Ukraine Given An Ultimatum, Have Hopes Of Victory Been Given Up? – Ukraine War Map/News Update

Ukraine Given An Ultimatum, Have Hopes Of Victory Been Given Up? – Ukraine War Map/News Update

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

Video I refer to

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. The Russians demand not only the 4+1 oblasts, but also disbanding the Ukrainian Army (demilitarization) and the exile of all those in administration since 2014 (denazification). It will be a strategic mistake for the Russians to allow the Ukrainians to think that they were not defeated. It will also be a personal failure for Putin, one of many, to allow the Ukrainian problem to be passed down to the next generation. Super power leaders and those around them, think like that since the first Sumerian super power. This is a war to the bitter end of Ukraine, boys and girls.

  2. What Syrsky proclaimed is simply impossible, unless NATO joins the war directly and turns it into WW III.
    Ukrainian forces tried to break through in Sapparozhzhia and failed. The attempts to create and expand bridgeheads on the Russian side of the Dniepr in Kherson were doomed from the start.
    Now, the Ukrainian land and airforces are even worse off than last year. Russia may have withdrawn its war ships from Crimea, but Ukraine has none of its own and thus can´t exploit that supposed victory.

  3. YouTube is censoring anything they deem as pro-Russia comments so…… If "they" rule that something needs censored, they don't want you to know it. Therefore it's probably true or false, depending on how and what they are censoring.

  4. Anyone who understands that 10 is bigger than 1 understood that Ukraine never had any serious chance of winning this conflict. Once the DPR and LPR asked for Russia's assistance this conflict was always going to end this way. Don't forget they started this conflict with BTGs with significantly less men, but much better metal and made excellent defensive choices in the second year. As an evolving force Russia has grown in strength and prowess to become one of, if not the strongest military force in the world today.

  5. Don´t get fooled by everyone talking about "peace" and "negotiations". Such things come often before massive escalations. Everybody may talk about peace in Ukraine, but each party has a different idea of how it is supposed to look like.
    Russia wants Ukraine to never join NATO and likely not the EU either. It wants to have Ukraine stay permanently neutral and all exteme nationalists to be purged from the Ukrainian society. It also requires full control over the annexed regions (Ukraine´s most economically valuable ones), because the Russian constitution dictates that. These are the Russian "must have" items that are non-negotiable, essentially the baseline. Moscow will not settle for less and no military defeat or economic struggle will make it give in, as it views Ukraine´s accession to NATO as a mortal threat. With Ukraine launching missiles and drones from Odessa and adjacent regions into Crimea, military logic dictates the annexation of these regions to protect Crimea. With Moscow also not trusting Kiev, Brussels and Washington to stick to any treaty signed, Russia´s likely goal is the capitulation of Ukraine and its reduction to a rump state around Lviv.
    The Ukrainian government, being under the thumb of and including exteme nationalists, can´t give into such Russian demands, both out of ideology and self-preservation. They don´t want to end up in prosecutions by the Russian authorities. Thus they have no incentive to end the fighting, but a strong incentive to continue the fight until they can make NATO join it, by whatever means necessary. Thus Kiev is still going for broke, because it has no real alternative.
    Washington and Brussels have chained themselves to a Ukrainian victory. Fulfilling the Russian "must have" demands would already appear to the world as a flat-out defeat against Russia. This is something they can´t concede. They would probably agree to a freeze of the conflict for the time being, or the ceding of some territory in exchange for Ukraine´s entry into NATO and EU, but this is not going to fly with Russia.

    As we can see the different ideas about "peace" are so vastly different and mutual exclusive, that the continuation and escalation of the war in Ukraine is almost inevitable. In the best case scenario, only Ukraine gets destroyed. In the worst case scenario, civilization as we know it will end.

  6. It’s truly mind blowing just how retarded this war always was for Ukraine and make no mistake they chose it with eyes wide open. I have to believe Ukraine was motivated by corruption and neonazi/extreme nationalist ideology rather than rationality, morality, or even self preservation. I don’t know how else to explain it. They’d rather murder their own than recognize their civil rights. There’s no excuse for that.

  7. Even in maneuver warfare, casualties are going to be taken during assaults. And during defense as well. In fact, casualties are going to be taken constantly in non-attritional warfare. People are killed in wars.

  8. Bicycles were very effective in WW2: Dutch troops were surprised to find German units outmanoeuvring them using these newfangled inventions.

  9. No, Willy. The fact that there are numerous Bandera icons throughout Ukraine shows that the majority revere him. Or, at least, those in power still do. Mark Felton has done extensive coverage of Ukraine's "notsee" leanings in the past.

  10. Ukrainians are fighting for freedom, but don't get to vote for their leaders. Ukrainians are fighting for freedom in a country that closed their churches and ended freedom of speech. Most sent to fight are the poor and they don't want to fight for that type of freedom.

  11. Concerning Syrskyi boasting about driving the Russian ships out of Sevastopol, bottom line is that surface navies are completely obsolete against anything resembling a near peer. The US refuses to acknowledge this reality and literally spends like drunken sailors on our beloved aircraft carriers and all the rest of the surface fleet. Once war begins with a near peer, carriers will be first to go by a missile costing at most 1/1000th the cost…

  12. 35:35 And where to lead? Do you mean that Ukraine should retreat to the Dnieper? Because the Dnieper is the only position that is more convenient for defense than the defense line prepared over the years.

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