Flightradar is more interesting than ever right now…


by Ossa1

  1. A few minutes ago the ER plane appeared much, much closer to the coast and the two Eurofighters were coasting to the south among the civilian traffic – and then one of them burned with very high speed back to the RC135, which now is back on it’s way West while the fighterplane trails behind.

    This is more tense than cinema. All open to public viewing.

    Might that be another try to lure some fighters out?

    Was the repositioning of the plane just a transponder glitch?

    Did russia launch planes in response?

  2. What’s going on? I’ve never seen a fighter jet type plane (the Typhoon) following one of those bigger spy planes…

    Edit: There are now 2 fighter jets showing up following the Rivet Joint

  3. waiting for the day rafales, f16’s, eurofighters, f35s, and f22s are all over russia.

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