How Russia Is Helping Ukraine Solve Its Biggest Problem @VisualPolitikEN

How Russia Is Helping Ukraine Solve Its Biggest Problem @VisualPolitikEN

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If there is something that has characterized post-Soviet Ukraine, it is precisely corruption. We are talking about the country considered the most corrupt in all of Europe. And the question is, why? Who really owns Ukraine? What is the war with Russia implying for the powerful Ukrainian oligarchs? In this video, we will tell you.

#Ukraine #Russia #billionaire

  1. I can find you a video of Zelenskyy as a comedian making a parody on Kolomoyskiy, joking that when Zelenskiy becomes a president – Kilomoyskiy goes to prison. That was in 2018. Welcome to Ukrainian politics, forcefully following it since 2004 ๐Ÿ‘Œ

  2. Perhaps we need to reign in the Western oligarchs who are the hedge fund managers, bank chiefs, and various billionaires who are funding the breakdown of free market democracies in favour of an authoritarian two class system.

  3. The U.S. has many more oligarchs than Russia. The U.S. oligarchs have four times more money hidden in offshore banks than their Russian counterparts. The Ukrainian oligarchs won't let go easily. Ukraine is too important of a hub for European distribution of heroin and human slavery. Let's give more money to Ukraine. Don't help America!

  4. Ah, the Renaissance and the Enlightenment are at last coming to Ukraine. European standards of (reasonably) fair play will accompany them. Better late than never.
    In Russia they have yet to appear outside of secondhand accounts and rumours, and it is an open question how many more lifetimes shall pass before they do.

  5. Zelensky knows Trump will not support the Ukraine war.
    So he should plan a peace settlement with Russia that will enrich him as the new oligarch to rule Ukraine ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  6. poroshenko did alot of good for ukraine. it was under his leadership that ukraine reformed their military to a more western style . i don't know alot about him except i think he made his fortune making and selling chocolate and sweets.

  7. All countries in the west started out as oligarchies, it's almost the natural start of liberal democracy. The problem actually comes when you get a strong man to stop the oligarchs like Putin. Eventually the oligarchs fight each other and in that fight, they try to secure the support of the population. That force over time expands the rights of the general population and grows a middle class. This was happening in Ukraine before the war, and the EU was the biggest catalyst for this. Sure as an oligarch you have a lot of power in your country, but you'll happily lose some of that power for wealth in a way bigger economic system where you have to be legit but the potential dwarfs your current potential .

  8. Very interesting video! I want to learn more about Ukraine, other than war reporting. Ukraine gradually entering the EU in the coming 5-10 years, will affect us all.

  9. If the Oligarchs are in control of the government then that means they are effectively the government and therefore they are responsible for the war. Let me explain.
    1) Before 2014 the government in Ukraine was pro Russian. Which means they were in Putins pocket.
    2) In 2014 there was a coup and a Pro Western government was installed. I think the Oligarchs fell out with Putin, probably wanted more autonomy to get more wealthy. They staged the coup, tried to pull away and Putin took Crimea and then Donest where incidentally is where a few of the Oligarchs have property and Im willing to bet they have property in Crimea. No wonder they are so against surrender. They donโ€™t want to give up their property.
    3) Putin invaded in 2022 when he saw his Oligarch lords were still insisting in joining NATO. They wanted protection from him. Thats why Putin isnโ€™t trying to take all of Ukraine right away. Heโ€™s basically bleeding them out until they have to come back to him begging.
    4) Thatโ€™s why some Ukranians are upset about the mobilization. They know this is a war among the rich. This is some medieval Game of Thrones ish going on right in front of our eyes. Putin the King is waging war on is rebellious lords and their fiefdoms. 200 years from now thats how the story will be taught. Just like we do with wars that happened in the past.

    The information in this video makes the war make more sense now. Thanks!

  10. Oligarchs are going out and western monopolies are coming in to drain Ukrainian wealth even faster, lesson 101 from the wests book of economic take over, war, bring in our companies, take your wealth

  11. No problems have been solved, Ukraine has been destroyed. With 80% of the grid now not functioning, it will be uninhabitable in winter for those without woodstoves which is most Ukrainians.

  12. Problem is that brussels is also corrupt, so if brussels requires something from ukraine it will only mean they will be corrupt less obvious.

  13. The oligarchs were often directed directly from Moscow. By winning the war, Ukraine can indeed get rid of the biggest corruption source… Moscow.

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