Ukraine Sends Peace Envoy To China As Russia Welcomes Zelensky Plans To “End Hot Stage of War”

Ukraine Sends Peace Envoy To China As Russia Welcomes Zelensky Plans To “End Hot Stage of War”

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba is scheduled to visit China on July 23 for talks on ending Russia’s invasion, his ministry said.
China confirmed the talks with Kuleba, with foreign ministry in Beijing saying the visit had been initiated by its foreign minister.
China has refused to condemn Russia’s invasion and last year released a paper calling for a “political settlement” to the conflict. However, Kyiv and its western allies said that Chinaโ€™s plan could enable Russia to retain much of the territory it has seized in Ukraine.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky last month hosted a peace summit in Switzerland to set out his vision for a lasting peace. Beijing, a close political and economic ally of Russia, did not attend the summit in protest at Moscow not being invited.
Zelensky has since said that Russian officials should be present at an upcoming, second summit this year. Zelensky also told the BBC last week that Ukraine could end the โ€œhot stageโ€ of the war with allied help by the end of this year.
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  1. Wishing a successful Peaceful outcome through Conflict Resolution and a start of better times without any Terrorist attacks to Russia and the Russian Federation people. Warm wishes.

  2. This would never have gone this long or this far, if Biden had listened to, and not tried to show up, Obama. When offered this same war by the neo-cons, Obama refused to indulge the entreaty, pointing out that Russia had escalatory dominance, and would be willing to take the war where America did not want, and could not justify, to go. So in the spate of retaliatory escalations that were occurring in the war, an American ATACM missile containing cluster rounds was intercepted by Russian air defence over a crowded beach in Crimea. The cluster debris from the missile killed 5 Russians and injured 150 more. The Russians called the American ambassador in Moscow and informed him that Russia would retaliate against America itself. The Americans immediately asked their Secretary of Defence to contact the Russian Minister of Defence. The Americans obviously made an undertaking that diffused the explosive situation. More was clearly said, during that hour long call, and the subsequent discussions that took place when the Russian diplomatic plane that left immediately after the call arrived in Washington. The tone of the NATO side changed sharply after that incident, because there are reports that Russia started downing American surveillance drones over the Black Sea, and NATO has done nothing about it. It is clear that although Russians agreed to not retaliate at that time, they still have their muskets loaded, and ready to fire if such an event ever happens again. Since then, Zelensky has abandoned his haughty absolutist talk of recovering all the land lost since 2014, and started talking about peace. Clearly, someone somewhere has told him that Project Ukraine has been pushed as far as it can safely be… Now, it is time to talk, or more accurately, to dancce to Russia's tune

  3. Russia will never give up the Donbass itโ€™s now and forever Russia ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆโค๏ธ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆโค๏ธโค๏ธ

  4. I know what you can do Mr. Zelensky, you can act like a man, consider the cold hard facts and surrender unconditionally. To
    do otherwise is pure folly – Death and destruction. Ukraine CAN NOT WIN. Even a peon like me cant see that.

  5. Peskov has a way of summing things up with brevity and setting contexts at the same time. This is something he learned from Lavrov and the latter is 'the diplomats' diplomat', no matter which side he bats for. Kuleba has similar qualities and the dismissed minister of culture also has similar Slavic realism.
    While understanding what Kiev's mayor means, he has to face the fact that Kiev was allowed to become a sort of 'city state' at the expense of the grossly neglected Donbas and south east coastal strip for decades. As Donbas became a rust and dust belt (and Kharkiv /Sumy cities, not oblasts, were largely able to use displaced skilled and semi-skilled people), the mayor needs to realize that over 1/3rd of working age people in Donbas moved to Russia's equivalent mills and factories decades ago. Also, crucially, the south east coastal strip from Mariupol to Melitopol only avoided depression because post-1991 Russia ordered and had maintained grain ships for the whole chernozem region from Ukrainian yards, despite opposition from Rostov-on-Don after the Gorbachev mess but Yeltsin then his successors saw both the political trust advantages as well as Rostov region being developed for specialized naval assets and energy production.
    The Ukrainian grain ship arrangement remained in place for some years after the 'Maidan'- sparked conflicts further north.
    Oligarch corruption had almost wrecked Ukrainian grain production until Russia, CIS and investor states (mainly in the Gulf) formed companies to revitalize product but not attempting to buy the land from the Rep of Ukraine.
    Further, Russia continued to pre-pay for heavy transport aircraft exclusively from Antonov, Kiev. After 'Maidan' and tension arising from US funding of that phenomenon, Russia reduced orders but, during a major split between the designers/workers and oligarch board [see theft of funds], key Antonov staff moved to Russia and the company now thrives there, mainly on the maintenance side as other design bureaux joined to build military heavy planes.
    The notion that Zelenskyy is playing "political suicide", as stated by the mayor, is nonsense when the reality is that Zelenskyy has not been the constitutional president since June 1st, when Rada extension time on vote preparation expired. Zelenskyy claimed that his 'martial law' allowed for further delay but there are 'safety net' clauses in the 1991/2 constitution designed to thwart would-be dictators. Zelenskyy ignored these, was ubiquitous abroad without invitation and demanded yet more weapons from the west.
    Mr V O Zelensky had essentially torn up the constitution, was not a legal president and imposed the fantasies of his motley inner circle (protected by militias) on the people of Ukraine and whatever elements of the UAF still saw him as being president.
    Prolongation of conflicts in chaotic ways with massive death tolls and maiming is typical of dictators because they know that they imposed too much on the people and are only relevant as impostor/criminals seeking to avoid being put on trial.
    Perhaps the Kiev mayor is part of the regime and believes that Kiev city is the same thing as Ukraine and not just the base of bought politicians and oligarchs which do not care about Ukraine. Alternatively he could order Kiev police to arrest the regime members and cause Rada Deputies to liaise with a cross section (all ranks) of the UAF to secure a cease fire followed by direct talks then talks with Black Sea neighbors to plan the repair and progress of what will be a 2nd Rep of Ukraine but not as a special case as it has tended to see itself for 30 years.
    The truth is that while less richly endowed post-Soviet states developed in their different ways through hard work, after Ukraine's brief flirtation with 'democracy' 1992/3, the nimble oligarchs stole from the people and the state became a failed one with debts colossally higher than anywhere else in the northern hemisphere.
    While world nations will probably help, the priority has to be steady development in the region and is not the business of the USA, UK, EU, NATO and others with habits of using proxies against perceived enemies.
    These entities have been exposed and none of them is looking very stable.

