Trump Unleashes All-Caps Fury After Biden Snubs Him During Oval Office Address

Trump Unleashes All-Caps Fury After Biden Snubs Him During Oval Office Address

Trump Unleashes All-Caps Fury After Biden Snubs Him During Oval Office Address

Posted by newsjam

  1. Is there anything, this jackass won’t whine about?

    Can’t wait until he is out of our lives forever. That picture of him is a real humdinger

  2. I’ve heard that all-caps sentences are hard to read for people with dementia. But, now I also know they must be easy to write for people with dementia.

  3. This is how he looks when inviting dictators to his home or visiting Putin. Waiting for him to show his allegiance with a little service

  4. Look Trump, it was an official act. Plenty of time for completion. Ok’d by SCOTUS. Stop your whining.

  5. ….. Why are not Republicans getting tired of his toddler shit.

    It’s been embarrassing for a while, but it’s just getting annoying. Anyone with half a brain can clearly see that this is not a person fit for office, hell he is not even fit for kindergarten.

  6. I wasn’t expecting him to comprehend the meaning or purpose of the address, but I’m also not seeing where he’s reacting to a snub.

  7. Truly a horrible person that needs to be locked up for the crimes that he has committed and already been convicted of. I certainly wish that he faced justice for all of his nasty misdeeds but there is a barricade of corruption that protects him. I would not be sad at all to read one day of his passing.

  8. How was it barely understandable? Wouldn’t you have to be kind of stupid to not understand what he was saying?

    Oh wait…

  9. Biden calls Trump after he’s hurt and offers condolences. A week later Biden steps aside from running for office and Trump calls him names and talks shit.

  10. Waa waa waa . I will be glad when I don’t have ro hear about the worlds largest orange asshole

  11. Say what you will about Biden and Harris. At least they haven’t raped 13 year olds, dodged the draft and sold our country’s secrets. Diaper Donnie needs some quiet time in a prison cell to reflect on his traitorous ways.

  12. The greatest embarrassment to this country is that 45 was ever president AND that he caused J6 AND gets away with it. The senate should have done its job and impeached him. We wouldn’t be dealing with his attempt to return now. He should have gone away in disgrace.

    He has a vocab of a 1st grader and when he speaks…that’s embarrassing as well.


    The only embarrassment is this angry narcissistic toddler and the cretins who enable him.

  14. The name calling… Like a 5 year old… Little tantrums…. It’s such entertainment at this point. How can anyone be behind this guy. Like for reals?

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