Germany to ringfence constitutional court against extremist takeover

Germany to ringfence constitutional court against extremist takeover

Germany to ringfence constitutional court against extremist takeover

Posted by polymute

  1. I’m not German. But it seems to be there are serious problems the government is failing to address if AFD is able to build a base this strong – mostly relating to immigration.

    They’ll need to follow UK Labour’s lead to have any shot holding AFD off for the next decade.

  2. Sounds good. We don’t want something like the Supreme Court fiasco. Shit is scary

  3. “Establishment seeks to remain the establishment. More news at six.”

    That’s literally it. They’re afraid of losing the elections, so they’re trying to enshrine their stuff in the constitution. That said, the article mentions two things: Adding the current procedural rules to the constitution, and making it harder for a minority to stall the picking of a new judge.

    Cementing current proceedings is probably fine. Maybe something in there sucks and should be changed, but there’s a good chance this doesn’t really change anything going forward.

    The second one is utter shit though. You need a 2/3 majority to pick someone for the supreme court. Ok. Now they want to be able to bypass the minority into accepting if they reject all options for 3 months. Literally just ignore one third of the votes if its too inconvenient.

    Typical authoritarian behavior. They don’t want to talk, don’t want to negotiate. Just do things my way or shut up and let me do them my way.

  4. Democracies have proven to be very vulnerable to outside interference, as we’ve seen with Russian’s empowerment of the far right in various countries, including Germany. It’s nice to see Germans actually take real measures to prevent it, unlike my country.

    And I only say that because Clarence Thomas, a Conservative Supreme Court Justice in my country, took a free yacht trip and a helicopter ride to Putin’s Yusupov Palace… Who the fuck knows what sort of bribery/interference went on there?

  5. As an American good *God* how I wish for kind of basic, functional, proactive governance.

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