A Swiss Town Banned Billboards. Zurich, Bern May Soon Follow

A Swiss Town Banned Billboards. Zurich, Bern May Soon Follow


by bloomberg

  1. *From Bloomberg News reporter Levin Stamm:*

    An inconspicuous suburb close to Geneva became the first Swiss municipality to banish commercial advertising from its streets, in a policy that creates a blueprint for similar bans in larger cities across the country.

    After opponents to the measure in Vernier, a town of 38,000 people, failed to collect enough signatures for a popular vote on the issue, their last attempt to stop the local government from removing billboards failed this month in Switzerland’s Supreme Court.

    The justices rejected an appeal to overturn the plan, ruling Vernier’s policy didn’t seek to influence free competition and instead aimed to “combat visual pollution” and gave citizens the “opportunity to opt out of unwanted advertising.”

  2. This will be pretty good during election season. I can’t be the only one tired of seeing politicians’ faces everywhere

  3. I don’t think it’ll happen in the way a lot of people want but it may spread, crazy that 63% of people are against a ban. I guess they’ll have to pry our Prada-branded chairlift towers out of our cold, dead, hands

  4. I wish everywhere was like this. It’s a public place. I, as a citizen, jointly own that place. I do not want companies to bombard my eyeballs and attention with their products. I want to be able to exist in public places without being turned into a consumer.

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