK started and don’t get me started on the Channel Islands. Take this monstrosity down now

  3. Doubting the veracity of this map considering that a number of the fjords shown as light blue are several hundred meters deep.

  4. What this map misses is the rivers. Where the Rhine flows can make a lot of difference.

  5. The Channel tunnel would become the Channel bridge. Hordes of Barries would try to walk across it, in search of a decent croissant.

  6. Our time has come boyz

    Let’s see how the english fare without their moat.

    Vive la France, et vive l’Empereur !

  7. my sweet sea, you monster, you’re gonna pay for this. troops, prepare the tagliatelle ballista…

  8. If we’re saying in the context that doggerland never went away then

    Uk, Netherlands, Ireland, Denmark and various other nations no longer exist as the culture that is former there is of horse riding people. All of Northern Europe such as Central and Eastern Europe a lot colder as no more warm Atlantic currents even Western Europe as well I guess(snow finally?). The culture formed of whoever lives there would be vary different from ours and we simply cannot imagine it, perhaps a horse goddess would be a particularly important deity. This land would also give the Slavs and such a bigger opportunity to push deeper into Europe.

    I would also love to see how the mongol invasion play out with another horse riding nomadic based people just to the west of the event of their empire. Maybe another mongol nation like Hungary in this North western area? I’d also love to see the battles these cultures and the mongols, would make for some cool history.

    There are many videos on this subject.

  9. England, rhe Netherlands and Denmark citizens colonizing a new bit of land?

    Mild land harbouring the most savage Europeans ever seen on Earth.

  10. There’ll be war between civilized Europeans again within 10 years and the end of fish and ships.

  11. OMG a map of europe that has Hamburg on it.
    We are more relevant than all of Belgium, Austria and Switzerland!

  12. Greater Britain. Congratulations on your new citizenship. Mandatory morning masturbation to your portrait of Margret Thatcher while singing the national anthem at 08.00 followed by tea and crumpets.

  13. It would be a disaster for us. Our last great defense against invading Fr*nch gone 😩

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