Japan’s population falls for the 15th year in a row. Births hit a record low, deaths a record high

Japan’s population falls for the 15th year in a row. Births hit a record low, deaths a record high


Posted by BringbackDreamBars

  1. In a society like Japan, Korea etc where obtaining a steady job is the key that unlocks marriage and children, by NOT providing decent job prospects, you’re basically guaranteeing that marriage and children will be out of reach for average people. A lower birthrate quickly follows.

    And even with a decent job, if you have children, you’re basically throwing away all your free time to care for an EXTREMELY expensive investment for 18 years minimum. This is on top of Japan’s infamous work life balance, which was created back when women were providing unpaid labour at home to care for the children.

    The situation is untenable for capitalism, I wonder what the future will hold? Japan’s situation of older, smaller societies seems to be becoming the norm around the world.

  2. I appreciate Japan for taking one for the team, and helping the environment. Japan is a good example of what degrowth can look like.

  3. It seems like Japan’s yearly birthrate drops to a new low every week.

    Also why is the story always about Japan or South Korea? Germany and Italy have the same problem. In fact, Italy’s birthrate is even lower than Japan’s.

  4. Everyone talks about cost of living but I think the meat of their problem is that being a “good Japanese wife” and raising kids to Japanese standards is just not worth it to today’s Japanese women. They have their own lives and ambitions beyond getting up at 5am to make their husband a meal and clean.

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