A New Internal Battle Begins, Ukraine Opens Dialogue – Is It Too Late? – Ukraine War Map/News Update

A New Internal Battle Begins, Ukraine Opens Dialogue – Is It Too Late? – Ukraine War Map/News Update

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. The planet has one major evil actor and that is the USA.
    We have values that we don't practice but we trumpet them such that other countries should follow them. Hypocrisy is the best description of the USA!

  2. Nuclear armaments are a bluffing device, not a defense. They are a "deterrent". They are meant to ensure that squabbles will be carried out through conventional means because it is suicide to use them.

  3. Thanks for your good and open minded work Willy. Refreshing that you are not echoing the mainstream perspectives, but rather question the developments from different angles.

  4. Willy’s over-thinking the issue of who Russia wants to win the American election. The main concern of the Russian administration, right now, is how to extricate their country from the almighty mess that Putin’s dragged it into. Relying on Trump to tie off this knot neatly for them is a risky strategy however. The man’s so unpredictable it’s impossible to say for sure how he will behave if he gets elected.

  5. good leuck to russians in learning chinese, ludacris idea to unite under asia, mid east, russia, who would join such a abomination? 上帝保佑美國

  6. The problem with the EU is its expansionistic nature it is not a grope of like minded nations in general on the same page it started as a good thing but has become over bloated and controlling. it now fosters resentments from cultural and historic differences tying to hammer round pegs into misshapen holes and the bed is fracturing . if Hungary gets sick of the EU it could break with both the EU/NATO joining for closer ties to Russia i think just the threat would do the EU good .

  7. ——- BREAKING NEWS ———
    Ghost of Kyiv is now holding the front line & sunflower seed grandma is winning the war, Russia lost 7987654433333335677899 men already & Ukraine lost 3 men “Slava Ukraine 👵🏻”

  8. Ukraine must be aware that at one point in time, the peace in the frame that Ukraine sees as some valid option will end, and Russia will want to go thru with complete accomplishment of the goals that Russia wants and calculate as enough victory (because if Ukraine defense lines start to crumble, i don't think Russia will want to stop and give an opportunity to Ukraine to participate in the peace agreement as a "same level" side). I guess that Ukraine at this point see that option as a plan B to stop the Russia advances but it will be interesting to see if Russia will "fall" on that play and allow Ykraine to get to some neutral state and not lose the war. completely

  9. I hope Hungary and Slovakia (my country) will respond with deporting all Ukrainian citizens and stopping all transports to Ukraine via our lands !!! FORCING US TO FEED THE WAR ????!!!!
    We gave Ukraine our only air defense system S300, all our jets MI, sent them electricity when they had black-outs, let their people to live here, take our jobs, they are literary everywhere..

  10. 20:36 what kind of Orwellian double speak is this? "Russia is the sole responsible party for this conflict in which we officially have no part, so we will block all alternative diplomatic efforts and force the Ukrainian people, who are not part of the EU, to fight for our interests to the last man. We do this in the name of peace".

  11. Reason why Russia couldn't become as rich and powerful as USA is because of Dollar and immigration. China and Russia can do something about Dollar but they can not do anything about brain drain by USA and EU in the form of immigration – mainly due to they get huge advantage of language over Russia and China through their slavery/colonialism over centuries. But luckily, USA, UK and EU will remove the immigration advantage themselves. Coming years and decades are gonna be very interesting.

  12. Willy…..what ya gonna do when Ukraine is done ?? Support an attack on China ?? You do realize your position in Australia makes you PRIME !!?? China can deal with YOU in about 48hrs….. and they probably had a front row seat on ALL of your pro Ukrainian videos !! Have you worked in a rice paddy before….? Hope so

  13. EU hypocrisy. IF EU stands on the side of democracy, equality and rights of minorities, how could EU support Ukraine? Ukraine, that banned russian language, Ukraine, denying Donbas a right to vote? Ukraine, that banned political paarties and media? All well before 2022? Fuck EU from Czech republic.

  14. Spoliated territories from native like USA, Canada, Australia,New Zealand, Israel etc are suitable to integration for immigrants, because everyone came from somewhere

  15. Ukraine is not allowed to have a "vision for peace".
    Its all about having endless profitable war without risking your own lives. Ukraine is the perfect patsy and has no say in anything.
    Zelensky will live for about 10 minutes if he sways from the U.S. plan. Azov would kill him as well. He's well beyond having an escape clause.