  6. In the Istanbul Accords Ukraine was asked to avoid all this by simply recognising Crimea as Russian DNR and LNR as autonomies but within Ukraine and to be a neutral country not to join NATO and that's it.Was this agreement worth a million dead and maimed people on both sides at least? Crimea was already de facto Russian for 8 years and DNR and LNR would have been autonomies within Ukraine I think not!!!!

  7. Bottom line โ€ฆโ€ฆ Zelenski is ( was ) the elected president and all of the death , destruction and abject misery is down to him . He could stop it now with the stroke of a pen but chooses not to โ€ฆ.. his ego is worth more to him than the loss of precious life .

  8. The only and big mistake weak countries do when facing superpowers is they turn a blink eye to the reality.
    That's why Germany and Japan are now the closest allies of the USA.

  9. The war is not in Ukraine but in Donbass, where the so-called Ukrainian army (in fact NATO army) is doing aggression against Russophone inhabitants, defended by Russian army.
    This one is the true situation, not other one.
    Peace talks can only happen between Russia and United states. China is wrong in meeting Ukrainian officers.

  10. It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal.
    Dr Zoolenkzy needs to think to 3 time before siddng with US.

  11. Zelenky now knew that Biden and Jens stoltenberg have all laid down their hands up. What a pity how stupid he was at the beginning of this war. If he had gone รพo Russia and agreed with Put8n that his country would not join Nato and would never accept the west offers. Ukraine would have been intact today

  12. Peace envoy means defeat is imminent. Save faces. Truly a comedian. Since the Napoleonic and Adolfic wars, no matter how strong or technologically advanced Russia's enemy were, they always managed to defeat them the Russian way.

  13. Zelensky saying they will keep fighting…..for what? They literally have no troops left!! He's just sending people picked off the street into a meat grinder!! He doesn't care about the Ukrainian people, just his own opinion in the world…..which is now turning it's back on him. True puppet.

  14. Why do they always have to drag China into their filth? The war has nothing to do with China, it's a war between Russia and the US, and Ukraine is the proxy. Leave China alone!

  15. Diplomacy is way to be strong to 'suss' situation 4 mutual progress. this is o betrayal & o about giving anything up if you wish it otherwise. peace & talk is always the good way. but putis war is causing everybody else debt. so his are the cards to show responsibility to other countries by stopping this war & going back to Russia.
    Well praise to President Of Ukraine 4 his sheer strength of Respect towards others as diplomacy , to repair things to positive outcome. without negativity he will surely achieve the answers.

  16. No NATO in Ukraine.
    That is simply the key to ending the conflict.
    It's also Trump's magical solution of ending the conflict "in 24 hours".
    Whatever the Western narrative may be about Russia wanting to conquer the world, the Universe and the Sun, they were never going to allow to get choked by NATO on their borders and the US and it's colonies thinking they could disregard Russia as a superpower and play such games turned out a huge mistake.

  17. I don't get one thing is nato really cares for Ukrainian citizens why would they want them join nato? And why did nato make ukrain join nato if they really care for citizens?
    And again why didn't they make ukrain withdraw from nato after war started if they really care for citizens. It's clear who's behind this war they wanted this to happen it happened.

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