Zelensky Ready For Surrender? Ukraine’s Big Message To Putin’s Close Ally | Watch

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Guangzhou, marking the first high-level Ukrainian visit to China since Russia’s 2022 invasion. Discussions focused on Ukraine’s openness to negotiations with Russia, contingent on Moscow’s willingness to engage in good faith. Click to know more

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  1. Zelensky be smart don’t let those EU,UK or USA /Zionist 2:51 make you as a tool .Russian President don’t like to kill or get his people been killed,it’s their intention to feed you with weapons and get your people killed so it’s easy for them to control you economically and financially.Surrender doesn’t mean you lost the war it’s the love of your nation

  2. The US has to be in a state of shock. Not only is China mediating between Russia and Ukraine, but China has brought together all diverse parties in Palestine to work together to achieve Palestine's sovereignty as a separate independent state. These efforts add to China's bringing together Saudi Arabia and Iran. They see China's leadership in BRICS and the BRI that attempts to raise the economies of the global south. They see China not meddling in the internal affairs of others so China is a 'goto' helping hand.

  3. Hopefully, Zelinsky and crew have come to realize that they got suckered into fighting this war only to benefit the US. US involvement was never about helping the people of Ukraine.

  4. Its good to see at least one powerful country can approach these geopolitical issues without bias and try to negotiate a peaceful resolution to the problem.

  5. fook off zelenzky, keep changing his mind, now surely his owner biden step down, he change his mind again bow to russia for peace talk yet dare to claim russia not ready. before summit, russia already propose to stop war yet stupid zelensky with his arrogant due to have Pro-war west support. stop fooling the world. yr stupid mind game just show how not sincere you are. useless zelensky shd not call himself a man dare not to approach putin direct to voice for peace

  6. I have commented for a long time about the war between Ukraine and Russia, the war is still two weeks old Zelensky should surrender to have peace and the number of dead will not increase and their country will not be destroyed but it has been two years and it has not ended and still not giving up.

  7. Must be the horror of Trump asking about accounts of utilization and spendings of all the money transferred by the US when LINskky called on him recently. 😂

  8. Don’t believe Zelensky. Want to see it to believe it. Russia has been taking peace deals from the start and the west has spoiled it

  9. Comment on Zelensky, His leadership expired and wasn't hold elections what that mean he has no authority to sign any important documents.
    My Best advice to Ukrainians and Russian's to stop fighting and sign "peace deal" where whole World will benefit from it !

  10. Zelenskyy's choices Jan 2022. 1) maintain neutrality, keep his economy, work with a neighbor who isn't going away, ever. Especially for the latter half of the 21st century. OR. Fight, lose the economy, the infrastructure, resources, manufacturing and ports, and allow NATO to dictate his future. The future is Russia-China.

  11. Kasihan warga negaranya, jika sejak awal anda sebagai presiden memutuskan ukraina untuk jadi negara netral seharusnya tidak akan ada korban jiwa puluhan ribu dalam perang ini, semoga ukraina kedepan dipimpin presiden yang lebih pintar dan benar benar memikirkan warga negaranya dengan baik

  12. Hundreds of billions and notta fuk8ng thing to show for it ,stunk to high heavens as soon as the afganistan complete and utter failure of a withdrawel plan happened that some5hing was being planned..see it now it would have meant afganistan yukrain and isreal all being nutured from both sides to keep blackrock in there trillions,so afganistan gotvthe short end of the stick and biden is paying ghe taliban highly ta boot..fjb fvz worlds never been so corrupt

  13. china is a beloved peaceful nation. Thats why there is improvement in the country with its people. War destroys and war is nothing good and all bad

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