  16. Orban seems to be one of only a few that genuinely cares about the future of Ukraine and the lives of the population.
    For this he must be called a "rogue" because he isnt for endless war and wasted lives.

  17. I'll never forget being a little kid and visiting my grandparents in the Netherlands and finding out that the Guilder which i had used on my previous visits had now been replaced by this thing called the Euro. Even as a child I remember thinking that was very very strange, didn't make any sense, and that it was a bad idea to share currency's with other nations as it would make it easier for people outside of the country to monopolize and control Europe's currency as a whole even though i was not old enough to fully comprehend what was going on at the time, I just remember being a kid and having a really bad feeling about that. Looking back that was the beginning of the end for European countries having their own sovereignty, If you really look at what's happened to Europe their countries have been systematically stripped of all national power and of all their national sovereignty to individually decide their own future nations, between the EU controlling their national, foreign and immigration policy's, Nato controlling their military policy's and the centralization of the Euro controlling their financial and economic policy's they are now completely powerless countries beholden to a small group of centralized leaders that don't have their best interests at heart, its actually really sad what has happened to the once great and historic countries of Europe….

  18. This is all nonsense. At a push, Ukraine could break through or strike heavily anywhere but symbolsm at this stage of the war are going to come at stock market prices.
    Everyone knows what Russia is perhaps entitled them to respond with.

  19. Everything "natural" exists on a spectrum of variability. Strict uniformity is not at all a feature of any organic life process or expression. It's actually quite the contrary. That was a pointless tangent… the derailment of serious conversation to bemoan some queer conspiracy theory is a growing problem. Imagining that "Natural processes" are those that follow human rules is an exceptionally weak disguise for bigotry.

  20. It's crazy that you mention the part about moving to Russia. Because that's exactly how I'm feeling at the moment.

    I'm sure you would understand being Australian yourself, but the housing crisis here has pushed me to the limit. On top of the whole agenda you mention being pushed by the west. It's unaffordable to live in your own house and provide a backyard for you, your wife and your children to play in. To me, Russia seems like the place to be to raise a family. They value family, and that's how God intended it to be.

    I'm travelling there next year to scope it out. Great video as always Willy.

  21. I am part of the LGBT community. I welcome the day that we aren't bought into these discussions. Many of us are just trying to live our lives as regular citizens.. 😢

  22. Just typing this out because it crossed my mind.
    I get the feeling Ukraine and the USA wants to extend this war and soon we will see geopolitical tensions over the currently annexed regions because Ukraine will indeed get more equipment, and it will be borderline state-of-the art.
    Australia's 160 Slingers should all be there soon which will play an important role in Drone denial and aerial superiority.
    You have the UK supplied Starstreak, Norweigan Cortex Typhon, The USA's L3Harris Vampire, the German Iris-T and I'm still probably missing a bunch, I also heard Israel supplied Ukraine with targeting software.
    The equipment is so diverse and surely they will eventually be able to coordinate this equipment to commit to serious offensives that might even burn back to Crimea. We've seen Ukraine burn Russia out of areas before and all the way to their border and even actively maintain that. I believe Putin is going to do a lot more to settle the war as it is because with the equipment Ukraine has in their name. Imagine the offensives that could be pulled off if properly organised.
    They would probably steam roll Russian controlled territory like a Tesla drives hands free.

  23. It's extremely unfortunate that both sides are using the LGBTQ+ communities as a weapon. For the so called liberals it's been a way of selling themselves off as leftists while serving the billionaire class the same as the conservatives who are using the LGBTQ+ people as a fabricated threat along with immigrants. The owning class wins in both cases and the people lose. At least multipolarity is likely improving the living conditions of people in the South. But why do it at the expense of the human rights of minorities? The answer of course is to divert people's attention.

  24. This is straight up Russian Propaganda.
    Russia will soon be unable to conduct active assaults on many fronts and will transition to a defensive stance within a month, according to National Guard Commander Pivnenko. He urged the need for the AFU to form units, prepare, and identify weak points.

  25. The culture war crap is just propaganda. The reason people are upset is because they are poor. Neoliberalism implements austerity, which causes people to have stagnating wages and to lose social mobility: and then they wonder why. Since they are subject to capitalist propaganda, they think the problem must be that people are gay, etc–which is obviously absurd, there is no relation. People are not so well off that they are simply concerned with schools turning their children gay. This kind of hysteria is caused by a failing economy.

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