Spain set for protests over tourism | BBC News

Thousands of people in Majorca are protesting against the surge in tourism that is being blamed for plummeting living standards among the local population.

Activists say spiralling housing costs on the Spanish Island are being driven by a huge number of properties being bought by foreigners.

This year, the anger among many locals is reaching a new level – notably demonstrated in Barcelona recently when visitors were drenched with water pistols.

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#Spain #Tourism #BBCNews

  1. Any nice place to live near a beach will become to expensive for most people over time. There isn't enough land for everyone to live there. So the people with the money get the best spots. That's life.

  2. Every week I get messaged with adverts cheap holidays! Mallorca! And I look and it's insanely cheap. It's cheaper to go out there all inclusive with flights than it is to go seaside town in England.

  3. They’re so ungrateful those Spaniards, they should be thanking the tourists for creating many jobs and prospering their economy. Many countries would love to have the luxury of overtourism. They should blame their government and politicians for their issues.

  4. Europe wanted borders brought down by joining the EU. It was all about people being able to travel and do as they please WITHIN Europe. Spain, as I understand it was / is one of those countries who want the tourism, but without the burdens they create with housing and damage to the Environment. Unfortunately folks, this is how being OPEN is. It can't be BOTH WAYS. Europe / Spain needs to 'suck it up and accept that when people live in their country they bring problems and you either resolve those problems or you don't have open borders and remove the right to OWN property UNLESS married to a Spanish national. No holiday homes. for anyone other than Spanish people. Its the only way to keep the peace if that's what Spain seeks.

  5. Why do they target British only? Every country in the world has tourists, but why are they so focus on English people? I think this is a bit of racism and/or jealousy shown here.

  6. I am half Spanish and live in the USA. In America, houses are bought cash money by foreign investors. It’s insane. This behavior by the Spanish citizens is ignorant and embarrassing.

  7. Little guy asking "is the tourist money going to the people or to economic powers?" I am assuming that by economic powers he means wealthy people, well yes of course they will profit from tourism, also, the hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions hire a lot of people, there is an immense amount of money there that goes into salaries. Lower tourism means less employment, what is he even talking about? Lack of housing is being caused by something else, my bet is harsh laws against homeowners who rent to locals with children or elderly who can stop paying rent with no consequences not being evicted, such is the case for Spain, of course you wouldn’t want to rent to a local if a tourist will pay and eventually leave the property.
    Building more houses will not solve the problem if legislation is flawed.
    The people must look at their government and demand changes asap.

  8. Spain temporarily cancel all or block foreign flights into your country to mitigate the issue.Communicate with dignitaries of other countries and explain to them the negative impacts of tourism on locals.

  9. Be careful what you wish for….. You’ll be overrun by immigrants in a few years, then you’ll be crying for the tourists to come back….

  10. I agree with the people of Spain. I am a descendant of Spain, and during my visits, I see what's happening there. The thing is that many Airbnb owners realized that they can earn a better income with their properties, but the tourist income never goes to help the locals. The hotels are costly, and don't give you the experience we want. We want to experience the authenticity of Spain, and it's only when you are with the locals, that you feel the country's heart.

    Tourism does bring in a lot of revenue, but it is hurting the locals because they are being pushed out of their own communities to invite tourists for their good only, and not the general population of Spanish citizens. Not everyone wants to work in the tourist or hospitality industry. It's just gotten out of control.

  11. I blame the tourists for spending all that money in my country. How dare they spend millions in my Spanish resort, making me a very rich Spanish hotel owner. Disgraceful 😅😅😅😅😅

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