Ukraine frontline report: the deadly new weapon of drone warfare | BBC News

Ukraine frontline report: the deadly new weapon of drone warfare | BBC News

Ukraine is engaged in the bleak future of war, with both sides using remotely-operated drones to strike individual soldiers, army positions and other targets with deadly speed and precision.

With the frontline largely static and soldiers dug in, drones have become the new means of attack, with both Russian and Ukrainian forces seeking to gain an advantage using the new technology.

Russia has the advantage in numbers: six drones for every Ukrainian one, although Ukraine’s drone teams say they have the technological edge and are quicker at finding ways to counter-attack and jam Russian drones.

Jane Hill presents a BBC News at Ten special frontline report by Quentin Sommerville in Lyptsi in north-east Ukraine.

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  1. Imagine…being hounded by drones that can see you day or night, in good weather and in bad, can see your heat signature under soft cover, knows no pain, hunger, thirst or exhaustion, it never sleeps and is relentlessly hunting you…and even if you kill it, the enemy will know and another will follow…like a recurring nightmare.

  2. сначала победи Украину, а затем нанеси ядерный удар по нашей стране, Израилю, если сможешь.

  3. 00:06 Ukraine doesn't stop the Russians, they are going forward every day. The longer this is going on the smaller Ukraine will be by population and land.

  4. Lot of money being generated in this war, for Blackrock especially..5.2% of Boeing, 6.4% of Lockheed Martin, 3.94% Northrup Grumman, 6.6% Raytheon, 9.9% BAE Systems, 8.17% Serco.

    The reconstruction phase will be even more lucrative.

  5. They're only following the orders of the greedy, paranoid rulers who are out of touch with reality because they will never fight in the frontline.

    Most of those id1ots don't actually care about their country and the people. What they care about is maintaining and expanding their power.

  6. World leaders what are you doing ? Do effort and stop the war. Just resign and get lost if you can't do your job properly.. Ukraine Russia war has been more than 2 years now…

  7. Its a quagmire. The front hasn't moved in more than a year.
    That doesn't do anything. It's single tanks and a hand full of young Russian guys that rather be home while the lives of the people in the region get crushed.
    Its that Palestinian mentality. Not accepting reality and moving on to make a better live for their child.
    Us weapons manufacturing is having the best time.

  8. I can never looks at beans after seeing so many videos of Russians insides cooking in the hot Ukrainian sun. 🤢but it’s ok, since it’s evil they’re taking out. 😅👍

  9. British media trying as much as possible to brainwash their tax payer their money was well spend and not money laundered…. But it is not working even for kids… Ukraine is being massacred, 99% of money are being stolen and money laundered… the rest of 1% of the money is used to record media like those fake news to fool British kids and some western countries.

  10. Ukrainian FM is in China indicating they are ready to talk, not to the US or UK (because Russia will not allow the US/UK to have any role in a post-war Ukraine); but with China as guarantor, there is a chance…" Poll this weeks says 32% of Ukraine citizens accept the possibility of territorial concessions—up from 10% two years ago. Ukraine is beaten; the RU steamroller that started in October, has never been stopped—-and it only grows in speed. The Iskanders land with impunity in Ukraine's rear, while the Lancet and FPV drones rule the skies over the front. The people have had enough; civilians burn the vehicles of conscription units and last week a woman immolated herself in Kyiv in protest of conscription. The prisoner units hastily assembled wither to nothing with days on the line of contact; men with 3 weeks of summary "training" easily swept aside by ultra-experienced, battle-hardened Spetznaz, Storm-Z, Marines, and Paratroopers now with years of combat experience. This round is over; pray that Trump wins so there will not be a subsequent round between NATO and RU directly…"

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