How it started vs how it’s going

Sri Lankan man signed up to fight for Russia and then gets captured lmfao

by UndeadMonarch1

  1. Poor idiots never going home again.

    Just going in meat wave after meat wave until they are compost.

  2. Yeah his monthly payments have been stopped for sure. It’s a long walk home for him if the legion won’t take him.

  3. Why does he have the flag put on wrong on the cap? Is it some new trend in russia or is he just neuraly unmotivated?

  4. What did the Ukrainians get him to say? Lmao sounded like something Anti Putin 🤣 this guys just a mouthpiece for both sides haha

  5. Well, he certainly aged a lifetime in his brief, homicidal adventure in Ukraine. I don’t think he enjoyed it.

  6. Look at the now gray beard and haunted. Eyes in such a short time! Now, your life has been spared so, Go tell everyone how much RuZZia ZuckZ!

  7. I hate these guys with a passion but i’ve come to view these bags of shit as tickets home for Ukrainian POWs

  8. This should be broadcasted on repeat outside of every russian embassy.

  9. Kanye from Temu doesn’t seem to have the same energy in the second video. Wonder why 🤔

  10. I guess he thought they were paying him handsomely to go on a fun adventure. As P.T. Barnum said …………….

  11. Really old repost. Id give the link, but have no idea how to find it in reddit’s horrible search engine.

  12. Why is the Russian’s flag upside down on his cap? Is there some meaning to that?

  13. Love the piece of shit mouthing what he’s trained this idiot to say.

  14. God I wish I could just make them apologize and tell them how stupid they are.

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