Putin will lose another 1.5 million Russian soldiers says head of British army

“No matter how the war ends, he feels Russia will be desperate to seek retribution, to carry out some sort of revenge on all those nations that have helped Ukraine.”

General Sir Roly Walker warns that we must prepare “for an eventuality that could see Russia waging war against the West”, reports Larisa Brown.

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  1. These bloody clickbait titles. The army has been crumbling since 2022. I guess Ukrainians aren't dying on the front either and it's only Russia fighting air?

  2. Given the perilous state of our armed services. Should there not be a public enquiry into who is responsible for this, running along side the defence review, so that the actors and the manner in which decisions are made ,so such mistakes can never be made again in the name of short term financial savings.
    I hate to think how much talent has been lost to the armed forces over the last 10 years , which now has to be built up again.

  3. I mean I read and watch the above garbage and it immediately becomes clear why UK is such state. Blind leading crippled thinking they are giants. Houthis defeated your pathetic navy. MK

  4. Russia has started the final phase of its operation, this ends in a Russian victory, these analysts haven’t got a clue, never served in any branch of the armed forces, who do you think you are?

  5. "Russia will lose another 1.5 million soldiers" ???? This is the most horrible nonsense I ever heard. The front in the Ukraine is coming out of its stalemate. Instead of advancing say 100 meters per day, the russian army is now moving kilometers to the west each day. In other words: the ukrainian frontline is in the 1st stage(s) of a complete collapse.

  6. У журналистки в начале лицо человека который в запое находится месяц. Налейте даме виски 🥃 пусть не мучается. 😅😅😅

  7. The stubbornness with which Times Radio persists in totally distorting the reality on the ground in Ukraine is worthy of study.

  8. I can not imagine how this person came up with this figure, they have gained next to no territory and lost 600,000 men in two years . Yet they would take it in three more, LOL try 50 years and 10,000,000 casualty,s.🙃

  9. China provided Russia with many key parts needed for the war, supporting at least 30% of the war's consumption.

    중국은 전쟁에 필요한 많은 핵심 부품을 러시아에 제공했으며, 전쟁 소비량의 최소 30%를 지원했습니다.

    Want to avoid meaningless war consumption and reduce the inflation caused by war,

    무의미한 전쟁소비를 피하고, 전쟁으로 인한 인플레이션을 줄이고자,

    the best and quickest way is to separate China (PRC) into 5 countries.

    가장 좋고 빠른 방법은 중국(PRC)을 5개 국가로 분리하는 것입니다.

    Starting from 2022, the world’s number one troublemaker has been identified as China.

    2022년부터 전 세계 말썽꾼 1위는 중국으로 파악됐다.

    More countries want to start new wars, all their backing is from China (PRC).

    더 많은 국가들이 새로운 전쟁을 시작하기를 원하며 그들의 모든 지원은 중국(PRC)에서 이루어집니다.

  10. BTW, Russian males age 20-30?
    About 1.6 million.

    Does anyone think any educated Russian male wants to be an officer in the Russian Army, let alone a Infantry officer in Ukraine?


    So more and more you have unofficered gaggles of untrained Russians at the front.

    By and large the Russian Army as a cohesive, trained, lead military, no longer exists.

    Ukraine has traded land for time. Time to build up skills.

    What's left of the Russian Army is dying off in Ukraine.

  11. Always remember putin models himself on stalin who killed 27 million Russians in world war 2 so 1.5 million is a mere static for putin as long as its not any members of his family or regime!

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