US military aid to Ukraine now mistakenly overestimated by $8.2 billion after latest check

US military aid to Ukraine now mistakenly overestimated by $8.2 billion after latest check

by LIGA_net

  1. just an 8.2B accounting error. this is what happens when you just require an associates degree.

  2. You know if they are using the depreciated value of the assets then I would hazard a guess that there are literally 1000s of Bradley and Abrams sitting in the high desert with exactly 0 value. Why the hell aren’t they refurbished and sent over. Especially the Bradleys. They are a potent punch. These could be sent with a small cost of taking them.out of storage and shipping. Seems like a no brainer. Let’s hope Harris wins and does this. Joe and his military advisors don’t seem to get it.

  3. That’s nothing, I regularly find $10 billion or more when I check underneath my sofa.

  4. Great for Ukraine but makes the Pentagon look like they have high school auditors/accountants!
    Terrible for the US tax payers, what else is missing?

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