France Unbowed MP sparks outrage by saying Ißraeli Olympians are not welcome

France Unbowed MP sparks outrage by saying Ißraeli Olympians are not welcome

Posted by NegotiationFun9247

  1. Based. Isrsel needs to become a pariah state if we ever want to stop theor crimes

  2. In other news: Israel is moving into Khan Younis once again, but don’t let that distract you from the fact that some european politician is patting himself on the back once again for “demanding” inconsequential shit

    The bombs will keep dropping until Hamas surrenders or Biden finds his balls and actually puts real pressure on Bibi. Anything else is just theatre.

  3. Didn’t they ban South Africa from participating back in the day because it was an apartheid state? Shouldn’t the same apply to this one country that nobody is allowed to criticize as well?

  4. Quite correctly. They shouldn’t be welcome. They are slaughtering another competitor’s athletes, and their families, while the games are taking place.

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