Mindestens 3 Tote und 87 Verletzte, sagen die Houthis, als israelische Luftangriffe den Jemen einen Tag nach dem Drohnenangriff in Tel Aviv treffen

Mindestens 3 Tote und 87 Verletzte, sagen die Houthis, als israelische Luftangriffe den Jemen einen Tag nach dem Drohnenangriff in Tel Aviv treffen


  1. So how’s that carbon cap going for everyone?

    Everyone using their paper straws and biking to work?

  2. “…thanks Mary, I’m here on the ground in Yemen and as you can clearly see from the scenes behind me, it appears that the Houthi rebels have ‘fucked around and found out.’ This retributive strike occurred just 24 hours after a drone attack in Tel Aviv led to one casualty. It looks like these clowns have really gotten smoked this time, but we’ll have to wait and see how the houthis respond. There’s every indication that they’re eventually going to get their shit wrecked, Mary. This is Anderson Cooper, reporting to you live from Yemen.” 

  3. Anybody think the world are too P_/ssy? But they need Yemen to knock it off. So… they say “Israel , nobody likes you right now, just like a grungy hit man. Do everyone a favor and we will give you a green light to fuck Iran Up. ? Anyone?

  4. They need to just surrender the consequences for the attacks are just embarrassing

  5. Good. The houthis are causing major issues with ships going through the straight. It’s one of the reasons food prices are high.

  6. Keep going Israel fuck then up good an proper. You play with fire you get burnt. Those pieces of shit sent a drone flying into a residential building.

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