Russische Zentralbank erhöht Leitzins auf 18% angesichts „beschleunigter“ Inflation

Russische Zentralbank erhöht Leitzins auf 18% angesichts „beschleunigter“ Inflation

  1. My hypothesis is that the US are drip feeding arms to Ukraine just to wear Russia off on the battlefield field while strangling it slowly economically to make it go completely bust in another couple of years.

    Ukraine wouldn’t be very happy about such an approach but it is better than fighting completely on your own.

  2. Looking like the dead cat bounce is about to come to an end. Quicker than projected too.

  3. Can someone ELI5 this?

    I have a sense that it’s bad but would appreciate a more thoughtful breakdown.

  4. The sanctions are working. Let’s implement even more sanctions to end the war sooner.

  5. Remember the Russian economy is doing better than ever before and western sanctions have achieved nothing

  6. Imagine when the government is no longer buying so much war equipment. I think that’s propping a lot of Russian businesses up.

  7. Ooo, might stick a few quid in a Russian bank savings account those rates are very attractive.

  8. Any day now Russia will start selling land in the east to China, so they can try and fail to get some land in the west.

  9. Lots of people doubted western sanctions…..but when the Dollar is the worlds reserve currency (for a good reason too)….don’t fuck around or you will find out.

    BTW, how is Russia’s so called “friendship” with India and China going, they still buying Russian Gas and Oil for near break even prices? Or are they still forcing them to buy in their own currencies…I forget 🤷‍♂️

    With friends like that who needs enemies.

  10. Wouldn’t mind buying a few of those bonds.

    Only problem is, you get paid back in rubles …

  11. Can I advance order a trillion ruble bill now, or do I need to wait until they are released in 6 months?

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