FBI Is Not Fully Convinced Trump Was Struck by a Bullet

FBI Is Not Fully Convinced Trump Was Struck by a Bullet


Posted by _Piss_Tape_Expert_

  1. Ronnie Jackson is the only person who has been providing him medical care, and he is a right-wing shill who is no longer even a licensed doctor.

    So there is no reason to believe any of the shit he says. We have already seen when he gave then president Donald Trump and examination and said he was the most healthy man to ever hold office.

  2. More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – Forbes (C+): [Trump Demands FBI Director—Originally Hired By Him—Resign Over Biden’s ‘Cognitive Degeneration’](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2024/07/24/trump-demands-fbi-director-originally-hired-by-him-resign-over-bidens-cognitive-degeneration/)
    – ABC News (B+): [Not clear if bullet or shrapnel hit Trump’s ear, Wray says](https://abcnews.visitlink.me/z27IJX)
    – Axios (B+): [Trump calls on FBI head to resign for comment on Biden's competency](https://www.axios.com/2024/07/24/trump-fbi-head-biden-resign)
    – Reuters (A): [FBI chief confronts Republican skepticism over Trump shooting probe](https://reut.rs/3Sl3IFu)

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  3. FBI Director Christopher Wray revealed during a marathon testimony on Wednesday that investigators still do not know if former President [Donald Trump](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/donald-j-trump) was grazed by a bullet or a piece of shrapnel during his attempted assassination.

    Twice during the hours-long session, Wray told lawmakers that the FBI was still working to determine what exactly struck the former president on his right ear during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. “My understanding is that either it [a bullet] or some shrapnel is what grazed his ear,” Wray told Rep. Kevin Kiley (R-Calif.).

    Later during the hearing, Committee Chair Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) asked Wray if investigators knew where all eight bullets fired by Thomas Matthew Crooks ended up after the shooting.

    “There is some question about whether or not it was a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear, so it is conceivable, as I sit here right now, I don’t know whether that bullet, in addition to causing the grazing, could have also landed somewhere else,” Wray testified.

    Jordan did not follow up with any questions about the shrapnel.

    [Speaking at the Republican National Convention](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-gets-religious-in-post-shooting-rnc-speech-god-on-my-side) just days after the assassination attempt, Trump said the bullet “came within a quarter of an inch of taking my life.”

    “I heard a loud whizzing sound and felt something hit me really, really hard on my right ear,” the former president described the scene.

    Trump’s former White House physician, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), later told a conservative talk show that he [examined the wound](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-former-doc-shares-his-analysis-of-trumps-ear) in the days immediately after the shooting. “It [the bullet] was far enough away from his head that there was no concussive effect from the bullet, and it just took the top of his ear off.”

    As the investigation into the assassination attempt continues, Wray offered the committee some new insights—including the revelation that Crooks [tried to research](https://www.thedailybeast.com/thomas-matthew-crooks-trump-gunman-searched-details-on-lee-harvey-oswald-before-shooting) how far away the shooter was from former President John F. Kennedy when he was assassinated in 1963.

    Trump responded with a post on [Truth Social](https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112843245048191931) while the hearing was still taking place, calling for Wray to resign—but not for anything he said about the assassination attempt. Instead, Trump lambasted the FBI director for claiming that he found his interactions with President Biden “uneventful and unremarkable.”

  4. 100%< not a bullet you idiots(GOP And ur cult followers) he would have no ear… 🙊🙈🙉

  5. I have been amused by the fact and you can see it, it appears Donald is looking at the shooter. He keeps looking in that direction away from the crowd. To impact the way it did he had to look in the direction of the shooter. If he was looking at the crowd it would not have been a near miss

  6. People if you know AR 15 bullets, most of his ear will have been blown off, so I know this event was suspicious.

  7. A few early news reports said it was glass from a teleprompter that cut his ear.

  8. His weak ass ear would’ve been obliterated by that bullet. He’s a career liar and a felon, why should anyone believe him? Also he’s a pedo so I wouldn’t care even if it were true.

  9. Honestly, if this was in a movie, the entire sequence of events would be completely unbelievable. The Secret Service leaves an obvious sniper spot completely unprotected. Multiple people at the rally try to point out the gunman, but nobody actually goes to check. The gunman fires, killing one person in the crowd and injuring a few others… but his target only has his ear *nicked*, which produces a lot of nice, theatrical blood, but which can conveniently be covered by a bandage. As he’s being escorted off the stage, the Secret Service pauses to let him raise his fist in defiance for the perfect photo-op. The only medical report the public sees comes from his pet doctor who also claimed that he’s 215 pounds, 6’3″, and in perfect health.

    What kind of hack writer got paid to produce this unlikely piece of shlock?

  10. Hulk Hogan thought him how to blade himself for the crowd. Dude is a coward and an assclown.

  11. Does it really matter?  Some right wing gun nut shot at him and almost hit him.  One was killed and two were injured.

    I don’t really care what Trump says because he always lies.

