Harris campaign roasts Trump as ‘old and quite weird’ after Fox News insults

Harris campaign roasts Trump as ‘old and quite weird’ after Fox News insults


  1. Old & Quite Weird has a nice ring to it. I say we roll with it, he’ll be trying to sic Hannibal on people over it in a week.

  2. Later, on Fox News, “Does reality have a liberal bias, and why you should only believe us, after words from these sponsors.”


  3. It will never stop being amusing to me that Trump is going to have to defend his age every day when he says unhinged things. The irony is just too sweet.

    The oldest candidate in history is struggling mentally.

  4. Hammer his age for the next three months. And the raping. Don’t forget that, too.

  5. Honestly, what a breath of fresh air Harris has been. She’s professional but not afraid to attack.

  6. You mean pointing to a random woman in the crowd and telling her that Hannibal Lecter is going to eat her for dinner is weird???

    Lmao it’s a staple of his “speech” now.

  7. Looks like she’s been talking to Governor Walz recently.

    Sad to see such a confused old man be trotted out on stages like this, though. Everyone’s saying it’s elder abuse. The best people, they know what’s up. They say to me all the time, “It’s elder abuse.” Sad.

  8. They need to hit him for cognitive decline, not age. Dude never makes sense when he talks but we are used to it.

  9. Get a load of the Conservative sub, they’re scattered and completely aimless now, resorting to just posting memes and personal attacks. They have absolutely zero substance to stand on. Even crying hysterically about it being “unfair” that Harris is even running lmao

  10. Weird doesn’t begin to describe Trump. The guy fully admitted on tv that he’d date his daughter if she wasn’t his daughter. Or how the only thing they have in common is sex.


  11. I think the word “creepy” needs to be used to describe him instead of “weird.” “Weird” is too benign – almost playful.

    He hung out with Epstein. He says nice things about Hannibal Lecter. He lusts after his daughter. He wears a diaper. His hair is thinning and is an unnatural yellow color and his skin is painted on. He’s got a gross neck vagina. He can’t form a coherent sentence. He smells.

    I think if we all called him a “creepy old man”, it would piss him off to no end.

    And it’s accurate.

    We need to put him in the same area that Harvey Weinstein and Jared from the Subway commercials currently reside.

  12. Wow, hopefully the momentum can build enough to dump down ballot mini trimpers in congress. And take that with you!

  13. I’m loving how much more we keep seeing these weirdos being called out for being weird. They very much are. The RNC was a straight up creep show of lizard people. One of them even got on a Matt Gaetz skin suit.

  14. Thank God Dems finally dropped their “you go low we go high” bullshit. It was just holier than thou posturing by academic types anyways. 

    The only reason MAGA was able to get so fucking unhinged is cuz Dems refused to call them nutjobs. Some examples: 

    * Trump golden statue at CPAC. Silence from Dems.
    * “We are all domestic terrorists” banner at CPAC. Again, silence from Dems.  
    * GOP Congressman MTG and Paul Gosar do keynote speches at Nazi conventions… Dem leaders say nothing.
    * Trump installs his daughter in law as head of RNC. Dems pretend everything is normal. 
    * Trump has dinner with Holocaust denying White Supremcist anti-semite leader Nick Fuentes. Biden never even mentions it.

     I don’t mean to tear Dems down. Just glad they’re finally realizing it’s political mud wrestling and you won’t win if you’re unwilling to get dirty.

  15. Weird? Hell yeah he’s weird. He’s fucking orange.

    Like, if Trump was a complete nobody, you had no idea who he was, never heard him speak, nothing… and you walked by him on the street, you’d think he was fucking weird.

    *He’s orange. Its weird. Look at him.*

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