  12. His diaper exploded,and when the SS took him down they broke the ketchup pack that fell out of his pocket

  13. The amount of blood was so slight and ears tend to bleed so much. Especially when you’re geriatric and on blood thinners. It’s unrealistic to expect that a rough tearing wound at super sonic speed would bleed less than a shaving mishap.

  14. MMW-We’ll never see his ear until after November, and then it will be “magically healed because he has all the best doctors.”

  15. Either Trump is the dumbest mf’r who ever lived and convinced a kid to die for him by shooting into the crowd while he rubbed ketchup on his ear…

    …or he’s the dumbest mf’r who ever lived and just got incredibly lucky and is now capitalizing on the event.

    If there wasn’t a photo of the bullet *in flight* next to him I would believe it was the former, but it’s definitely the latter.

  16. honestly, who cares.

    it doesn’t change the fact that someone shot at him, with the intent to kill. it doesn’t change the fact that they were unsuccessful. and it doesn’t change the fact that, whether he was inches from death or feet, he is still the same awful person he was before.

    so if you were going to vote for him, you still are. if not, you still aren’t.

  17. What was the kid firing? I hate to be *that guy* but yeah…If that was 30-06 and it went through a screen protector and then hit a bystander with enough force to kill them…if his ear was directly in the way of that…he would not have a damn ear. Like dude is not getting up to posterize himself after getting hit by that bullet because his ear would have been a post modern art piece.

    308, heck even 556 would still juice that ear enough that he’s not easily walking away from that.

    Regardless, he’s *definitely* not playing golf the next day. He’s 78 right? Yeah, they’re already scheduling the surgery and the specialist to try to save his ear. He’s also hospitalized.

  18. I think he got hit by shrapnel or the bullet lightly grazed his ear in the least possible damaging way. It would explain how he got up so quickly because despite what Fox News says, Trump is old and not very agile. If the bullet had torn half his ear off like he claims, I’m not sure if he would have even gotten up without help.

  19. God I hope the truth about this dingleberry comes out someday. Like I want a full true life book about this guys life as a politician. All the lies exposed. Lord I hope I live to see it in a history book… not in Alabama or Florida obviously.

  20. My friend has friends who are retired FBI. They said it was a shard of glass. They knew about the man who died long before that was made public.

    It wasn’t a bullet.

  21. Yeah, I’m not convinced Trump was struck by a bullet at all. I want to see the 2 cm hole in his ear because cartilage doesn’t grow back.

    He’s full of shit is what he is

  22. And a lot of peripheral evidence that he wasn’t. Starting with him saying he was.

  23. All right the only way to be sure is we’re gonna need to use Trump’s head for a ballistic test. I mean it’s forscience. so totally legit

  24. Had it been the bullet, regardless of where it struck him, his ear would have been shorn off – he’d have a hell of a lot more damage than could be covered by a bandage and would have left far more than 2 centimeter’s worth of damage.

    It was shrapnel that hit him – but that’s not a rallying cry, apparently. Trump and his maga cult live in an alternate reality where truth, facts, and logic do not matter.

  25. Which means Trump knew of the plan. He had that man executed for sympathy and to hide his raping children on Epstein’s Island.

  26. From WPXI News out of Pittsburgh, PA: “Four Pittsburgh police officers assigned to the former president….suffered minor injuries during the shooting….the officers were just feet away from Trump when shots rang out….the officers were hit with either plastic or metal fragments when the bullets struck objects nearby.”

    Ronny Jackson says a bullet took the top of Trump’s ear off, then Eric Trump said no stitches were required. And of course Drumpf won’t allow medical info to be released.

    Notice how this is not being reported in the mainstream media.
    Drumpf lies so much people expect him to, it’s not considered news.

  27. It was so badass that trump fist pumped and yelled fight after being shot in the ear. I’d bet secret service wanted to take him out on a stretcher because it would show weakness and instead we got the most viral photo in presidential history

  28. I not convinced it was shrapnel or a bullet that caused the ear injury. In the video. Before ducking on stage he puts his hand to his ear and there’s no blood on his hand as he looks at it. Then he drops to ground. Comes back up and he’s bloodied. I think it’s possible he was injured when secret service piled on him to shield him. Probably cut ear on SS belt buckle, firearm, shoe buckle, badge or something sharp in the dog pile. Trump was more concerned about his shoes before leaving stage than anything. Then the Ronny Jackson statement raises eyebrows since he is no longer licensed as a MD. Something fishy going on.

  29. was there anyone shot where the trajectory of the bullet that he claims hit his ear would have been?

    i know that there were people shot on the other side.

    you’d think that would be the proof

  30. Because he wasn’t and now he’s milking the shit out of it for sympathy in an attempt to be a martyr.

  31. He wasn’t lol; if he was hit with a round from an AR in his ear his ear would be gone. He was hit with shrapnel as was reported the day of the shooting. A tiny piece of glass nicked him. He says he got shot because he knows it’s the only way to rally his pro-domestic-terrorist neofascist lackies to get riled up and take up arms.

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